Planting ginger at home

planting ginger in a bowl Spice lovers ginger familiar not by hearsay, because this plant is widely used in the preparation of various dishes to give them a special taste and aroma. A spice plant can be easily purchased at a store or market. In addition, it is not at all difficult to grow a chic, plump, fragrant root at home, and it is also very practical, because you can get several from one purchased tuber.

When to plant?

Ginger rhizome ripening is a rather lengthy process. It takes from 8 to 10 months, which must be taken into account in order to obtain a timely harvest. The most optimal time for planting is at the end of January, but this should not be postponed further than at the beginning of March.

How to choose the right tuber and prepare it for planting?

For planting, regular ginger bought in a store is suitable. To get a high-quality plant with a good harvest from it, you need to pay attention to the following details when buying:

  • the pulp should be firm and firm;
  • there should be no mechanical damage and decay on the tuber.

A tuber that is too large can be cut into fragments, provided that each cut off part of the rhizome has at least one growth point.

In order to awaken the dormant buds, place the tuber in warm water for 3-4 hours. Then, if necessary, divide it into parts and leave for a day: during this time, the places of the cuts will dry out and tighten a little.

If you sprinkle the slices with activated or charcoal, you can plant immediately.

Which pot to use?

Lovers of clay flowerpots should give up their preferences this time and put ginger in plastic dishes. The fact is that it grows strongly and then it will be very difficult to remove the rhizome from the clay pot. For the same reason, use wide and shallow containers.

There must be drainage holes in the pot, because, despite its moisture-loving nature, ginger quickly rots from stagnant water.

How and in what soil to plant?

Put a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the flowerpot, while, if there are no flat dishes, it is necessary to pour a decent layer into a tall pot, up to 1/3 of the height of the pot.

Ginger loves loose, slightly acidic soil. In dense soil, the plant will develop poorly, and the roots will grow clumsy.

Pour substrate for indoor plants on top of the drainage, without reporting 2-3 cm to the top of the flowerpot. Lay the tubers so that the growth points look up. If several fragments of a tuber are planned to be planted in one flowerpot, the buds should be directed in different directions. Sprinkle a little earth, spill the soil well and drain the water from the pan. Place the pot in a bright room with a temperature of at least 20 degrees Celsius. The first shoots will appear in 2 weeks.

Video about planting ginger at home


