Explore the beneficial properties of mint for the body
For centuries, the beneficial properties of mint have been used in folk and traditional medicine, cosmetology, cooking, and perfumery. A rich menthol scent is considered her trademark. In nature, the plant is found in meadows, forest edges, near water bodies. It is actively cultivated in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus. What does mint look like from the outside? What treasures are hidden in its luscious foliage and shoots? Find out what the experts are saying.
External features of culture and varieties
Cultivated mint rarely bears fruit resembling miniature dark brown nuts hidden in a cup.
Biologists distinguish several types of wild plants:
- catnip is found on country roads, smells like lemon;
- water mint grows near water bodies, tastes like menthol;
- fragrant mint has a muted menthol aroma;
- Japanese mint is found only in Japan, it smells of menthol;
- forest mint has another name for oregano, there is no menthol smell.
In the 16th century, English breeders bred garden mint species. They were distinguished by their rich aroma and spicy taste.
The most popular modern varieties:
- curly;
- Mexican;
- chocolate;
- peppery.
The plant is propagated mainly in a vegetative way. Raw materials are harvested during the period of lush flowering. At this time, the culture contains an abundance of essential oil. It is carefully mowed and then carefully sorted out. Dry in a well-ventilated area. The herb is actively used for the preparation of tinctures and medicinal tea. Sold in pharmacies as a medicinal plant.
Indoor mint is especially popular all over the world. The botanical name of the plant is plectrantus... It has many thin stems covered with oval veined leaves. The inflorescences do not really decorate the plant, so they are removed. Mint exudes a specific aroma that has a beneficial effect on human health. In addition, various insects are afraid of the smell. Therefore, on the territory of Russia, plectransus is called a muhogon.
The mint leaves are used for medicinal infusions and refreshing baths. Culinary experts add culture to meat and vegetable dishes. The aromatic Mojito drink and teas are often prepared.
Benefits of mint under a microscope
Mostly, the value of the herb is hidden in the chemical composition that scientists have studied. The rich aroma is caused by the abundance of essential oil. Foliage and shoots contain menthol, which gives the mint a spicy flavor.
In addition, the culture is rich in acids:
- ascorbic;
- coffee shop;
- ursolic;
- olean;
- amino acids (arginine, rutin).
The beneficial properties of mint are due to the presence of vitamins of group B (1,2,5, 6, 9), A, C, PP. A number of minerals necessary for the body have been found in fresh and dry grass:
- calcium;
- iron;
- sodium;
- zinc;
- phosphorus;
- manganese;
- sodium.
No less valuable elements are found in mint seeds.They make medicines that are prescribed for gastrointestinal disorders. The low calorie content of the product (68 kcal per 100 g) allows you to use it in unlimited quantities. However, treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
If peppermint infusion causes dizziness and muscle cramps, you should immediately contact your family doctor.
An irreplaceable product for the body
As you know, mint contains an abundance of menthol, which is the reason for its popularity. We find a cooling taste in various types of toothpaste, cosmetics and culinary products. Menthol is part of drugs that are prescribed as antiseptics.
The plant is used in the treatment of:
- stomach;
- intestines;
- dry cough attacks;
- hearts;
- vessels;
- female diseases.
Mint has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. A glass of fragrant drink at the end of the working day restores strength and cheers up. Tea relieves insomnia, relieves stress. Regular consumption of the herb improves memory, attention, and visual functions. In older people, it prevents the development of dementia. The plant affects the walls of blood vessels, making them elastic. This stimulates blood circulation and removes cholesterol. Mint leaf tea promotes gastric acid production. Food is better absorbed and released.
Unique menthol components sorb a number of harmful substances:
- radionuclides;
- heavy metals;
- various kinds of toxins.
Gruel from mint leaves is actively used in cosmetology for skin and hair care. The plant helps hypertensive patients to fight pressure drops. The herb is often prescribed in the treatment of gynecological diseases. And finally, it helps to get rid of extra pounds.
When applying culture at home, it is advisable to listen to your body. If you feel unwell, you should refuse treatment.
Useful properties of mint for the beautiful half of humanity
Quite often, the plant is called "female grass". And not in vain. Culture has a beneficial effect on all the vital systems of a woman's body. In gynecology, mint is used to prepare tinctures, teas and douching solutions.
