Sowing alissum seeds for seedlings - timing and features of the procedure

sowing alyssum seeds for seedlings

Lush curtains of alyssum in early spring turn plot in a blooming carpet. Sowing alyssum seeds for seedlings will allow you to see this beauty in a couple of months. Due to its unpretentiousness and good germination, the plant is often sown directly to the flower bed. However, in this case, admire abundant flowering, you can only next year. Seedling method accelerates the growing process by half.

When to plant alissum for seedlings

Alyssum grows quickly, which only plays into the hands of flower growers. Seeds can be sown at the end of April, because in just a month, fully developed bushes will be ready. However, there are two points to consider: climate and growing conditions. In the northern regions, where the heat comes late, there is simply no point in planting the plant too early. By the time of planting in the ground, the seedlings will outgrow, and then they will hurt. True, if you plan to grow it as a pot culture, then in this case, early sowing is quite justified. One more nuance - lighting... In case the seedlings will develop in natural light, it is better to sow the seeds in April. Without additional lighting, an early-planted alissum will stretch out and be frail.

Annual alissum or lobularia emerges and grows slightly faster than perennial varieties. It can be planted a little later.

Sowing seeds alissum for seedlings - the subtleties of the process

For seedlings, you need to prepare a wide container and loose soil. The soil should be light, because the seeds are very small. In ordinary, heavy, soil from the garden it will be difficult for them to hatch.

You can take a universal seedling substrate or prepare the mixture yourself by mixing:

  • humus;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • garden land.

With standard sowing, alissum rises in about 5-6 days. To speed up this process, sprinkle the soil with hot water before sowing. Then the first shoots will appear on the second day.

Seeds can be sown without prior soaking, given their miniature size and good germination. They need just scatter on the surface of the moistened soil, trying to do it as less often. But in any case, you cannot do without seating in the future. From above crops are usually not sprinkled, but simply cover the container to create a greenhouse effect. But you can sprinkle the seeds with a very thin layer of dry substrate. Some growers who sow in this way claim that this is seedlings will appear more evenly.

Before germination, the container with crops should be keep in a warm place, not necessarily bright. If you used the way hot sowing, do not forget to cover the container with a towel immediately after planting. When the sprouts begin to hatch, the seedlings need to be rearranged to light window sill.

Video about sowing alyssum seeds for seedlings


