The benefits and harms of lentils for our health
Even in ancient times, lentils were highly valued in the culinary field for their low calorie content and high nutritional value. The benefits and harms of lentils for our ancestors were not as significant as its ability to satisfy hunger for a long time. A large amount of proteins made it possible to replace meat with these legumes. And the presence of complex carbohydrates slowed down the digestion of beans, prolonging the feeling of fullness for a long time.
Lentils are popular again today, especially in vegetarian cuisine. She is not only able to give satiety. Small rounded fruits also have a beneficial effect on the body, helping it get rid of various unpleasant sensations and even diseases. What is so special about lentils, what properties does it have and can it be harmful?
Lentils - benefits and harms
Like all legumes, lentils boast a rich composition. Round beans contain many minerals and vitamins. The inclusion of lentil dishes in the diet will enrich it and make up for the vitamin deficiency.
In addition, lentils have a number of medicinal properties, namely:
- calming effect on the nervous system;
- cleans blood vessels, improving their condition and preventing the risk of heart attacks and strokes;
- saturates the heart muscle with potassium, and the body with iron, increasing hemoglobin;
- strengthens the immune system and reduces the incidence of colds;
- promotes good digestion due to its high fiber content;
- helps get rid of constipation;
- normalizes blood glucose levels;
- relieves pain in case of kidney problems.
One of the most important properties of lentils is that it can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. But legumes should not be overused to avoid stomach problems.
The benefits and harms of lentils differ somewhat depending on the variety. There are several types and each of them has its own characteristic medicinal properties. So, red lentils are the richest in iron and are indicated for anemia, green lentils are good for the stomach, brown lentils are for the respiratory system. Considered the most expensive black lentilsstrengthening the heart and inhibiting the aging process.
Who Shouldn't Eat Lentils
Despite the nutritional value and therapeutic effect, it is not necessary to get carried away with lentils. First of all, excessive and frequent consumption of legumes will cause discomfort in the intestines. To avoid bloating and flatulence, lentils are best eaten in moderation and with herbs added.
It is enough to introduce lentils into the weekly menu in an amount of no more than 3 times.
In addition, the use of lentils should be abandoned in the presence of such diseases:
- pancreatitis (especially in the acute stage);
- irritable bowel syndrome;
- hemorrhoids;
- rheumatism;
- urolithiasis disease.