We study the useful properties of the princess and contraindications to its use

useful properties of the princess and contraindications The beneficial properties of the princess and contraindications are due to its rich, saturated composition. The plant has long been used in folk medicine. The plant is a perennial shrub of low height. The areolas of the princess are spread - the north of America and Europe, the Siberian expanses and the Far East.

What is a plant

princess blooms

What is a princess? It is a perennial plant that grows in the northern regions, much less often it can be found in regions with a warmer climate. In addition to the generally accepted, the berry has several popular names (khokhlushka, arctic raspberry, mamura, and others). The low popularity of this berry is associated with the peculiarities of its growth. There are 40 known plant species.

If we consider the description of the princess, then the plant is inconspicuous. Perennial height is about 30 cm. It has textured green leaves, flowers up to 20 mm in diameter, fruits resemble raspberries in shape and color, and taste like strawberries and pineapple.

Composition, useful properties of the princess and contraindications

fresh berries princess and a drink

The berries of the princess have a composition saturated with useful substances:

  • vitamin C;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fructose;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils, etc.

The berries are usually used fresh. Not subject to additional processing, they retain the maximum amount of nutrients, have a fragrant aroma and pleasant taste. In the prince's cooking, desserts are used, for cooking liqueurs and liquors.


princess as a diuretic

In folk medicine, fruits are used for the following effect:

  • strengthening the body's defenses;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipyretic.

In addition to berries, perennial leaves are distinguished by their beneficial properties, which are dried and then used to prepare strengthening vitamin teas for colds and to raise immunity. The berries of the plant have a pleasant taste - they can be used in dietary nutrition and to quench thirst.

The princess is used to treat a number of diseases:

  • gout;
  • urolithiasis;
  • rheumatism;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • diarrhea;
  • colds;
  • bronchitis, etc.

The berry is useful for adults and children in the form of juices, teas, fruit drinks. Fresh arctic raspberries can be used with cream and ice cream.


The princess has many useful properties, and there are practically no contraindications. An exception is the increased individual susceptibility to berries.

Procurement rules

the prince has maturedThe medicinal properties of Khokhlushka are also preserved in the blanks. The harvest peaks in mid-summer. Berry growers gather leaves and berries. Special attention is paid to the collection of delicate berries. For transportation of fruits, wicker baskets are usually used.


picking berriesThe collected raw materials are best dried in the shade outdoors. For this, separately the fruits, and separately the leaves are laid out in one layer on a horizontal surface. In order for the leaves and berries to dry out evenly, they are turned over from time to time.

Under favorable conditions, the leaves dry out in 3 days, and the berries in 7.

An alternative option for drying is special electric dryers and an oven. Drying in the oven is carried out at a minimum temperature for several hours.


berries for freezingFreezing berries is a good way to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients. Before placing in the freezer, you should rinse the berries, remove the spoiled ones, and dry those intended for harvesting by placing them on a sieve or in a colander. Prepared berries are poured into freezer containers and placed in the cold.

If the berries are frozen, laid out in one layer, and only then poured into a container, then the frozen fruits will retain their shape better, not stick together.

Other procurement methods

In addition to the listed methods of procurement, from the princess they cook jam, make compotes for the winter, tinctures. But it should be borne in mind that heat-treated berries lose a significant part of their nutrients.

Traditional medicine recipes

leaves and berries of a prince in folk medicineThere are a large number of recipes based on the entry of the princess. Despite the beneficial properties of the princess, a contraindication is an allergy to this berry.


tea with the princessThe princess leaves harvested in summer can be successfully used all year round for making aromatic tea. For one serving of the drink, you need to take a tablespoon of the dry component and pour a glass of boiling water.

This tea is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, flu and in the cold season for general strengthening of the body. In order for the drink to infuse, it should be wrapped up and set aside for an hour. Only then will it be ready for medicinal use.

The resulting broth can be applied not only internally, but also externally - for wound healing, as compresses.


the girl drinks juice from the princessFreshly squeezed juice from arctic raspberries is good for both adults and children. It not only quenches thirst, but also brings down fever, and also saturates the body with useful substances and vitamins. Also, its use is justified for diarrhea.

Tincture of leaves for gastritis

princess leaves for tinctureColitis, enterocolitis and gastritis require specific treatment and adherence to a strict diet. In agreement with the attending physician, you can use a concentrated tincture of their perennial leaves.

For cooking you need:

  • 1 cup boiling water;
  • 3 tablespoons of leaves.

The components are mixed, covered with a lid and infused for 2 hours. After straining, the tincture is ready for use: 50 grams three times a day after eating.

Tincture of berries for gargling the throat and mouth

Tincture preparation procedure:

  1. A tablespoon of dried berries is prepared.
  2. The fruits are poured with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist ¼ hours.

It is necessary to gargle the throat with tincture several times a day. After the procedure, it is advisable not to eat or drink anything for at least half an hour.

Tincture of berries for gastrointestinal diseases

Prepare a tincture at the rate of two glasses of boiling water for 3 tablespoons of berries. To improve the functioning of the digestive tract, infused and strained tincture is taken in a third of a glass three times a day before meals.

Tincture of berries to boost immunity

For general strengthening of the body and enhancing resistance to viral diseases, a tincture is prepared according to the previous recipe and used for therapy 3 times a day, ½ glass.

The prince in home cosmetology

Fresh berries can be used to make nutritious masks at home. One of the most effective is a rejuvenating agent prepared on the basis of sour cream, princess and cottage cheese. The composition, stirred to a homogeneous state, is applied to cleansed skin and washed off with warm water after a quarter of an hour.

Masks prepared on the basis of berries cannot be stored. They should be used immediately after preparation.

When harvesting berries and leaves, and preparing drinks from them, the question may arise, is the princess poisonous or not, if collected in the wild? The fruits and leaves of the plant are not dangerous when eaten. Being a storehouse of nutrients, this plant will become a pleasant and tasty addition to the diet of children and adults.

The benefits of berries and leaves of the princess - video


