What are the benefits of almonds for our body

benefits of almonds for the body In the first early spring in the summer cottage, almonds please with unusually beautiful fragrant flowering, although then its fruits do not look very attractive. The benefits of almonds, fresh or dry, for the body are simply undeniable if you use the kernels in small quantities. In order not to harm your health, you need to carefully study the chemical composition of almond seeds and their effect on human organs.

The chemical composition and benefits of almonds

chemical composition of almonds

There are two types of almonds in nature - bitter and sweet. Healing almond oil is made from bitter kernels. Sweet kernels are used in cooking and traditional medicine.

100 g of almond kernels contains 645 kcal, and the glycemic index is 25.

almonds for healthChemical composition and its effect on the body:

  1. Manganese and calcium, monounsaturated fats, magnesium, the amino acid arginine, vitamin E, plant flavonoids in almond kernels are necessary to maintain good vascular health and smooth heart function. On the recommendation of cardiologists, it is necessary to consume up to 25 kernels every other day.
  2. B vitamins, riboflavin, magnesium, and L-carnitine are essential for maintaining intelligence and strengthening the nervous system in people over the age of 50. Eating almond kernels every other day can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia.
  3. The high concentration of plant antioxidants and vitamin E in almond kernels are involved in the prevention of skin cancer and early aging. With their help, the body perfectly resists oxidative stress and excessive sun exposure.
  4. Monounsaturated acids prevent glucose from entering the bloodstream quickly. For people at risk of developing diabetes, it is necessary to consume 20 kernels at least 3 times a week.
  5. The monounsaturated fats and dietary fiber in almonds provide a feeling of quick satiety. For a small snack, it is enough to eat no more than 20 kernels. It is this property of the nuclei that helps to lose weight or stabilize body weight.
  6. The dietary fiber in almonds helps improve digestion.
  7. The manganese, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in almonds are essential for strengthening bones and strong teeth.

To improve the properties of almonds, it must be combined with foods rich in zinc, vitamins A and C, and selenium.

Health Benefits of Almonds

health benefits of almondsAlmonds can be consumed by almost everyone, regardless of gender or age. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to almonds. At the same time, the effect of the beneficial properties of nuclei on the health of men, women and children is different.rationed consumption

Features of the impact of almonds on women's health:

  1. Nutrients in almond kernels are great for strengthening the female nervous system. With poor quality sleep and its insufficient duration, a feeling of anxiety and anxiety, it is necessary to enter almonds in the menu.
  2. To strengthen teeth, nails, joints, and bones, you should also regularly consume raw or dried almonds. Most women over the age of 50 have problems with the destruction of bone composition - osteoporosis.
  3. The presence of magnesium, calcium and B vitamins has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Kernels are recommended for problems with blood pressure, for diagnosing atherosclerosis, for lowering the indicators of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  4. The tocopherol, zinc, beta-carotene, copper, ascorbic acid, selenium and manganese contained in almonds prevent the development of cancer in the cells of the female body.
  5. Free radicals located in the nuclei of almonds will preserve beautiful skin and physical youth.almonds for skin and youth
  6. The quality of hair is affected by fatty almond oils. Over time, they will acquire a natural shine, become silky, smooth, without split ends.
  7. When diagnosing anemia in a woman at any age or during pregnancy, it is necessary to eat a handful of peeled almonds per day. It is especially important to use kernels when hemoglobin decreases during pregnancy. With this, the expectant mother will improve not only her health, but also the health of the unborn child.
  8. Sweet almond kernels can improve the quality of breast milk when feeding a baby.
  9. With heavy bleeding during menstruation, almonds will help restore the body quickly and easily.
  10. Vitamin E will restore a woman's reproductive system and help give birth to the desired baby.
  11. In small quantities as a snack, almonds will help the lady lose weight. Just a few nuts will help satisfy your hunger.almonds for weight loss
  12. A large amount of protein in almond kernels will help a woman with a lack of body weight. Regular consumption of a handful of high-calorie foods will increase body weight by developing muscle mass.

Why do men need almonds

benefits of almonds for menIf a man changes his diet, replacing snacks, high-fat food with tasty and healthy almond kernels, not only his appearance will improve, but also the health of the whole body. Dramatic changes occur at any age.

