Pay attention to the tomato Pink honey
The Pink Honey Tomato is not a hybrid variety, which is why many gardeners love it so much. This type of tomato can be used to prepare many delicious dishes and produce quality seeds. Planting them next year is guaranteed to get an excellent harvest.
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Tomato Pink honey: variety description
A feature of the variety is that tomatoes can be grown both inside the greenhouse and in the garden, and the yield will be approximately the same. Outwardly, the fruits are always massive and large, individual units reach 1.5 kg. The height of the bushes is also impressive - in an open space it can reach 60-70 cm, and in a greenhouse it can easily grow up to 1.5 meters, the bushes have a small number of leaves.
Among the advantages of the variety are as follows:
- Large fruits.
- Juicy pulp.
- The variety is easy to care for, the fruits can be grown both in the greenhouse and in the garden.
- It grows well even on saline lands.
- Resistant to disease. Its resistance is referred to the average level.
Tomatoes are usually harvested at the end of summer, and it takes 110-115 days to fully ripen.
Fruit characteristics
You can give the following characteristic of the pink honey tomato: the largest fruits, reaching 1.5 kg (in rare cases), grow on the first branches. The fruits are round-heart-shaped, the flesh is sugary in appearance, very juicy and sweet. Tomatoes also taste different from most other varieties, since they completely lack the sourness characteristic of these berries.
The fruits are in demand among gardeners, but they are not suitable for transportation and conservation due to their thin skin. These tomatoes are usually grown for personal use or local sale. The fruit is also suitable for making sauces and juices.
Before planting tomatoes on your site, read the reviews of gardeners and summer residents, you may find life tips for caring for a variety and choosing a soil.
Variety yield
The yield of the tomato variety will depend not so much on care (this variety is unpretentious), but on the correctly selected soil at the planting stage. It is believed that the Pink Honey tomato variety will grow best on land that has previously grown crops such as onions, garlic, peas, carrots, radishes.
The yield of fruits is negatively affected by temperature changes, with both a decrease in degrees and an increase.
To get a good harvest, you need to know the following features of caring for bushes.
Seedlings should be planted as follows: 50x40 cm seedlings in a bush, per 1 sq. m there are usually 3-4 bushes. As soon as the first stepsons appear, they must be removed. Keep in mind also that this variety does not like watering, so you should water the soil only when it is completely dry and not even a drop of moisture remains on it. It may seem unusual, but it is in these conditions that tomatoes will grow better.
Water the tomatoes so that the water does not get on the bushes. Only the ground should be irrigated, the water on the stem or leaves will negatively affect the growth of the bush and can lead to its rotting.
Temperature regime
You should also know that tomatoes of the described variety require heat and, if there is a lack of it, the fruits may grow poorly, the bush will bear fruit with small berries or will not bear fruit at all. The optimum temperature for planting seedlings and full germination of seeds is 25 degrees, during this period they should set well. Further, for their normal growth, a temperature in the range from +15 to +30 degrees will be acceptable. This explains the need to plant tomatoes before summer, the ideal time for this is early May. In this case, it will be possible to harvest at the end of summer.
Provided that the temperature regime and the irrigation schedule are observed, you can harvest about 6 kg of tomatoes from one bush at the end of the season. The average yield per bush is 4 kg, which is quite a lot if you grow tomatoes for personal purposes. But you can grow more fruits using fertilizers... If you fertilize the soil 2 times a season, at the beginning of the ripening of the bushes and after 30 days, then there will be more fruits as a result. Now there are dressings that do not affect human health at all and do not harm the bush, a water-soluble complex that contains phosphorus and potassium would be an excellent option. You can use growth stimulants - they can speed up the process of fruit ripening. This is appropriate if you did not manage to plant the seedlings in time and there is little time left until the end of summer.
You should know that excessive heat, when the air temperature stays above 30 degrees for more than one day, the crop may also disappear, since the fruits will not be pollinated. The temperature below +15 will also negatively affect, since in such a situation flowering will stop. That is why many gardeners claim that it is better to grow tomatoes in greenhouses. There you will be able to independently organize the necessary microclimate for optimal growth.
