The benefits and harms of eating dried figs

dried figs All dried fruits have a pleasant sweet taste, perfectly satisfy hunger and contain many useful substances. But today we propose to talk about dried figs, the benefits and harms of which have been known for a long time. The ancient Egyptians, Romans and inhabitants of many Eastern countries enjoyed the fruits of dried figs. This fruit is often mentioned in the Bible, where it is called a fig, and many interesting legends and traditions are associated with it.

Composition and useful properties of dried figs

useful properties of dried figs

Dried figs contain beta-carotene and many B vitamins. Dried fruits are also rich in protein, mineral salts of potassium, magnesium and iron. Also in the fruits of dried figs there is fiber, pectins. But why do doctors recommend that their patients consume dried figs? This product has a lot of useful properties. Here is just a small list of diseases that many beloved dried fruits help to cope with:

  1. Cold treatment. Dried fruits boiled in milk are an excellent cough remedy. Also, this medicine has diaphoretic and antipyretic properties.
  2. Eliminates digestive problems. Traditional medicine recommends the use of dried fruits for constipation and gastritis. Figs are known to help the intestines function due to their high fiber content.
  3. Dried figs are advised to be consumed by people whose profession is related to mental labor. It turns out that the trace elements contained in dried fruits have a positive effect on brain function and help relieve accumulated stress.
  4. This healthy product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The enzymes contained in figs help to quickly remove toxic substances from the body. Dried figs, about the benefits and dangers of which we will tell you many more useful facts, have a rich mineral composition. Thanks to this, dried fruits are able to help a person recover after poisoning.
  5. Regular consumption of dried figs has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. This effect is due to the presence of a large amount of potassium in the product. The lack of this element can lead to disruption of the heart muscle.

dried figs - a charge of vivacity and energyDried figs contain serotonin, which is often called the hormone of happiness. If you are in a bad mood or feeling fatigued, then eat one or two dried fruits. Just don't forget to go outside and walk for at least half an hour after that. The fact is that serotonin is released in our body only when exposed to sunlight.

It should be noted that dried fruit is not a medicine. In some cases, they really help to cope with ailments, but they cannot cure serious diseases.

Dried figs and women's health

dried figs are essential for womenIn many eastern countries, dried figs have traditionally been served as a dessert to women. Since ancient times, people have noticed that they help relieve physical ailment during menstruation. Also, the use of dried fruits contributed to the normalization of mental balance during this period.

What else is dried figs useful for women? Modern doctors recommend using it for those who are planning to become pregnant or expecting a baby. This recommendation is based on the fact that fig fruits contain a large amount of folic acid.This substance helps preserve the integrity of the placenta and has a beneficial effect on the intrauterine development of the unborn baby.

Modern research has proven that it is beneficial for women to include dried figs in their diet during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. It turned out that their contractions are easier, and the total time of labor is reduced by one hour. In addition, in women giving birth for the first time, erection is faster and easier.

Figs for men

dried figs on men menu

There is a widespread legend that dried figs have a positive effect on potency. But, unfortunately, there are no magic products to get rid of this problem. However, dried figs are as beneficial for men as they are for women. A large amount of vitamins and minerals helps to maintain health for people of any age and gender.

Figs for children

figs for childrenPediatricians do not recommend including dried fruit in the menu of children under one year old. After reaching this age, you can give one dried fruit to the child, but it is better to divide it into small portions. The large amounts of fast carbohydrates found in any dried fruit can harm your baby's health. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, choose fresh ripe fruits for him.

How else does dried figs affect the health of babies? Benefits for children can be indicated by the following points:

  1. Dried figs can help relieve constipation. But if the crushed dried fruits did not bring the expected result, then you should use medications.
  2. Use dried fruit for desserts. The natural sweetness of these foods will help eliminate sugar and candy from your baby's diet.

Why dried figs are dangerous

unique composition of dried figsFirst of all, remember that dried fruit contains very little water. Because of this, the amount of sugar in fruits rises to 70%. This fact does not negate the benefits of dried figs for the body, but it should be taken into account by people suffering from certain diseases and overweight.

Healthy people should also not indulge themselves with delicious dried fruits too often. Dried figs, the calorie content of which does not exceed 50 kcal per 100 grams, is perfectly absorbed by the body. But the high carbohydrate content in it should get you thinking.

Dried figs, the benefits and dangers of which we have described in detail in this article, can often be seen on the shelves of Russian stores. Unfortunately, fresh fruits rarely reach us intact and rarely have a presentation. But if you want to replenish the diet of your family with a healthy and tasty product, then you can safely purchase dried figs.

The benefits and harms of figs for diabetes - video


