How is planting and care of ageratum
So that planting and caring for the ageratum does not bring difficulties, you must follow the simplest rules. If everything is done correctly, the plant will become a highlight of any flower bed, as well as a beautiful decorative element for borders. A photo of the ageratum flower and information on when to plant seedlings is indicated in this article.
Planting and caring for ageratum
During the day, the ageratum can be in the shade for only a few hours.
Place for planting a flower
It is necessary to plant plants only in an area well-lit by the sun. The distance between the seedlings should be about 14-17 cm. In addition to constant lighting, the absence of drafts is important for the ageratum.
If you plant a flower in the shade, this will affect its appearance: the leaves will become thin and sparse, and the flowers will become dull and their number will decrease significantly. In this regard, gardeners advise, even in indoor conditions, to put a pot with ageratum on the south window and periodically take it out into the fresh air.
Suitable soil
As for the soil, the flower is unpretentious in this matter. But despite this, the choice should be stopped on a nutritious soil. The acidity of the soil should be medium. Rocky and dry ground is also not suitable for a plant. In such a substrate, ageratum can suffer from diseases that affect the root system.
Reproduction of ageratum
Before planting a plant, you need to prepare the site. It is recommended to dig up the soil and slightly fertilize organic fertilizers... Land preparation also includes removing weeds.
As for reproduction, this can be done both by seeds and cuttings. Both methods are quite simple, but, nevertheless, require minimal preparatory measures.
Planting a flower with seeds
The best time to plant seeds is early spring. Sowing should be done in plastic containers. The soil for the procedure must be used loose and nutritious. A similar substrate can be either purchased in a store or prepared independently, taking humus in equal proportions, peat and sand.
Seeds are sown to a shallow depth, sprinkled on top with a thin layer of soil. Next, the soil is moistened with a spray bottle and covered with polyethylene. If everything is done correctly, then after a week and a half the first shoots will appear. It is necessary to keep seedlings in a room with an air temperature within 19-240 FROM.
A box with seedlings is placed closer to the sun.
As for feeding, it must be carried out once a week using a complex fertilizer. After the appearance of 5 leaves, the seedlings are planted in open ground.
Plant propagation by cuttings
Propagation by cuttings should be done before the onset of cold weather. The plant is dug up and placed in a separate pot together with the soil. During the winter, flowerpots should be kept warm and as close to the sun's rays as possible.
Top dressing and watering should be done twice a month. It is recommended to adhere to such care until mid-spring.
As for harvesting cuttings, the best time for this procedure will be the beginning of March.The length of each specimen should be within 14 cm. Shoot sections should be treated with a composition to accelerate growth, and then placed in the soil.
The cuttings are watered and covered with foil, and the pot is sent closer to the sun. The room temperature should not be higher than 220 C. Within two weeks, the cutting will take root, and after a month it will begin to throw out young shoots. They are planted in open ground after the end of frost.
Plant care in open soil
In order for the plant to be neat and to please with abundant flowering, it is necessary to water it correctly. Also, do not forget about fertilizing and loosening the soil.
Periodic pruning of plants significantly accelerates the growth of bushes.
Watering a flower
Drought is not terrible for the ageratum, because it has very long roots. To water the plant needs a lot of water, but rarely. If there is too much water in the ground, then this can provoke various diseases, including rotting of the roots. It is better to irrigate ageratum in the morning.
Ageratum fertilization
Top dressing is very important for this plant. Organic is a great option. To prepare the product, you will need to dilute the mullein infusion in water, and water the flower with this composition. Top dressing is done once a month. As for pure manure, it is strictly forbidden to use it.
Classic fertilizers are also used to a minimum. This applies to humus and peat, which contribute to the lush growth of greenery, but they have a negative effect on flowers.
The best feeding option for ageratum will be a special composition of mineral fertilizers designed for annual plants.
Plant pruning
Pruning for ageratum is a breath of fresh air. To ensure good flowering, wilted inflorescences should be removed in a timely manner.
If the plant stretches upward, due to a long stay in the shade, then it is necessary to slightly remove the top of the shoot. Thus, the shrub will become green and lush, which is very much appreciated by gardeners.
It is recommended to prune ageratum every 30-40 days. It is not worth carrying out such a procedure more often, since the bush will lose its attractiveness.
This is an important event on which the density of the plant depends. Only the top of the stretching shoots should be trimmed. After the procedure, each branch should contain about 5 leaves. Only then will the shoot grow fully.
Flower pests and diseases
Like all plants, ageratum often suffers from various pests and numerous diseases. Often, the flower is affected by root rot, which develops due to excessive moisture in the soil and air. Since this disease is very difficult to remove, it is better to prevent its appearance by observing the rules of watering.
Another disease that affects ageratum is cucumber mosaic. Also, aphids, spider mites and whiteflies often take root on the flower.
The fight against diseases and pests consists in the removal of the affected parts of the plant, as well as in the treatment of plants with special medicinal agents.
Application in landscape design
Due to its attractive and bright appearance, the flower is widely used for decoration:
- various flower beds;
- borders;
- discount;
- mixborders;
- alpine slides.
The plant is very compact, so it can be planted in boxes and flowerpots to decorate balconies and stairs.
A good combination of ageratum with calendula, marigolds, zinnia, verbena, cineraria, helenium, rudbeckia, antirrinum. The flowerbed, which is completely planted only with ageratum, also looks great. But, in this case, it is better to use several different shades at once. Thus, the site will sparkle with various colors and will delight all passers-by with its attractive appearance.