With improper care of tomato bushes, it is noticed that only 3-4 brushes of the bush bear fruit. Since the first fruits are very large, the rest cannot fully ripen. Even so, this variety is much more fruitful than the similar bull heart variety.
How to grow tomatoes Pink honey
To prepare the seedlings, the seeds need to be poured into the ground in early March or late February. Diving is carried out at the stage of 2 true leaves.
When planting, it is recommended to plant 1 sq. m no more than 3 bushes of seedlings, but if the bushes are small, you can plant 4.
You can achieve the desired result, get large fruits and juicy pulp by choosing the right way of growing. Suitable for this:
- greenhouses;
- greenhouses;
- open ground;
- limited capacity;
- in bags with a mixture of soil;
- under temporary shelters;
- on bales of straw.
All these methods are relevant for the middle band. For northern, colder climates, the cultivation option is better. tomatoes in the open fieldusing seedlings. In this case, the likelihood of a good harvest will be highest.
Gardeners and amateur gardeners claim that these tomatoes will grow best in open ground (provided a stable climate without sudden temperature changes). Such tomatoes are actively released by stepchildren. They should be cut off immediately so as not to interfere with the development of the fruit. In the open field, tomatoes set very quickly.
In soil where legumes or radishes used to grow, tomatoes will grow faster and better. To care for the bushes, you need to use organic fertilizers. Solutions based on chicken manure or manure are suitable. Use 1 part of fertilizer per 10-12 liters of water. During the growth of seedlings, you should do 2 fertilizing from mineral fertilizers... The first feeding is done on the 10th day after the picking of the seedlings, and the second - 10-15 days after it. For this, the following solution is used: 5 grams of ammonium nitrate, 15 grams of potassium chloride, 30 grams of superphosphate are added to 10 liters of water.Each plant accounts for half a glass of such fertilizer. It also needs to be added only to the soil, without affecting the leaves.
Disease resistance
The general level of disease resistance of tomatoes is estimated as average, but experts note that one of the disadvantages of this type of tomato is its weak resistance to certain diseases. But with proper care and adherence to the rules for planting varieties, the development of diseases can be prevented. Attention should also be paid to disease prevention. When the first signs of any disease appear, in particular, such as late blight, it should be treated immediately. Both diseased and healthy leaves are sprayed with a special solution. This will stop the development of the disease and prevent infection of neighboring bushes.
For the prevention of tomato diseases, fungicidal preparations such as Ridomil are usually used. As a preventive measure, you should also use:
- Compliance with watering rules - try to water only the soil, water should not get on the leaves.
- Processing leaves with a solution of Bordeaux liquid.
- You need to plant tomato bushes separately from potatoes.
- When gray rot appears, immediately treat with fungicidal preparations. They are suitable for both treatment and future prevention. A wide range of modern fertilizers allows you to choose a harmless and effective option.
As soon as diseased leaves or stems appear, they should be disposed of in order to stop the spread of the disease of the bush.
How to use tomatoes
Pink honey tomatoes are ideal to eat immediately after harvest. They have a large number of nutrients in their composition, are quite nutritious and tasty. Also, tomatoes are suitable for making dressings and sauces, juice, tomato paste, caviar and even jam. During heat treatment, the taste of this type of tomatoes only reveals itself, becomes more intense and bright. Tomatoes have a sweet taste, the sourness characteristic of most varieties is absent. That is why not everyone likes this tomato variety.
As a reminder, you cannot preserve the whole fruit, as they have a very thin skin. Despite the fact that the skin does not crack during storage, during processing with hot brine, it will immediately open the pulp and only gruel will remain in the jar.
Although tomatoes do not have a high degree of disease resistance, they are in demand among summer residents and gardeners. Many experienced gardeners recommend growing this type of tomato in greenhouses. This allows you to protect seedlings and fruits from weather and temperature extremes. Read: how to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse?