Planting and caring for a catnip in the open field
Planting and caring for a catnip is not very difficult, but it still takes some effort. A small herbaceous plant will have a beautiful appearance and pleasant aroma if you follow the basic rules of cultivation.
Planting and caring for a catnip
Seed propagation
Planting the seeds can be carried out both in separate containers and in open ground. If you decide to grow a crop by direct sowing on the site, then you should remember that the catnip will bloom only in the second year.
Planting seeds should be carried out at a depth of no more than 1 cm.It is recommended to maintain a distance of about 30 cm between rows.
A catnip is a plant that loves lots of space and bright light.
Since the grains in the plant are very small, it is recommended to combine them with sand before planting. Thus, the seedlings will not be very dense.
Before starting the procedure, the area should be well watered with water. Watering the holes after planting is not recommended, as the seeds will move to one place. If the seedlings are located very densely, they will need to be thinned out. There should be a distance of about 3 cm between the specimens.
Cattle for seedlings
This is the most popular way to grow catnip. Planting is carried out in early April. For this, it is necessary to use small containers with nutrient soil. The seeds should be deepened by 1 cm. To get the first shoots as early as possible, the container should be covered with polyethylene.
After the formation of two pairs of full-fledged leaves, a dive is carried out. This procedure is important for the catnip, as a lack of space can negatively affect the development of seedlings.
Seedlings should be transplanted in separate containers or in special boxes. At the end of April, the plants must be hardened. To do this, they are taken out into the street, increasing the time every day. In open ground, seedlings are planted at the end of May.
Reproduction by dividing the bush
An equally popular method that gardeners often use. Before dividing the bush, you need to carefully dig it up. The segments should be separated in such a way that each of them has a healthy root. If there is no full-fledged root, the plant may not take root.
The advantage of this breeding method is the ability to immediately plant the catnip at the desired distance.
How to properly care for a plant
Like other flowers, catnip needs regular maintenance.
The plant perfectly tolerates sudden changes in temperature and drought. But with a lack of moisture, the bush is able to slow down in growth, while not losing its attractive appearance. It is recommended to water the catnip with small amounts of water, but systematically.
If there are no rains on the street for a long time, then irrigate at least once every 7 days.
Preparations should be started in early spring. It is best to purchase mineral mixtures with a high content nitrogen... In autumn, organic matter should be introduced into the soil. The best option is mullein infusion or chicken droppings.
Loosening the soil
To keep the catnip green and lush, you should systematically remove all weeds and loosen the soil. Also, do not forget about soil mulching. This is best done with peat or humus.
Plant pruning
This procedure is carried out in the middle of summer. Initially, you need to remove all wilted inflorescences. This will help the plant to form new buds.
As for the removal of the stems, they are cut at a height of up to 15 cm. Thus, the catnip will delight with its flowering even in September.
The cut green part is dried and then used in medicine and cooking. Shoots and flowers should be dried only in a dark and well-ventilated place. It is not worth keeping the plant in the sun, as it will lose its beneficial properties. The prepared seasoning is kept in glass containers or in cloth bags.
Seed collection
To get high-quality planting material, you need to cut off the inflorescences in July or August. Grains should be started from the bottom buds. Inflorescences are cut off unripe. After separation from the bush, they are laid out on paper and kept in this state for several days.
You should take pure white paper for collecting seeds. Small dark grains may not be visible on newspaper.
Once they are dry, you can begin to separate the grains. This is done by hand, after which it is folded into sated and sieved. The unnecessary part remains at the top, and quality planting material passes through the holes.
Everyone can grow a catman on their site. To get a beautiful plant that can be further used for food, you will need to follow simple rules of care.