The herb is prescribed when problems arise:
- premenstrual syndrome;
- menopause;
- abdominal pain during menstruation;
- inflammation of the internal female organs.
Mint decoctions relieve nervous tension during stressful situations, prolonged depression. Relieves migraine headaches. The drink stimulates the intestines, eliminates constipation and diarrhea. Pregnant women are allowed to use mint only in small quantities, under the supervision of a gynecologist. The components that make up the plant cause the tone of the uterus. As a result, a woman can lose a child. Frequent consumption of mint drinks often leads to a decrease in blood pressure, which adversely affects the fetus. Some components of the plant cause allergies. However, a cup of mint tea a day helps to get rid of bouts of toxicosis, improves sleep and improves mood.
For nursing women, doctors have set limits. The herb should only be used to create a pleasant home environment. Its aroma helps the lady to relax and restore her physical strength.
To stimulate breast milk, small doses are allowed, which are prescribed on an individual basis. Traditionally, dill seeds, lemon balm, oregano are added to mint foliage.
The controversial effect of mint on men
According to scientists, the aromatic herb is not for everyone. Significant contraindications apply to the stronger sex. Studies have shown that the ingredients in mint have a detrimental effect on hormonal processes. As a result, testosterone levels decrease, which leads to impaired sexual desire and potency.
A drink containing dried mint leaves is only useful for older men. It serves as a tonic and sedative.
If men are diagnosed with ailments that are treated with mint, then the dose is prescribed individually. It is calculated by a specialist, and tea is allowed only once a week. Uncontrolled drinking of aromatic herbs will lead to great health problems.
Benefits of mint in the fight against obesity
According to experts' forecasts, by 2025, approximately 20% of the world's population will be obese. And in 2016, 39% of people over 40 were overweight. Today, more than ever, the issue of weight loss is relevant.
The valuable components that mint leaves contain help to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Acids and trace elements prevent internal fermentation processes. Vitamins stimulate liver function, bile outflow. The plant's sedative properties affect the production of cortisone, a hormone that is considered the first enemy of weight loss.
The low calorie level allows for unlimited consumption of mint drinks. If you drink a cocktail from a set of herbs before going to the gym, you can increase the load, relieve tension and fatigue. As a result, more calories are burned.
By consuming only aromatic tea, losing weight people arrange fasting days 1 time in 2 weeks. With the help of phyto wraps, blood circulation in the vessels is improved. The body is influenced by menthol, which promotes fat burning.
Peppermint cosmetics
Thanks to modern technology, there are a huge number of skin care creams. Many of them contain peppermint.
In addition, a number of procedures are performed in beauty parlors with the addition of aromatic herbs:
- refreshing the skin of the face and neck;
- healing of wounds and microcracks;
- smoothing wrinkles;
- blackhead removal;
- rejuvenation of the epidermis;
- fighting the aging process;
- cleansing pores;
- elimination of puffiness.
Some facial cosmetics and procedures are contraindicated for people sensitive to plant elements. They may develop allergies, increase blood pressure, and decrease vascular tone.
Peppermint in folk medicine
The properties of the medicinal menthol herb have long been used by famous doctors, such as Hippocrates and Avicena. Nowadays, there are a huge number of recipes that are prepared for the treatment of physical ailments. Let's consider several options.
To prepare the broth, you need 1 tablespoon of fresh mint leaves. It is poured with a glass of boiling water. Cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. They are filtering. Use as directed by a doctor.
Excessive use of the decoction leads to intestinal upset and allergic reactions.
Tincture from dry raw materials is made in a similar way. Chopped foliage (4 tablespoons) is poured with boiling water (1 l). Insist for an hour. They are filtering. Take before meals (30 minutes) in 0.5 cups.
To strengthen hair, a tincture is made from mint. Young shoots of the plant are cut off. Rinse thoroughly under the tap. Dried and finely chopped. Put into the bottle up to the top (no need to ram). Pour mint with diluted alcohol (1: 2). The container is placed in the dark for 14 days. For the best effect, the mixture is shaken daily. At the end of the designated period, the tincture is filtered. Store in a dark place.
Having got acquainted with the beneficial properties of mint for the body, we note several important points. Essential oils, menthol, an abundance of vitamins, trace elements stimulate vital systems. Mint is added to the composition of medicinal products. Tinctures, teas, and cosmetics are prepared from it. They are often used in cooking.