What are the benefits and harms of garlic for the human body?
The benefits and harms of garlic for the human body have been known for a long time. It is the most popular vegetable and has many health benefits. Garlic is mainly used in cooking to add aroma and piquancy to some dishes. It is also used to strengthen immunity, prevent viral diseases. It is said to be beneficial to breathe over sliced heads of garlic. This is due to the fact that the phytoncides that are in the composition kill pathogenic bacteria. Considering the effect of a vegetable on the human body, they often remember only about the beneficial properties, but they are silent about its disadvantages. Why garlic is harmful to human health can be found in this article.
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What are the benefits and harms of garlic
Also, they often mentioned the dangers of garlic for the heart. Scientists have proven that culture can be beneficial if it is used in moderation.
It is believed to be safe to eat up to 3 cloves of garlic per day.
If even the eaten head does not harm a healthy person, then someone who has stomach problems may feel bad. You will experience bloating, diarrhea and even vomiting. Also, people suffering from gastritis after excessive consumption of garlic often have heartburn in the abdomen, and discomfort in the mouth.
In large quantities, the vegetable leads to irritation of the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, you need to be very careful. Even if you can't imagine your day without a couple of heads of garlic, you should limit your intake to promote your health.
Another danger associated with garlic is botulism. Garlic is often stored in oil by leaving the container in a warm room. In this case, it will be the best environment for botulism infection. Therefore, you should only store garlic in this way in the refrigerator.
When losing weight, it is advisable to exclude it from your diet, since it strongly stimulates the appetite. It turns out that you eat too much, not because you are hungry and did not gain the calorie intake, but because garlic was responsible for your appetite.
During pregnancy, it is also recommended to avoid the vegetable. Garlic can cause flatulence and diarrhea, which will not be very pleasant for a woman who is already prone to hormonal surges and sometimes toxicosis. It increases the tone of the uterus, therefore, during pregnancy, it is considered dangerous for the fetus and mother. During the period of breastfeeding, you need to forget about the vegetable. Because aggressive components that enter breast milk cause the same deviations in the baby. Diarrhea, vomiting, irritation of the intestinal and stomach walls, and so on.
Harm of garlic to the brain and kidneys
Scientists' discoveries regarding the effects of garlic on the brain are shocking. Robert Beck, physician, has proven the toxicity of culture. Also, the scientist assured about the dangers of garlic for the brain. A person who has consumed several cloves becomes inhibited after a certain time, the reaction speed decreases several times.It is not for nothing that American doctors, 72 hours before a plane flight, prohibit pilots from eating food that contains garlic... Also in the vegetable there are elements that turn off the synchronization of the brain and actions, make the brain waves slow.
Garlic negatively affects the entire gastrointestinal tract, can lead to irritation.
It often happens that a person complains of severe headaches, fatigue and decreased performance after lunch. The reason for this may not be a disease, but just garlic. It is necessary for the sake of experiment to temporarily exclude it from the diet, and see how well-being improves.
People with epilepsy should also abstain from garlic. This is due to the fact that it is able to cause an attack of the disease and weaken the body's defenses that fight the disease.
In the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys, garlic can cause their exacerbation. Therefore, using it to treat any ailments, make sure that it does not harm other systems and organs.
The effect of garlic on the cardiovascular and circulatory system
Before using garlic, you should know its effect on blood vessels. The burning active substances that the vegetable is full of can have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system.
Garlic in large quantities is harmful and can cause:
- dizziness;
- arrhythmia;
- headaches;
- tachycardia.
It is especially dangerous for people with blood pressure problems. Many people wonder if garlic can be eaten by cores. For such patients, this vegetable is strictly forbidden both raw and cooked.
Garlic is one of the few vegetables that contains about 28% ascorbic acid.
For what diseases you can not eat garlic:
- varicose veins;
- thrombophlebitis;
- pathology of the coronary arteries;
- problems with blood vessels.
It should also be remembered that garlic greatly affects the blood, thinning it. It is this ability of it that can cause internal bleeding in people with arterial hypertension.
In its raw form, it has antiplatelet properties. Therefore, it can cause bleeding. Also, scientific research confirms that eating seven heads of garlic per day can cause internal bleeding. Patients taking blood thinners are at risk of adverse effects. For the duration of the course of treatment, it is better to completely abandon the raw vegetable.
Also, garlic can cause fluctuations in blood pressure and its danger can manifest itself during operations. Therefore, 14 days before the scheduled procedure, it is recommended to exclude any form of garlic from the diet.
Liver and eating garlic
Very often people use garlic as a liver cleanse. However, in case of violation of her work, it is categorically contraindicated. Tubers can not only cause tissue disruption, but also lead to internal bleeding and intoxication of the body.
There are rare cases of garlic allergy. Most often, up to a certain point, a person calmly eats this vegetable without visible harm, but at one point the body's defense weakens. Incomprehensible symptoms begin from headaches to diarrhea and even suffocation.
When you can't eat garlic:
- pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
- persistent hemorrhoids;
- epilepsy;
- individual intolerance;
- in case of allergies;
- if heartburn and nausea begins;
- diet;
- chronic gastritis;
- ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
- liver disease;
- problems with the kidneys and genitourinary system.
Knowing about the effect of garlic on the human body, you can save yourself from many unpleasant moments. Indeed, despite all the positive qualities of this vegetable, it also has its drawbacks.
Each of us independently regulates how much garlic and dishes with its content to eat.The main thing is to know the measure in everything and when unpleasant symptoms appear, if you are sure that they came from this vegetable, stop using it. In addition, to quickly get rid of certain ailments, it will be just important to give up garlic. If you are in doubt, it is best to consult your doctor.