Recommend a long-acting petunia fertilizer
Good fertilization for petunias is very important, as it is for any other profusely blooming flowers. The plant must have enough nutrients to feed the many flowers. And for this it must have a powerful root system. Therefore, top dressing should be applied at different stages of growth.
First feeding
The first two weeks after planting in a pot or open ground, it is not necessary to fertilize petunia - the young shoot has enough nutrients available in ordinary soil. It is enough to regularly spray or water young shoots with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate - this avoids the appearance of an unpleasant "black leg", which often ruins flowers.
After two weeks, the soil can be watered with a yellow crystal solution - it allows you to speed up the rooting process, which means that petunias will grow faster and bloom more intensively.
Long-term feeding
When the plant gets stronger, releases 4 and 5 leaves, additional fertilization can be applied. If you are interested in a long-lasting fertilizer for petunias, it is best to choose a special fertilizer stick. They are designed for three months, that is, by using them at the beginning of June, you provide your plants with high-quality feeding throughout the summer.
The instructions tell you how much these sticks should be used. It is important to choose the most suitable variety - there are both universal stick fertilizers for flowering plants, and specially designed for petunias. The latter are preferable - they contain exactly those substances that are most important for the stable development and abundant flowering of petunias.
Fertilizers are pressed into sticks that gradually dissolve, providing your favorite plants with all the necessary trace elements after each watering. Using fertilizer is as easy and simple as possible - just stick them into the soil, and you can forget about the need for additional flower care.