Planting and caring for maiden grapes at their summer cottage
A dacha, a country house, a rural property - everywhere there are buildings that are not pleasing to the eye. The rapidly growing decorative liana of maiden grapes will help to drape the old barn, decorate the veranda and the facade with greenery. Planting and caring for the plant is simple, and the decorating effect is exceptional.
Acquaintance with the girl's grapes
Bright green leaves that never get sick create a carpet on any plane. In the fall, this landscape turns purple and remains so until foliage flies in late fall. The branches show small blue berries that resemble grapes, but they are inedible. They can stay in the winter as a treat for the birds.
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The homeland of this amazing plant is North America, East Asia. It was used to decorate it in 1622. The culture is a five-leaf grape and its ivy shape. The use of girlish grapes in landscape design can be recommended for many reasons:
- the culture is winter-hardy, does not require shelter for the winter;
- the plant does not get sick and does not become food for pests;
- grapes are undemanding to soil and location;
- decorative and growing rapidly;
- breeds easily.
Who can be left indifferent by a picture of a girlish grape in landscape design, the photo was taken 4 years after planting the cuttings.
Use the plant to create hedge chain-link on the grid. With the help of fast-growing vines, cover gazebos... The constant decorativeness of the plant is of great importance. It does not need to be treated against pests, which means it does not need to violate the environment. Its twigs safely endure any frost, and in the spring the created composition comes to life and pleases with young fresh greens. Plant care consists in regular pruning, after which the leaves become larger, the carpet is denser. Fairytale characters live in parks if the skillful hand of the artist could create a frame for the plant. A photo of a girlish grape in landscape design in this picture will hardly leave a gardener indifferent.
Girlish grapes do not need special support. All he needs is the roughness of the walls and the ability to create a hold. Liana clings to adventitious roots, is root-growing.
Reproduction of maiden grapes
The choice of landing site is not difficult. Liana will grow in any degree of shade. But if the maiden grapes grow on the north side, then there will be no autumn purple leaf. In the fall, the leaf will remain green until discarded. Liana grows better in a lit place. When planting a plant, you should know that the adventitious roots are attached to the surface so firmly that the branch cannot be torn off without causing injury.
The maiden five-leaf grapes propagate easily. Several methods are used, each of which has its own characteristics:
- layering;
- cuttings;
- seeds.
From the experience of breeding, the fastest with good survival rate in summer can be propagated with a lash, which can be borrowed from neighbors. A lash laid with a shallow groove in the ground with a raised crown will surely take root. There are other ways to lay it to create waves, with one bud in the ground and one on the surface. You will get rooting in several places with layering. However, getting a live seedling directly from the bush will happen even faster. To do this, lay a two-year-old cutter in the ground, strengthen it there, and before rooting, it will feed from the mother plant.
During the rooting of the green vine, the soil should be moist. It will be useful to cover the soil from drying out with geotextiles, so that air exchange on the surface of the hole is not disturbed.
Propagation of girlish grapes by cuttings is possible immediately, with freshly cut material as thick as a pencil. In this case, there should be 5 buds on the petiole, three of which deepen. Constantly damp earth and covering the top from the sun's rays will ensure 100% plant survival. Growing vines from cuttings can be carried out at any time of the warm season. If it is not possible to obtain planting material, you can purchase it.
Unpretentious plants quickly take root and start growing. However, for a weak plant to root, at first, good conditions must be created:
- a week before planting, dig up the soil and remove weeds;
- dig a hole 50 cm deep, create drainage, sand cushion on top;
- the top layer of fertile soil should be from garden soil, compost with the addition of sand.
The main pruning with formation is done after the cessation of sap flow in autumn or early spring on a dormant bush. Pruning is done per bud, leaving a stump of no more than 0.5 cm so that the knots do not violate the decorative effect.
Vine propagation by seeds is almost never used. Seeds must be stratified within a month and a half at a temperature of 5 0... Seedlings will appear in a month. Seeds remain viable for only one year. Autumn sowing is also possible. But in this case, the seeds will germinate in a year.
Points to consider when breeding maiden grapes
You can not place a vine where you want to cover a dilapidated structure. A rapidly growing plant makes the structure heavier and may fall. If the wall is plastered, the plant can rip out the piece and fall with it. Therefore, the wall must be monolithic, brick, concrete or wood. It is good when the support is frame. Mesh chain-link, fittings are perfect.
If the plant is planned to be put on the roof, then it should not be tiled or slate - the vine will break or lower the sheets. The twigs will braid all the irregularities that meet on the way, whether it is an antenna or a chimney. Therefore, the formation of the crown will give the object a neat look and prevent the plant from entering the forbidden parts of the structure.
By creating beauty with the participation of various ornamental plants, the gardener gains more than pride in his well-kept garden and artistic taste. Maiden grapes tend to kill some fungi and bacteria. The microclimate in a house entwined with vines will become more pleasant, as the heating of the room is regulated in summer. Liana becomes an obstacle to the sun's rays and it is cool in the house on a hot afternoon.
The statement that the facade of the house is not ventilated under the cover of greenery is not confirmed. Leaves protect the walls from slanting rain. But we should not forget about the roots of the suction cups, which take away moisture. Therefore, the use of maiden grapes for decorating the estate together with other plants will create a unique look.
The vines' ability to withstand winter conditions without additional shelter is attractive.In especially frosty regions, experts advise to insulate young plants for the first years, covering them with a protective film.