Reasons why men need almonds:

  1. A man's confidence in his masculine strength. The beneficial nutrients in almond kernels help the male body maintain the required testerone levels. Vitamin E, zinc and selenium support sexual health. Omega-3 fatty acids improve blood flow in the male genital organs. Arginine prevents erectile dysfunction and clogged arteries.male strength with almonds
  2. Active brain activity. Riboflavin and L-carnitine improve mental performance and memory. For effective functioning of the entire nervous system, a sufficient amount of vitamin B9 (folate), which is found in almonds, is required. Thanks to Phenylalanine, the production of dopamine and adrenaline is stimulated, which are necessary for concentration and maintaining alertness. It is enough to eat 30 g of almonds per day to replenish the body's need for Phenylalanine.
  3. Good hair at any age will be provided by zinc, calcium and magnesium found in the nuclei. Men are advised to use almond oil to improve the quality of their hair.
  4. Healthy heart. Almond kernels contain a lot of monounsaturated fats, the main part of which is oleic acid. They are required to effectively lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Fats from almond kernels help the body absorb vitamins A, D, E, K and practically do not accumulate in tissues. It improves blood circulation and relaxes blood vessels nitric oxide, which is formed in the body from arginine.
  5. Strong body. To increase muscle mass, the body needs protein, which is naturally present in almonds. Bone density is provided by the minerals in the nuclei: phosphorus and manganese.almonds for sports
  6. Body weight is normal. With overweight men, doctors recommend reducing the amount of food consumed, partially replacing it with a small amount of high-calorie almonds. Saturation comes quickly and at the same time the stomach does not stretch, but on the contrary contracts. As a result, body weight gradually normalizes without any complications, which is often the case with strict diets.

It is necessary to eat only sweet almond... Bitter almonds are poisonous.

Can almonds do harm?

nutritional value of almondsAlmonds are mild allergic foods.You can determine individual intolerance yourself when you eat almonds for the first time. You need to eat a few kernels. If nasal congestion, abdominal pain, dizziness, vomiting and diarrhea appear, almonds are contraindicated for you.

Excessive cravings for almonds will lead to weight gain. The high calorie content of kernels does not allow their use more than 20 g per day.

Raw and roasted almonds are rich in amines and salicylates. Eating more than 40 grams of almonds at a time can cause headaches, flatulence, intestinal cramps and diarrhea. 100 g of almond kernels contains 50% of the body's daily need for dietary fiber.

Almonds also contain phytic acid, which slows down the absorption of iron, magnesium and calcium by the body. Excessive consumption of kernels is contraindicated. Sometimes raw almonds are recommended to simply soak and peel, because the most phytic acid is in the skin.the benefits of soaked almonds

According to naturopaths, raw almonds, peeled and soaked in water, are considered the most useful. The kernels are slightly salted.

The benefits of almonds in medicine

the benefits of almonds in medicineOil made from bitter almond kernels is used to treat genital diseases, inflammation, and the healing of abrasions. Sweet kernels help improve vision and normalize the digestive tract. To strengthen the body after a long illness, it is necessary to consume almonds along with various types of nuts.


almonds in metered quantitiesAlmonds are great for helping to control blood sugar levels. With regular moderate consumption of kernels, the patient's condition is normalized, because almonds prevent sudden drops in sugar, slowing down the flow of glucose into the blood.

People with diabetes mellitus and overweight people can consume no more than 3 almond kernels per day.


benefits of almonds and cholesterol levelsIn the chronic course of the disease, limited consumption of almonds helps regulate blood cholesterol levels. With this disease, the consumption of fatty meat is categorically contraindicated, it is perfectly replaced by almond kernels.

After a sharp exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, the use of almonds must be completely stopped for six months.


With gout in acute form, it is categorically impossible to use almond kernels. Considering the beneficial properties of the product for the whole body, it can be consumed in minimal quantities during a quiet period.


raw almond kernelsUsed to treat hemorrhoids almond oil for external use. Inside, sweet almonds are used to relieve swelling and inflammation. The nuclei promote the regeneration of damaged tissues and work as an antihelminthic agent, which is necessary for such a disease.


Vitamin E and polyunsaturated acids help to restore liver cells, improve liver function and cleanse the organ of toxins. Moderate consumption of sweet kernels gives the whole body new strength and leads to a complete rejuvenation of both the liver and the whole body.

The benefits of almonds and why you need to eat them - video


