Planting onions before winter - everything a gardener needs to know
Planting onions before winter - the subtleties and advantages of the procedure for obtaining a good harvest
Among the advantages of such cultivation, it is worth noting:
- winter onions emerge almost a month earlier than spring onions, and the harvest can be harvested already in the middle of summer;
- on the vacated bed there is an opportunity to grow other crops by the end of the season;
- pests planted in autumn are not afraid of pests, since it is already cold, and they go to rest;
- low temperature does not create suitable conditions for the development of various diseases, for example, powdery mildew or rot, so the plantings remain healthy;
- in the spring, the beds with early risen onions do not need special care, because the weeds at this time have not yet grown;
- planting small sevka will help avoid shooting, while large bulbs planted in spring often go into the arrow;
- there is no risk that in the spring the onion podzimny plantings will not have enough moisture, because they will get it from the melted snow;
- podzimny onions and heads are larger, and the yield is higher.
There are few drawbacks to winter planting, and most of them are related precisely to the temperature regime. So, sometimes it is difficult to guess the exact date of disembarkation, because the weather has such a changeable nature. In addition, autumn plantings in most cases need shelter. And winter onions, although they ripen earlier and larger, are stored worse than spring onions.
What onion is used for autumn planting
Regarding the species, any planting material is suitable for planting winter onions, be it seeds (nigella), sets or the bulbs themselves.Onions - shallots and batuns tolerate podzimny sowing well, but with respect to leeks, it should be planted only in spring.
But you should be more careful with the varieties, because not all of them are suitable for autumn planting. The region of growing plays an important role in the choice of onions. Onions planted in warm southern regions are not suitable for winter sowing in cold northern regions.
In general, the best varieties of onions that are planted in autumn have long existed and have been tested by the practice of experienced gardeners. These include onions:
- Bessonovsky;
- Danilovsky;
- Shakespeare;
- Arzamassky;
- Senshui;
- Red Baron;
- Ellan;
- Stuttgarter Riesen;
- Strigunovsky.
The earliest of these varieties are Strigunovsky and Bessonovsky onions. They ripen in the last days of June, and they are also highly resistant to shooting.
There is another secret: the smaller the onion, the larger it will give a head. Therefore, before planting, it is imperative to calibrate all planting material. Sevok (no more than 2 cm in diameter) and wild oat (2 times smaller) can be used for planting on a turnip. Larger bulbs (up to 3 cm) are more suitable for planting onions in autumn on greens. The larger they are, the more feathers will grow to the detriment of the underground part.
Where is it better to plant
Considering that plants in early spring will need light and warmth, beds should be set aside for winter planting, which thaw out and are well lit before anyone else. There, the soil warms up faster, which is exactly what is needed for active growth and early harvest. For the cultivation of onions, however, like all bulbous crops, areas where water stagnates are absolutely unsuitable. There, onions, whether decorative or dining rooms, will simply rot from excess moisture.
It is advisable to prepare the bed in advance, in August - September, so that the land has time to settle and compact. To do this, add for digging:
- humus;
- wood ash;
- superphosphate.
Planting onions in the fall - the optimal timing depending on the growing region
The main rule of winter planting is that the bulbs should have time to grow roots, but not go into the phase of active growth. Planting too early will only harm the plants. A bow that has released a feather more than 3 cm high may not survive the winter and freeze out.
The exact timing of the winter planting of crops depends primarily on the regional climate:
- in the southern strip, you can plant at the end of autumn, the last decade of October - the first decade of November;
- in the Urals, winter comes earlier, so you need to have time to land before early October;
- the middle lane, the Leningrad region and the Moscow region - the period of sub-winter disembarkation falls at the beginning - mid-October;
- in Siberia, onions are planted even earlier, during the month of September.
When deciding on the date of planting, you must have time to spend it before the soil is very frozen. At the same time, the air temperature during the day should start up to about 6 ° C, and be kept at such values for at least a week, without increasing further in the future. Then the onion will have time to take root, but at the same time it will not begin to actively grow the feather.
Nigella is not so demanding in terms of planting. Onions can be planted with seeds even in late autumn, in the last decade of November. The frozen soil is not scary for nigella, because the seeds will sprout together in spring.
For those gardeners who are guided not only by the weather, but also by the lunar calendar, it is worth finding out the planting dates for 2019. For planting onions, favorable days in September will be the beginning of the month (September 1,8) and the end (27 - 28). In October, the situation is almost the same: on October 6 and 7 and on the 25th. For November, planting is best done in the first days (2,3), in the middle (21) or at the end of the month (29-30).
Planting dates depending on the type of onion
The species belonging of culture also plays an important role. Each species has its own growing season, growth and rooting rates, for example:
- Shallots (aka family).Planting in winter will give an early feather, and it also reduces the harvest time by 2 weeks. From the day of planting the shallot to freezing of the soil, there should be at least 40 days in stock. During this time, the bulbs will grow good roots, and they will not be afraid of further frosts. In the northern strip, shallots are planted after September 20, in warmer regions - a month later.
- Batun... You can start planting when a stable 5 ° heat is established during the day. This is roughly the month of October.
- Exibition (Dutch variety). Autumn planting avoids diseases to which this species is sensitive. It is carried out when the soil is already slightly freezing, in the last decade of October.
There is another type of onion that can be planted before winter - allium, a garden ornamental plant. This method allows you to bring its flowering closer and transfer it from August to late spring - early summer. For this, the bulbs are planted in the last decade of September.
How to properly plant winter onions
Planting onions before winter is no different from the spring procedure - bulbs or seeds are also planted in the grooves. Their length is not critical and depends on the size of the site or the scale of planting. But the width of the row spacing should be at least 20 cm, so that in the future it would be convenient to care for the plants (weed, sap, loosen). It is not worth deeply deepening, but the bulbs cannot be left on the surface, otherwise they will freeze. The optimum planting depth is 5 - 8 cm, and the same distance should be between the bulbs.
After the first frosts come, it is recommended to cover the beds with plant material. It can be straw, fallen leaves from the garden, sawdust, peat. In the south, where winters are warm and snowy, there is no need for additional shelter. The bed will calmly overwinter under the snow cover.