The beneficial properties of chervil make food a medicine

useful properties of chervil People have long known the beneficial properties of chervil (or kupyr). The herb is used not only in the cuisine of different countries of the world, but it successfully treats many diseases. Let's talk about this in more detail.

What is chervil

chervil blooms

Chervil is well known and loved in Western Europe. The plant came into our use from Asia, Turkey, Transcaucasia. A lot is grown in Russia, primarily in the Rostov Region and Krasnodar Territory. Chervil, the photo and description of which can be viewed, can be easily confused with parsley.

A plant from the umbrella family. This is an annual herb that grows up to 70 cm high. Loves dry soil, sunny places, sometimes found in the forest. Grass is harvested during flowering. It can be recognized by its pinnately incised leaves and white flowers. It has a mild aniseed flavor that distinguishes it from other greens. It has several types.

Turnip chervil

turnip chervilBiennial plant. In the first year, a carrot root is formed, in the second - a tuberous formation. Distributed mainly in the Caucasus, but also found in Central Asia, Siberia and other regions. They take young greens for salads, stems and roots - boiled or fried.

The beneficial properties of chervil have long been used in folk medicine. It is used for tuberculosis, fever, jaundice and other serious conditions, as well as treat hemorrhoids, dizziness and some other diseases. Chervil turnip juice helps with lichen, scrofula, itching.

Openwork chervil

openwork chervilIt is an annual herb of spice and flavor. It is used for food not only because of its pleasant aniseed aroma, but also because of its rich vitamin and mineral composition. IN salads, as a seasoning for various dishes, when salting and preserving products, openwork chervil is widely used, the beneficial properties of which are needed by a person to maintain health.

The plant serves as a supplier of proteins, vitamins, ascorbic acid and mineral salts to the human diet. In addition, spicy herbs improve food digestion. Hypertensive patients like to add this plant to meals, as it helps them to reduce blood pressure.

Another useful property of chervil is that the plant is quite unpretentious, resistant to low temperatures. Already after 2 weeks it sprouts, and until the harvest is not more than 45 days. It is sown in early spring, planting depth is 1-1.5 cm, thinning is mandatory.

Useful properties of chervil

chervil juiceLike any other herb, it has a lot of indigestible fiber. There are more vitamins and microelements in chervil than in other greens. The pungent taste of the herb indicates that it has a bactericidal effect.

When chewing a twig of chervil, the oral cavity is disinfected due to the action of aniseed essential oils. Kervel is a relative celery... This is expressed not only in external similarity. All the properties inherent in the disinfecting effect and stimulation of salivation are the same in chervil as in celery.

Low-calorie greens, less than 20 kcal per 100 g. It has a high content:

  • vitamin C;
  • carotenoids;
  • folic acid (B9);
  • vitamins of group B.

Folic acid is found in large quantities (270 mg / 100 g). It affects the formation of red cells and red blood cells. Helps our DNA to be stable during division. It is important to take folic acid during puberty, from about 11-12 years of age.At this age, the body's need for a substance increases 2 times compared to younger children and adults over 18 years of age.

Application in medicine

chervil for health

Chervil has found its use in folk medicine due to the high content of provitamin A. Its value is in a powerful antioxidant effect, therefore, frequent consumption of spicy herbs in food can solve many health problems:

  • normalize metabolic processes in the body;
  • reduce the accumulation of adipose tissue;
  • relieve depression;
  • improve memory.

Chervil has many other useful qualities. It has a multifaceted therapeutic effect on the body:

  • fortifying;
  • stimulating;
  • astringent;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant.

By taking chervil for food, we allow it to take an active part in the formation and functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular, visual and other systems:

  • blood pressure indicators are normalized;
  • the blood is purified;
  • the function of the kidneys, bladder is stimulated;
  • the inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract stop;
  • the liver starts to work better;
  • relieves tension from the eyes;
  • gout, arthritis are cured;
  • edema is removed;
  • boils are healed;
  • wounds heal;
  • other skin problems are solved.

Chervil herb in multicomponent herbal teas is used to treat cancer. This property of the plant has been tested by the folk experience and practice of healers in Europe and Asia. Water infusion cures amenorrhea, - helps in the absence of menstruation. Chervil juice is valuable for enlarged glands and lymph nodes in children.

Tincture made from fresh herbs will help you quickly lose weight.

Chervil seasoning

chervil in cookingChervil is added not only to salads. Meat and chicken dishes are prepared with it. Placed no more than 2 minutes before the end of cooking. In this case, the dish should be almost ready. This herb is added for flavor and spice. Chervil leaves quickly coarse, so it is good to pre-blanch them for 1-2 minutes in boiling water. Cook as spinach in the form of mashed potatoes or filling for pies.

The classic uses of the herb in France are cold soups, salad greens, and egg dishes. Cheese and low-fat yoghurt are prepared here in the form of spreads with chervil. This gives the products a very pleasant taste and healthiness.

When collecting kupyr (wild chervil), one should beware of a similar poisonous plant of the same family - spotted hemlock. They can be distinguished by the following features:

  1. The leaf petioles are triangular in cross-section in the cross-section of the hemlock, and round in the hemlock.
  2. The poisonous plant has reddish spots on the bottom of the leg, the kupyr does not have them.
  3. Hemlock has an unpleasant mousey odor and a pungent taste. Kupyr gives a sensation of mild pungency.

Young shoots of kupir, peeled from the skin, are quite tender and edible raw. Older plants can be eaten after fermentation or grinding in a meat grinder. In this form, they are used to make soups, cabbage soup, mashed potatoes. In the Caucasus, roots are also considered edible. But, according to some reports, they contain harmful substances. When consumed, you can add different amounts of whitewash to the bunch. This combination is very pleasant to taste.

decoration of the dish with chervilChervil greens are more than just a great gourmet food seasoning. On the basis of the herb, powerful medicines can be prepared that can save a person from serious illnesses and suffering associated with it.


