Delicious, sweet and medicinal - the benefits of turnip for the human body
Among our ancestors, turnip was one of the most popular root crops. It was cooked, baked, cooked porridge, and also used for medicinal purposes. The benefits of turnip for the human body have been tested for years, and to this day this culture does not lose its popularity among experts. Of course, pumpkin tastes much better. But it is in the turnip that there are so many useful substances that this makes it a natural remedy for many diseases.
What types of turnips are there and are they all useful
Don't confuse turnips with radishes. The first is always flat, sweet, and can be used in any form. Radish it is either round or long, but always with a spicy taste and is eaten raw.
There are several varieties of turnips and they are all good for your health. Each species simply has its own, narrower, circle of influence, for example:
- yellow turnip has a more pronounced anti-cold effect;
- black turnip fights fungi, and it can also be called a natural mucolytic;
- white turnip normalizes metabolism and cleanses the body of harmful components;
- green turnip "works" in the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
The benefits of turnip for the human body
If you regularly include turnips and dishes from it in your diet, you can get a positive result, namely:
- improve the condition of the skin and hair;
- cleanse from toxins and toxins;
- normalize the intestines and stomach;
- relieve pain symptoms in joint diseases;
- remove kidney stones, excess fluid and remove swelling;
- improve the work of the heart and strengthen blood vessels;
- strengthen nails and bone skeleton, and much more.
Who shouldn't eat turnips
First of all, in its raw form, the root crop must be consumed in limited quantities, no more than 200 g per day. Otherwise, it will cause heartburn and flatulence. Small children can be given turnips no earlier than 2-3 years, and even then a little.
But even boiled, any type of turnip is not recommended for use with complications of diabetes, nervous disorders and allergies. With pancreatitis, acute gastritis, kidney and thyroid diseases, it is also contraindicated.