Pomelo is a mysterious citrus in our area: what it looks like and how it grows

I love to experiment and plant everything from which you can get seeds or seeds. Now the turn has come to a huge pomelo, just got a good fruit with large bones. I planted a few pieces in a pot, came up together and slowly grow up. Everything would be fine, but then I heard that plants can stretch over 10 m in height. Now I sit and think, what should I do with such giants in the apartment? Please tell us how the pomelo grows? Is it possible to limit its height and how long to wait for fruiting?

pomelo Pomelo is a curiosity among exotic fruits that are brought to us from warm regions. Some people are afraid to buy these huge fruits with a characteristic citrus aroma, fearing their mysterious size and not knowing what they taste like. However, these fears are completely groundless, since the fruit is very edible and tasty, in addition, it feels good at home, because we grow lemons and tangerines in pots.

However, before hiding a large bone in the ground, it is worth finding out how the pomelo grows and what it is like as a culture. Looking at very large fruits, it is not difficult to imagine that they will not grow on a small bush, and this must be taken into account when planning to grow exotic plants in a tub. However, let's talk about everything in order.

What does the pomelo grow on?pomelo tree

Pomelo fruits grow on an evergreen tree that can grow up to 15 m in height. The tree has a beautiful rounded crown and large leaves of a deep green color with a glossy sheen. There are small thorns on the branches, but there are also thornless varieties. The tree bears fruit several times a year: first, large white inflorescences bloom on the branches, and then tasty fruits weighing up to 2 kg ripen in their place after 5-7 months (some specimens weigh up to 10 kg).blooming pomelo

The flesh, edible in the fruit: it is similar in structure to an orange, but with larger slices covered with a white, hard film. The pomelo has a thick rind on top. The color and shape of the fruit depends on the variety. Most often, the following types fall on our counters:

  • spherical Khao horn, sweet, white flesh, yellow-green skin;
  • pear-shaped Khao namphung, yellow and sweet flesh, green-yellow skin;
  • flattened ball of Khao paen, white flesh with sourness, yellow shell;
  • pear-shaped Khao phuang, yellow flesh, sour, green and yellow rind;
  • spherical Thongdi, sweet, pink flesh, green skin.

The fruit itself belongs to the citrus family and is a separate species. The opinion that the pomelo is a grapefruit hybrid is wrong. On the contrary, it is grapefruit that is obtained from crossing pomelo and orange.

Features of growing pomelo at homepomelo in the greenhouse

As a thermophilic culture, the pomelo does not grow in the local climate, but it feels very good in indoor conditions, as well as in heated greenhouses. It propagates by seeds, which are planted in nutrient soil.indoor pomelo

Providing the plant with good lighting, warmth, regular watering and air humidity of at least 60%, you can get a beautiful decorative tree. It is easy to form, so you can restrain active growth and give the plant a compact size for room. The only minus of the pomelo is that flowering and fruiting will have to wait at least 10 years. If you're ready for the wait, feel free to plant a tropical guest and enjoy a delicious harvest.

Video on how to grow a pomelo from a bone


