We study the beneficial properties of gooseberries

ripe gooseberry The beneficial properties of gooseberries have long been well studied. Healing berries help to restore the body after serious diseases and surgical interventions. In addition, regular consumption of such fruits helps to improve hemoglobin, normalize blood pressure and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Juicy, slightly sour berry gooseberry popularly has other names - northern or shaggy grapes. Few people know that the use of gooseberries has not only a preventive, but also a curative effect.

In our area, its fruits have been grown for hundreds of years. Having in itself a rich composition of vitamins and elements necessary for the body, it is recommended for the elderly, children, pregnant women and everyone who wants to improve their body. Regular use of gooseberries can improve the nervous system, blood pressure and increase the body's defenses. Read about gooseberry disease with a description!

Useful properties of gooseberries

useful properties of gooseberries for those wishing to lose weight

Today, the question of the benefits and harms of gooseberries for human health has been fully disclosed. The berries contain pectin and especially important dietary fibers that absorb toxins. Recommended for use in acute viral diseases and serious poisoning. In addition, pectin and vegetable fiber eliminate digestive problems and promote weight loss.

100 g of berries contain 44 kcal, so such a product is recommended to be added to the menu for those who are on a diet.


berries from stressThe beneficial properties of the gooseberry berry are in the rich composition of the fruits of vitamins and especially important minerals.

Gooseberry composition:

  • folic acid, vitamin C and rutin have a general strengthening effect on blood vessels, increase the immune system, and improve the functioning of the whole organism;
  • potassium, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc are involved in the synthesis of hormones, improve the work of the heart system, and have a beneficial effect on mental activity.

Gooseberry contains a plant component that is analogous to the hormone serotonin.

Another useful property of gooseberries is a beneficial effect on the nervous system: by eating about 100 g of berries a day, you can easily cope with stress, get rid of a depressive state.

The health benefits of gooseberries

health benefits of gooseberriesBy adding regular use of northern grapes to your diet, you can be cured of many pathologies. But, the useful properties and contraindications of gooseberry leaves are slightly different from the qualities of the fruits of the plant. Their benefits are almost the same, but decoctions based on its foliage are contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, if a person suffers from a violation of the digestive system, before using gooseberry leaves, you should consult your doctor.

The medicinal properties of gooseberries will help get rid of diseases:

  1. Improve digestion, speed up metabolism.
  2. Get rid of depression.
  3. Helps to normalize blood pressure. It contains anthocyanins, which have an anti-sclerotic, capillary-strengthening effect on the body.
  4. Suitable for those who are struggling with excess weight. It has a low calorie content, it is allowed to eat while sitting on any diet.
  5. Rapidly increases hemoglobin.
  6. Has a laxative effect.
  7. Helps in the treatment of eczema and similar skin conditions. Accelerates wound healing.
  8. Gives a mild diuretic effect.
  9. Refers to a good prophylactic agent for oncological diseases.
  10. Improves liver function, has a choleretic effect.
  11. Improves performance.
  12. Gooseberry leaves are good for people with tuberculosis.
  13. It is used for cosmetic purposes.

Benefits for women

good for women's healthFew people know how gooseberries are useful for women, and what effect it has with the regular use of its fruits. A useful berry is able to normalize the menstrual cycle, it is recommended for menopause. Helps in the treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis, has a diuretic effect. Often, it is used in cosmetology to treat acne and similar rashes.

Benefits for men

helps with urethritisGooseberry is of great benefit for men in the treatment of many diseases. Refers to diuretic herbal remedies that have a mild effect on the entire body. Helps in the treatment of urogenital infections, especially useful in urethritis.

Benefits during pregnancy

gooseberry fights anemiaDoctors recommend that pregnant women include gooseberries in their diet. The beneficial properties of gooseberries help prevent the occurrence of anemia in pregnant women, the occurrence of edema, and also compensates for the lack of nutrients in the body.

Which berry to choose

selection of quality berriesNot many people know that the beneficial properties of gooseberries depend on what color the berries are purchased. For those seeking to heal from inflammation and infections, red gooseberries should be purchased.

Yellow gooseberries are useful for women to improve the functioning of the genitourinary system. Often, such berries are used in cosmetology for face and body care.

Green fruits are used during periods of colds: they well increase the body's defenses, help to recover faster after illness.

Useful properties of red gooseberries

red gooseberryIn addition to all the useful properties that a shaggy wineglass has, red gooseberry more useful. Such berries contain a lot of routine, which has a strengthening and healing effect on blood vessels. It is especially useful for elderly people who have problems with high blood pressure.

How to choose the right gooseberry

dense whole berriesThe health benefits and harms of gooseberries can replace each other in unexpected ways. If you choose, cook and save the wrong berries, you can harm the body. Inattention in choosing shaggy grapes can provoke poisoning.

How to choose the right fruit:

  1. When buying a gooseberry, you need to pay attention to its ripeness. Such a berry has a transparent skin, elastic, without spots and dents on the surface.
  2. When buying frozen berries, you should pay attention that they are not a frozen lump. Don't forget to look at the expiration date. Three months after freezing, it loses its beneficial properties;

How to eat gooseberry

use with porridge or cottage cheeseTo get the most out of your gooseberry, you should consume it with cottage cheese for breakfast. It is also useful to cook from it compote, jelly, fruit drink, decoctions based on leaves and fruits.

The benefits of gooseberry ice cream

frozen gooseberryIf you freeze the berry correctly, you can save all the vitamins and beneficial properties. Frozen gooseberries are especially beneficial. In winter, the body needs additional protection. Consuming frozen gooseberry fruits during the period of colds, its benefits for the body will be quite large. It perfectly helps in the treatment of viral diseases, increases the body's defenses.

When buying gooseberries for freezing, you should choose dense berries, it is not recommended to take too soft for whole freezing.

The harm from eating gooseberries

gooseberries are not good for everyoneLike any product, gooseberry has contraindications. Northern grapes are not recommended for people suffering from diseases:

  1. Duodenal ulcer.
  2. Kidney stone disease.
  3. Enteritis.
  4. Intestinal carcinoma.
  5. Individual intolerance to its components.
  6. Lactation.
  7. With gout, you should not eat unripe berries.

Gooseberry is a medicinal fortified product. The properties of a useful berry have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Just a small handful of such berries per day can provide a person with useful vitamins and important microelements.

gooseberry jamTaking gooseberry fruits is a good alternative to medicinal fortified preparations. It removes salt from the body, eliminating cholesterol, and quickly improves metabolic processes. Such berries are especially useful for children, pregnant women and often sick people for prevention purposes.

Video about the wonderful properties of gooseberries

  1. Mathias, Matyash

    It's nice to hear a particularly female voice, but it would be nice to watch the text, go back to the front, not entirely clear part.

    Thank the author


  2. Lydia

    The gooseberry has a fairly hard skin. Therefore, very often the contents are eaten, and the skin is thrown away. This is normal?

    • Olga

      Most gooseberry varieties have tough and sour skins, while the flesh is sweet. Make jam from it - it will soften during cooking.


