Sowing marigolds for seedlings to obtain lush bushes

sowing marigolds for seedlings Gardeners are sowing marigolds both in open ground and for seedlings. Both options are welcomed by agronomists, but in the latter case there are several significant advantages. Firstly, such specimens bloom much faster than ordinary ones. Secondly, they are great for joint planting, because it is more convenient to embody decorative ideas from bushes than seeds.

Marigold very useful for the vegetable garden. The culture protects the area from pests and also heals the soil. Curly plants are often placed between tomatoes or cabbage.

How to properly sow marigolds?

To begin with, determine the time when you will have to sow seeds for seedlings. It is important to consider that it must be transferred to the ground after the last frosts have passed. Thus, 40-45 days are counted from this date in the reverse order, the seedlings should be of this age, and another 7 days are added. This is how long the seeds will take to germinate.

Some people prefer to plant flowers in one container. However, with such a sowing of marigolds, they will have to dive in the future. Although they perfectly tolerate transplanting, even during the flowering period, it is still easier to place them in special cassettes. The process takes place in several stages:

  • fill the holes with loose soil;
  • moisten them abundantly with warm water;
  • spread the seeds parallel to the surface;
  • sprinkle with earth so as to deepen the planting material to 1.5-2 cm;
  • lightly press the soil.

If you stick a spear-shaped seed with the black end down, then there is a possibility that it will rot. Therefore, even during planting, it is important to check whether there are special holes in the containers for good ventilation.

If necessary, carry out additional watering... However, it is not worth pouring too much into the substrate, because you can deepen the seeds as much as possible. Then they will germinate for a long time.

Luxury conditions for seedlings

In order for the seedlings to germinate, you need to create a favorable microclimate for it. Otherwise, she simply will not live to see the transplant. Therefore, the container with seedlings is covered:

  • film;
  • glass;
  • transparent cover.

Place the reservoir in a warm place. The temperature in the room should be between 20 and 25 ° C. The cap is removed every day for 15-20 minutes. This ventilation prevents condensation from forming, due to which mold and other diseases progress.

After 5.7 or 10 days, seedlings appear in the form of two to three leaves. At this moment, remove the lid and transfer the container to a sunny place. Only then will the sowing of marigolds be successful. After 40 days, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground.


