The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds for men

Pumpkin seeds are good for everyone The ever accelerating pace of modern life, new advances in technology and technology, unfortunately, negatively affect the health and longevity of men. Increasingly, doctors have to deal with complaints of the stronger sex about a decrease in potency, signs of chronic fatigue. Doctors with enviable consistency diagnose cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in men, the number of oncological problems and inflammatory processes of the prostate is growing.

The reason for such a bleak picture is an incorrectly chosen diet and food schedule, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits and nervous tension. The impact of these factors, gradually accumulating, leads to prostatitis and the decline in reproductive function, from which people of the most active age suffer today.

How to correct the situation and restore vitality and male health? In most cases, well-established proper nutrition and physical activity, in combination with a course of treatment prescribed by doctors, helps to restore lost strength. Moreover, pumpkin seeds for prostatitis occupy one of the most important places in the diet.

On this topic:how is pumpkin useful for a man's body?

How are pumpkin seeds good for men?

Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of vitamins C, E, B1, B3 and B6

Studying the lifestyle and menus of patients, doctors pay attention to the lack of vitamins and elements essential for men's health and well-being in the diet. But when you complain about decreased potency and other problems of the male genital area, a complete menu is extremely important.

  • To normalize blood circulation in tissues and organs, eliminate congestion and give strength, vitamin C.
  • Vitamins B1, B3 and B6, which are present in legumes and grains, are rightfully called "male" vitamins.
  • Vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant and an important protector of men's health, is responsible for tissue regeneration and youthfulness.
  • Another essential element for men is zinc.

These components of treatment success should not be sought in expensive synthetic drugs. All of them are contained in the simplest product - pumpkin seeds, for potency that can bring considerable benefit.

In addition to the substances already listed, pumpkin seeds contain vitamins such as A, E, K and F. With a lack of these and other vitamins, a man feels rapid fatigue, his vitality and sexual activity decreases, muscle activity is noticeably reduced. But nervousness develops, susceptibility to infectious, viral and inflammatory diseases. This is due to the negative effect of vitamin starvation on the endocrine and immune systems, including the thyroid and gonads.

The dense pulp with a pleasant nutty flavor contains a lot of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, iron, and other trace elements. An important component of pumpkin seeds, useful for men with erectile dysfunction and prostate diseases, are polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and 6, as well as arginine, linolenic acid and other bioactive compounds.

Pumpkin seeds and prevention of male diseases

Seeds are rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, ironRich in protein, fiber and carbohydrates, pumpkin seeds are a high-energy product that quickly re-energizes, simultaneously detoxifies the body and replenishes it with the most essential minerals and vitamins. This is what useful pumpkin seeds for men who want to maintain masculine strength for many years, do not experience discomfort from inflammation of the prostate and do not fear tumors.

A significant part of the benefits of seeds comes from the zinc in them.A glass of dry peeled kernels contains the daily intake of this mineral, which is responsible for the synthesis of testosterone, the main male hormone.

With zinc deficiency:

  • a man does not experience a high-quality erection;
  • sexual desire decreases, and with a chronic lack of substance, hormonal imbalance occurs;
  • there is no synthesis of a sufficient amount of sperm, its quality suffers;
  • the risk of developing malignant and benign formations in the prostate gland increases;
  • there is a surge in prostatitis.

Eating pumpkin seeds is an excellent prevention of male diseasesPumpkin seeds used in the treatment of such diseases and to increase potency are a natural, safe source of easily assimilable zinc and other beneficial substances.

The introduction of even small amounts of seeds into the diet allows not only to improve sex life, but also to seriously strengthen the cardiovascular system, to reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other ailments that are in the first positions in the list of diseases diagnosed in modern middle-aged and older men. What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds and are there any harm to men from their regular use?

Seeds rich in vitamin F and polyunsaturated acids, having an anti-sclerotic effect, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and, thereby, indirectly improve the blood supply to the pelvic organs and increase male longevity.

Best eaten raw or dryThe presence of B vitamins ensures a man's mental balance, his high efficiency and stability in stressful situations.

Seeds actively affect metabolic processes, do not allow cholesterol to accumulate, and also play an important role in the treatment and prevention of digestive disorders. Natural oils, fiber and acids in pumpkin seeds useful for men:

  • have a mild laxative effect;
  • stimulate digestive processes,
  • have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora;
  • remove slags, remnants of undigested food;
  • have an antiparasitic effect.

With the mass of benefits brought by pumpkin seeds, harm to men from their introduction into the daily menu is extremely rare.

Pumpkin seeds can be added to various dishesThis usually happens when eating excessively high-calorie, carbohydrate and fiber-rich seeds, as well as in the presence of medical contraindications. These include inflammatory processes and exacerbations of liver, pancreas and digestive tract diseases, as well as allergic reactions to pumpkin.

In what form are pumpkin seeds healthier for men?

With reduced potency and prostatitis, use raw seedsTo feel the usefulness of pumpkin seeds, men do not have to devote part of their precious time to clicking a natural "medicine". Cooking today offers many ways to include pumpkin seeds on the menu, flavoring them with your favorite dishes.

The greatest contribution to men's health is made by high-quality dried seeds from ripe pumpkin.

If you heat them, for example, fry in oil to give the kernels a brighter taste, some of the beneficial properties will be lost, and the product itself will become many times more nutritious. Therefore, doctors advise not to expose pumpkin seeds for potency and for prostatitis. But a vegetable side dish or porridge with such a tasty addition will surely not leave indifferent any representative of the stronger sex.

Adding pumpkin seeds to baked goodsThe seeds, due to their neutral taste, go well with many familiar foods, especially with cereals, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts. A great light snack can be organized by making a sandwich with vegetable caviar and pumpkin seeds. The decoration of the dinner will be a puree soup flavored with a healthy and nutritious product.

Especially useful for potency are pumpkin seeds introduced into bread or other baked goods made from wholemeal flour.

Such products will not only become a source of valuable proteins, fiber and carbohydrates, but also make the intestines work harder, provide the man's body with B vitamins and minerals, including zinc.

Recipe for prostatitis: pumpkin seeds with honey

Pumpkin seeds with honeyTo prepare a healing agent used for erectile dysfunction and prostatitis, you will need a glass of peeled pumpkin seed kernels and half the volume of bee honey.

The seeds, crushed to a homogeneous consistency, are mixed with honey, and from the resulting mass, balls are made with a diameter of about 1.5 cm. The "tablets" are allowed to freeze in the refrigerator, where they store a useful remedy from pumpkin seeds with honey, according to the recipe, which helps with prostatitis and sexual weakness.

And a medicine and a nutritious treatThe balls are used once a day, on an empty stomach, 40 minutes before the main meal. The product is put into the mouth, where the mass of pumpkin seeds and honey dissolves quickly. If desired, the aftertaste can be removed by washing down the medicine with water. Pumpkin "pills" are taken in monthly courses, between which a weekly break is required.

Another simple recipe for prostatitis from pumpkin seeds and honey will help turn the medicine into a tasty, nutritious treat. Chopped seeds are mixed with your favorite chopped nuts, prunes and dried apricots. For gluing, honey is added to the mass and dense balls are formed. As in the previous recipe, the healing delicacy needs to be set at a low temperature, after which the candy is ready for use.

For piquancy and greater potency of pumpkin seeds, the honey-nut mixture is flavored with sesame seeds, anise and caraway changes.

You can use both funds only after making sure that there is no allergy to pumpkin seeds and honey, as well as in the absence of medical contraindications.

Treatment with pumpkin seeds - video

  1. Irina

    good article


