Useful properties of marjoram and contraindications for use
Given the beneficial properties of marjoram and contraindications, you can get rid of various pathologies. Spice-based products quickly restore the natural shine of the hair and saturate the skin with all the necessary components.
Marjoram composition
A huge amount of nutrients accumulates spice during the flowering period.
Marjoram is a unique herb. She was loved not only by cooks, but also by insects. Spreading a pleasant aroma, it attracts bees for pollination. Read about the horse chestnut!
The seasoning is rich in:
- water-soluble vitamins (C and B);
- organic acids;
- fat-soluble vitamin substances (retinol, vitamin K, tocopherols);
- bitter and tannic compounds;
- trace elements: iron, copper and zinc salts, selenium compounds, manganese;
- macroelements: sodium and potassium salts, phosphorus compounds, calcium, magnesium.
It should also be remembered that 100 g of the spice contains only 227 kcal. At the same time, there are 4 g of carbohydrates in marjoram, 7 g of fat, and only 0.08 g of sodium.
Useful properties of marjoram and contraindications for use
The beneficial properties of marjoram were discovered and used by the ancient Greeks. It was they who noticed that eating the leaves of the plant promotes good digestion of foods high in fat, helps to get rid of heartburn and belching. The legionnaires used marjoram to raise their morale, to provide a surge of strength and vigor.
Not only fresh and dried marjoram leaves have found their way. A valuable oil is extracted from the plant, which relieves headaches, migraines, has a positive effect on the nervous system, and cures colds. Due to its pleasant aroma, the fatty component of the plant is included in perfume compositions.
The medicinal plant takes pride of place among herbalists. It is used to treat many ailments, namely:
- convulsions;
- insomnia;
- dislocations;
- sprains;
- arthritis;
- rheumatism.
It is also an effective remedy for severe headaches and menstrual cramps. The herb is used to eliminate puffiness as a diuretic. It helps with depression and diabetes. Due to its bactericidal properties, it relieves abscesses and reduces inflammation in the oral cavity.
It is forbidden to use marjoram during pregnancy.
In the correct, reasonable dosage, marjoram does not harm, only benefits. If the remedies with the plant are used in excess volumes, this can provoke headaches.
Marjoram is not recommended:
- children under 6 years old;
- hypotonic;
- those who are allergic to plant components, especially essential oils;
- during lactation.
Before starting herbal treatment, allergy testing should be done. To do this, apply one drop of fat to the skin and wait about 15 minutes. If there are no negative manifestations (itching, redness), then marjoram is well tolerated. A slight burning sensation is a natural reaction to essential oils, and you should not be afraid of them.
Marjoram herb: application in cosmetology, dentistry
Due to the content of various acids, the plant is an excellent bactericidal agent. It enhances immunity and acts as a preventive product against malignant tumors. This will require dried herb foliage. To prepare a healing infusion, you need 1 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water. Let the mixture stand for literally 5 minutes and strain. This infusion should be drunk 1-2 times during the day.
The use of marjoram herb in cosmetology
It is no coincidence that marjoram belongs to the oregano genus, it is really fragrant due to the high concentration of oils. Therefore, fresh plant and extracts as well as pure oil are common in cosmetology. It is added to cosmetic formulations for hair care, creams and skin lotions.
To moisturize the skin of the hands, baths are an excellent option. To prepare a broth, add 2 tbsp. To a liter of boiling water. l. dried, crushed marjoram stalks and leaves. Let the mixture stand for 30 minutes. This time will be enough for the water to be saturated with all useful substances. Then strain the infusion. Hold your hands in the prepared liquid for 15-20 minutes.
In dentistry
The plant is also used in dentistry. If you regularly drink tea made from marjoram, you can significantly strengthen the tooth enamel. Also, the oils that are in the composition protect their surface from darkening.
If you give a decoction to children while their teeth are forming, then they will grow even and strong. The infusion also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the gums. To prepare a rinse, you will need to take 30 g of the dried plant and 1 liter of boiling water. Combine everything and leave for 20 minutes. Then strain and rinse the mouth.
Motorists and those who work with mechanisms need to be careful with the use of marjoram: the plant causes drowsiness, weakens alertness.
The marjoram seasoning has an analgesic effect on the teeth, for which it is also valued in dentistry. Just a couple of leaves of the plant will help relieve inflammation, reduce pain.
The use of marjoram in cooking
A spicy plant with a pleasant aroma and taste is added to dishes in different countries. This plant is most revered in France. Add seasoning to meat, fish and soups... Marjoram is used to flavor sauces and salads. The spice is popular in sausage production and winemaking.
Before using marjoram, remember that it can replace oregano.
Marjoram is a healthy and tasty plant. If taken correctly, you can achieve the desired result. The main thing is not to abuse it, especially to people prone to sharp fluctuations in pressure.