We get acquainted with the popular varieties of cherry plum from photos and descriptions
A plant came to us from the Caucasus, it was there that this half tree, half shrub grew. Modern cherry plum, the photo will convince you of this, is the result of painstaking work of breeders. The varieties that have appeared so diverse differ in taste, color, size of fruit and size of the tree itself. Back in the early twentieth century, cherry plum was not widespread and only in the 70-80s of the last century it was actively cultivated in collective and private farms.
Variety of cherry plum varieties
First, the tree was used for decorative purposes, then for grafting fruit trees. Special attention was paid to cherry plum only in the second half of the twentieth century, work began on the cultivation and selection of cherry plum. From the variety of varieties, we highlight several of the most popular:
- Kuban Comet;
- July rose;
- Lama;
- Tsarskaya;
- Huck;
- Gift to St. Petersburg;
- Peach;
- Not laughing;
- Cleopatra;
- Sonya;
- Globe.
Variety Kubanskaya Kometa
Trees bear fruit steadily, have a high yield. There is a tendency to overload the branches with fruits, which affects the decrease in their size. Systematic correct pruning is required to obtain a quality crop.
Cross-pollination is not required, the variety is self-fertile, tolerates winter stably.
The presented variety of cherry plum Kubanskaya Kometa is considered the best derivative of selection.
Cherry plum variety July rose
Cherry plum July rose is the earliest of the varieties, its fruits begin to ripen in early July, and even earlier under favorable natural conditions. Fruits are dark red, round or slightly oval in shape with a weight of 30-35g. The cherry plum pulp is fibrous, yellowish in color with a pronounced sweet and sour taste. The cherry plum variety Kubanskaya Kometa became a derivative for breeding the July rose. The characteristics of these varieties are similar, the appearance of the fruits is also almost the same.
Cherry plum variety Lama
The middle of the twentieth century was marked by work on the selection of cherry plums, it was during this period that the variety of cherry plums Lama was bred, which characterizes itself as winter hardy, resistant to biological aggression, with improved taste.
This variety feels great not only in the middle part of Russia, it is also grown in the Far Eastern region.
Trees from 1.5 to 2 meters in height are not at all pretentious to natural conditions and environmental aggression. The fruits are sweet and sour with a subtle almond aftertaste. The pulp is dark red, well separated from the stone. The variety has a lot of advantages, but there are also disadvantages: annual pruning of the tree to increase the amount of yield, shedding of fruits during the ripening period.
Cherry plum variety Tsarskaya
Cherry plum Tsarskaya has an average ripening period, a tree with a compact crown, grows up to 2.5 meters.Compared to its counterparts, it has medium-sized fruits from 20 to 25 g with a rich yellow skin. The juicy yellow pulp of Tsarskoy cherry plum has a sweet and sour taste. The advantage of the variety is good fruit preservation, resistance to frost, diseases and pests.
The disadvantage of Tsarskoy cherry plum is a self-fertile variety, which means that plums or other cherry plum trees must grow next to it to get a harvest.
Cherry plum variety Gek
Hybridization of the Chinese plum and cherry-plum The excellent student gave the result in the form of the cherry-plum variety Gek in the early 90s of the twentieth century. A tree with an average ripening period and fruit weight up to 35 g. The pulp is of low juiciness, yellow in color, like the shell of the fruit, sometimes a pale pink blush is observed. The fruits have good taste, are resistant to transportation, high-yielding variety, used fresh and used for conservation. The disadvantage of cherry plum Huck is a poorly separated bone, there is an instability to diseases (gray rot), it requires systematic pruning and constant care.
Cherry plum variety Abundant
As a result of crossing the Chinese plum Burbank and the Tavricheskaya cherry plum, a wonderful hybrid of the Abundant cherry plum was obtained. The tree is weak, even by the age of 10 it rarely reaches a height of 2.5 meters. The fruits are large, as can be seen in the photo of this cherry plum variety. With proper care and good natural conditions, the weight of the fruit can range from 35 to 55g. The rounded shape of the fruits and their dark purple color are eye-catching. Sweet and sour taste, saturated with juiciness, matches the appearance. Already at the beginning of August, you can collect a high yield of Abundant cherry plum.
Cherry plum variety Gift to St. Petersburg
As a result of crossing the varieties of cherry plum Pionerka and Chinese plum, cherry plum was bred Gift to St. Petersburg. The height of an adult tree reaches 3 meters. Small oval fruits with a weight of 12-15 g. The photo of cherry plum shows that the fruits are small in size, but they abundantly cover the branches, the variety is considered high-yielding. The bright yellow color of the fruit, sometimes with a pink tint, has an average taste, the stone does not separate from the pulp.
Cherry plum Gift to St. Petersburg is one of the frost-resistant hybrids, has a high resistance to fungal diseases and pests.
Cherry plum Peach
A new variety of cherry plum Peaches has been introduced, a description and a photo will help you get to know it. The plant is not self-fertile, therefore for pollination it is required to plant it next to plums or other varieties of cherry plum. Fruits weighing up to 40 g are endowed with excellent taste. The tree is an early ripening variety, from the middle of July, under favorable natural conditions, it is possible to harvest. A distinctive feature of the fruit is its sweet taste and peach aroma.
Cherry plum variety Nesmeyan
Cherry plum Nesmeyana belongs to varieties with an early ripening period, resistant to major diseases and unfavorable environmental conditions. Sprawling tall tree bred from varieties Kuban comet... The surface of the fruit is smooth, large size, light red rind. The pulp is the same color as the skin, juicy and with a sweet and sour taste.
Cherry plum Cleopatra
Free pollination of the Kubanskaya Kometa variety made it possible to breed and cultivate the cherry plum variety Cleopatra on a large scale. High productivity and endurance, resistance to classic diseases, these are the main characteristics of this variety. As for the fruits, they are large, up to 40 g, round-oval, dark red or purple in color, covered with a waxy coating. The pulp is reddish with a sweet and sour pleasant taste.
Cherry plum variety Soneyka
Cherry plum Soneyka belongs to varieties with a late ripening period; they begin to harvest at the end of August. At first, the color of the fruits is greenish, with a slight blush, but by the time they ripen, they turn yellow. The fruits themselves are quite large, up to 50 g, with a pleasant taste. The bone does not leave the pulp.
To obtain a high-quality and full-fledged harvest with the maximum size of fruits, on all varieties of cherry plum hybrids, annual pruning of branches should be performed for the correct formation of the crown.
Cherry plum variety Globus
Cherry plum Globus is considered one of the best hybrids in relation to all comparable characteristics. Domestic breeders obtained an excellent result by crossing Abundant cherry plum with its high yield, with the second hybrid obtained as a result of breeding Cultural red cherry plum with apricot. The result is the Globus cherry plum, its fruits reach a weight of 100 g and have a dark red with a purple tint. Sweet yellow pulp with a pleasant aftertaste. The variety is resistant to frost, diseases, the fruits tolerate transportation well.
Cherry plum Globus, the photo of which you see, is more like a plum in all external data and taste, therefore it is often confused with varieties of plums.
Lush flowering makes cherry plum trees unusually beautiful, therefore, along with growing them for fruit, low-growing varieties are planted around the perimeter of the fence, using flowering branches for decorative purposes.
Cherry plum varieties Abundant and Gek - video