Rules for planting different types of beans in summer cottages

planting beans Beans belong to the legume family. Legumes are unique plants in terms of crop rotation. They do not deplete the soil, but rather enrich it with nitrogen. The property of accumulating nitrogen is not possessed by the beans themselves, but by the nodule bacteria living on its roots. They form small false tubers on the root system of the plant and help beans and other legumes absorb nutrients. Therefore, plants from the legume family, unlike other crops, are not recommended to be transplanted to another place, since it takes more than one season to form new colonies of nodule bacteria, and if we consider that beans are an annual plant, then for the normal formation of colonies it is necessary to plant them at least three times.

If you decide to plant beans in a new place, then take some soil from the previous planting site in order to multiply the beneficial bacteria faster.

Planting bush beans

Beans It is more thermophilic than other legumes, so a sunny, windless place is chosen for its cultivation. There are two planting methods for bush beans: furrow planting and square-nest planting.

Planting in furrows

Before planting, the beans must be soaked in water for several hours.

You need to soak the beans for no more than 12 hours, otherwise the plant will "suffocate" and the seeds will not sprout.

Humus and wood ash are introduced into the soil before planting to feed the plants. Then the site is loosened and leveled with a rake. The soaked beans are planted in furrows 3-4 cm deep, the distance between the beans should be 5-8 cm. The furrows should be made at a distance of 45-50 cm from each other. After planting, you need to compact the earth and level it again with a rake.

Square nest method

With this method of planting, holes are dug in the corners of a square with a side of 40 cm. 4-5 seeds are planted in each hole. After planting in a square-nesting way, you need to level the ground with a rake and water it well.

Planting curly and semi-curly beans

The site for planting beans is prepared in the fall. In addition to bush, there are two more types of beans: curly and semi-climbing. Before planting the beans, the ground must be dug to the depth of two shovel bayonets. 1 m2 the area of ​​the site for the autumn digging is made:

  • 20-30 gr. potassium chloride;
  • 15-20 gr. superphosphate;
  • 10-15 gr. urea;
  • half a teaspoon of boric acid;
  • a bucket of humus.

Curly beans, as well as bush beans, are planted in furrows or holes, but trellises are prepared for it. Curly beans are planted in holes 2-3 cm deep.The width of the hole for planting such beans should be 5-6 cm.


