Proper planting and care of cypress trees in the garden

planting and caring for cypress trees in the garden To grow a beautiful and healthy plant, you need to know what planting and caring for a cypress in the garden should be. By adhering to simple rules, culture will certainly please with its fast growth and beautiful appearance.

Planting and caring for cypress trees in the garden

planting cypress

Usually, there are no difficulties with planting cypress. The first step to success is choosing the right seeds to plant. To do this, you need a bump that has already begun to open, but is still green inside. Don't expect instant results. Cypress seeds do not immediately give high germination. If at least one fourth of all planted seeds germinates, consider this your small victory.

Landing Feature:

  1. Place for landing. Cypress does not tolerate direct sunlight, and in the shade of its branches stretch upward in search of light. The best place for him is partial shade. Waterlogging should also be eliminated immediately. Heavy, poorly drying soils will destroy the shrubs, and in well-drained soils, the optimal moisture balance will remain. Excess water will go deeper into the ground, without stagnating at the roots. The above features are common to all ornamental cypress varieties. However, each individual species has its own specific care requirements.
  2. Soil preparation. It is recommended to prepare the ground for planting cypress in the spring. The best is a mixture of turf, peat and sheet soil with sand. Take the first three components one piece at a time, and double the amount of sod land. Pour tree bark or small pieces of wine corks on the bottom of a wide drawer. Next, lay out the prepared earthen mixture and compact it. Next, plant the seeds in rows and pour water at room temperature. Set aside a warm place for boxes with plenty of light. Before the seeds sprout, the soil must be constantly moistened. The sprouts will require regular abundant watering in the future.
  3. Planting a plant. Here you need to take into account such an important point as the distance between the holes. Arrange the seedlings so that they do not cast a shadow over each other. Another tip - when planting in the ground, be sure to add coniferous humus.

Pay close attention to the top layer of the soil: as soon as it dries out, the soil must be immediately moistened.

At a young age, cypress roots are easily damaged. Therefore, when planting in open soil, they must be completely protected by a clod of earth. Strengthen the seedlings with thin sticks.

How to care for cypress outdoors

cypress careCypress belongs to an undemanding coniferous shrub. But if you want it to be a true decoration for your garden, it takes a little work. First of all, carefully select a site for future planting and prepare it correctly. It depends on how comfortable the cypress will feel in the future.

Irrigation of plants in the garden. This shrub reacts painfully to moisture deficiency. This applies to both the land in which it grows and the air. He needs spraying and regular watering (every 7 - 8 days). When the temperature is average and the humidity is moderate, at least one bucket of water is poured under each cypress bush. In dry hot weather, the plant should be protected from direct sun and sprayed frequently.

fertilizer for conifersFeatures of feeding. At first, the cypress needs frequent feeding. They are brought in at least twice a month.A mixture of superphosphate with mullein will be of great benefit. In spring and summer it is better to use liquid fertilizers with a high mineral content. In order for the cypress to grow comfortably, turf with peat and sand must necessarily enter the soil. As mentioned above, this coniferous shrub is very sensitive to stagnant water. The soil around it should always be loose. When planting, be careful with the neck of the rhizome. If you push it too deep into the ground, the plant may die. After four years, you can reduce the amount of dressing.

Pests. Most often, problems arise with the crown of the cypress. If the air temperature constantly fluctuates, the needles immediately fall off, and the foliage begins to turn yellow. Such troubles happen most often from a lack of moisture and with too dry air. These unfavorable conditions also lead to damage to the plant by the scabbard or spider mite. The latter is easy to spot even with the naked eye. disease controlThe mite, together with the cobweb, is clearly visible between the leaves. But the scabbard manifests itself as brown specks on the stems and needles.

The most effective insecticides in the fight against cypress pests are Karbofos and Actellik.

Pruning cypress

pruning cypressCaring for cypress outdoors in winter. Evergreen cypress is a southern plant. Not surprisingly, many of its varieties cannot stand the winter cold. To protect the shrub from December to March, it is covered with natural materials, and be sure to crush it with snow.

If you want your cypress to overwinter without losses, you can use a special water-charging irrigation. Its essence lies in the fact that the plant is abundantly irrigated until the end of autumn, when the earth has not yet had time to freeze.

Those cypress trees, the crowns of which are cut off, usually endure the winter harder. They cannot adapt to unexpected temperature fluctuations.

Plants with a natural crown shape are more seasoned. In places with a harsh climate, cypresses should be carefully covered.

For the period of severe frost, the kaddy specimens are placed in rooms with bright diffused light, where the air temperature is kept within five degrees Celsius. Plants that have formed a crown need various fertilizers. Therefore, further application of dressings is mandatory. Snow can seriously harm cypress trees. The plant breaks easily under its weight. Sweep away any snow that has fallen to prevent cracks from forming. It is advisable to tie high varieties of cypress with thin twine not tightly.

Cypress tree care in spring. During this period, you will need to regularly prune your street cypress trees. With the arrival of March, you need to remove the old and frozen tips of the shoots, as well as broken off and dried branches. This is done for reorganization purposes. Alternatively, you can do crown formation. This is done so that the shrub has a conical or pyramidal shape. At a time, remove no more than a third of the coniferous mass.

Cypress tree care in the fall. By this time of the year, the growing season ends. The crown, as a rule, is already formed and thick. About 30% of the annual growth is cut off from it.

crown formationSo the decorative effect of the shrub is preserved. Pruning cypress trees allows you to correct the natural or design shape of the plant. Do not feel sorry for bare branches (they will dry out anyway).

Start forming the crown when at least a year has passed since the cypress was planted or last transplanted.

How does cypress reproduce?

There are two methods of propagation: by seed and cuttings. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Seed method

collecting cypress seedsIt is the simplest and gives high germination of seeds. In this way, such a common cypress variety as large-fruited is successfully propagated. This species has a lot of advantages: it is unpretentious, grows quickly and has a beautiful crown resembling a bell.This method can be used for both undersized and tall plants. Seeds are often planted in the fall.


harvesting cypress cuttingsPlanting cypress with this method is best done in the spring. Cuttings should be removed from young specimens in the active growth phase. It is convenient to use those cypresses that are part of the hedges, as they are regularly pruned.

The more often shoots are removed, the better the new growth will be.

For cuttings, take the top of the bush. Lower shoots are not suitable for this procedure. Bushes from them are deformed, and growth occurs in a horizontal plane.

Cypress is a typical representative conifers... Therefore, its shoots are very different in terms of growth. So, for example, axial ones are responsible for the development of branches, and lateral ones give powerful growth. To make it work, take shoots from a well-developed part, in which the apical growth point is not damaged. If this is not taken into account, then the cypress will bush strongly and grow slowly. This feature is distinguished by golden forms.

Growing cypress in the garden is a simple procedure that even a novice gardener can handle. If you follow all the rules, then the bush will have a beautiful crown and a rich shade.

Preparing conifers for winter - video


