What are the beneficial properties of fern and how to apply them
The beneficial properties of the fern are determined, first turn, the ability of the plant to remove toxic substances from the body. Also the green and root portion is used for the preparation of various infusions, which treat many diseases.
Fern composition and calorie content
All over the world fern is used for cooking various dietary meals. The plant gained such popularity thanks to its low calorie content (in 100 g 34 kcal). Therefore, most nutritionists recommend that patients add the green part to salads, decorate meat dishes or prepare drinks.
Fern composition:
- tannins;
- fats;
- essential oils;
- various kilots;
- alkaloids;
- flavonoids;
- saponins;
- starch;
- carotene;
- fish flavin;
- glycoside;
- thiaminase.
In addition, in the leaves of both young and adults plants are very important for the human body macro- and trace elements. Fern is rich in potassium, nickel, magnesium, iodine, calcium, phosphorus. It also contains copper, sulfur, manganese, sodium.
According to the studies carried out, it was proved that the fern contains proteins that are similar in structure to those found in cereals.
Fern cooking
Many do not know what the fern helps from or even consider it a dangerous plant. In fact, it is a unique culture that has been used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years.
Dry fern leaves taste very much like mushrooms.
Fern leaves
The green part of the fern is most suitable for food. Leaves added to salads, pickled, salted, and also fried in sunflower oil. Dried are used as a seasoning for the preparation of various meat and fish dishes.
But before you start using fern, you should remember that it contains hazardous substances. And in order from them get rid of, you need to properly prepare the leaves.
For food, it is recommended to use only those shoots, the length of which does not exceed 10 cm.
The green part is cut off first. Then put it in a container and poured with salt water. Leaf processing should be started no later than 4 hours after collection. Keep shoots only in the refrigerator. At room temperature, they will lose most of their vitamins. At the end of this the seasoning is ready for use.
Also, an infusion is made from the leaves, which is wonderful copes with various fungal diseases. Gardeners use this aphid control agent.
To prepare the seasoning, fern shoots are harvested in early spring. In summer and autumn, most of the macro and microelements evaporate.
Fern root
The roots of adult bushes are rich in many useful substances. They are most of all used for the preparation of medicinal funds.
Residents of America, New Zealand, I make flour from the root part, and then they bake bread from it. Such a cake has not only a pleasant taste, but also have an incredible aroma that is similar to baked potatoes. In Japan young roots are peeled and fried, seasoned with walnuts.
Useful properties of the Far Eastern fern
If used correctly, even the most dangerous at first glance, ailments.Fern is very popular in folk medicine. His used for bowel diseases, hernias, ulcers, headaches, rheumatism. Often they use funds based on it to get rid of neoplasms.
The fern is indicated for:
- dry and wet pleurisy;
- pain in the chest area;
- Botkin's disease;
- joint pain;
- aching bones;
- tinnitus;
- malfunctioning of the spleen.
In addition, fern decoction saves with constipation and restores the genitourinary system.
Fern belongs to a group of plants with diuretic properties.
Also, the plant is shown to people who lead a sedentary image. life. Iodine, which is in the composition, treats leukemia and saves from radiation disease. Leaves accelerate metabolism, thus causing a comfortable weight loss.
Some substances also help calm the nervous systems and help to relax faster after a hard day at work. Kashitsa and a decoction of leaves treats hemorrhoids and save with sciatica.
Application in traditional medicine
In folk medicine, most often, infusions are made from the plant and decoctions. Less often, ointments and gruels are prepared with the addition of excipients.
From tapeworm
It only takes two days for this. First day you will need to refuse food, but only drink liquid. Just before bed you need to use a little castor oil, herring and onions. Use in the morning medicine (1 pc.) based on fern. Such pills should be taken after every 2-3 minutes for an hour. Then drink a dessert spoon of castor oils.
To prepare the mixture, you need to take:
- powder from dried fern root;
- plant essential oil (2 cm3 from a syringe).
Combine both components and mix well. Cooked the mixture will need to be divided into 30 equal parts.
With tapeworm and worms
dry young fern leaves help. For this in 1 Art. boiling water put 1 tbsp. l plants and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Then the liquid is filtered and taken for 4 days.
With varicose veins
In this case, the fern root will help. For this the underground part of the plant is cleaned and crushed to a state of gruel. Then combined with sour milk (homemade). The finished mixture is applied in a thick layer to the problem area, and fix it on top with gauze. With such a compress it is necessary take place within 6 hours.
With leukemia
To overcome this ailment or alleviate the patient's condition, only the green part of the bush must be used. Dried or fresh leaves grind, and then add 1 tsp to soups or salads. A course of treatment leaves 30 days.
What fern is for man
Despite a number of advantages, the plant also has disadvantages. Before consuming fern, remember that it is poisonous. therefore initially it is recommended to consult a doctor.
It is forbidden to use fern in any form for pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. It is also necessary to strictly observe the dosage with the parallel use of drugs.
Ignoring such rules can lead to the following side effects:
- nausea;
- headaches;
- dizziness;
- vomiting;
- convulsions.
Therefore, in order not to harm your body, but to bring it back to normal, you must strictly adhere to the rules. But if still side effects are observed, it is recommended that you contact doctor.
The medicinal properties of the fern are simply endless. But in order to get a good result and quickly restore the work of all body systems, you need to know how to properly harvest the plant and how to brew it. Only in this way you will once and for all forget about health problems.