The correct soil is the key to the healthy development of anthurium: which one to choose and how to cook it yourself

After buying the anthurium, I transplanted the flower into garden soil - I use it for all indoor plants. But recently I noticed that the bush drooped - the leaves lost their elasticity and fell apart in different directions. He probably didn't like my land very much. Tell me, what kind of soil is suitable for anthurium and can you prepare it yourself?

soil for anthurium Handsome anthurium requires more attention than other indoor flowers, and this primarily concerns the soil. Indeed, in nature, anthurium lives under trees, where there is a lot of fallen old bark and leaves, and its dense roots practically do not need earth. By clinging to pieces of bark, the flower is firmly fixed and acquires a more stable position, and it also receives nutrition and moisture thanks to its aerial roots.

What should be the soil for anthurium?

Ordinary garden land for growing anthurium too dense and heavy. It will be difficult for the roots to "breathe" in it, as a result of which the plant will not receive the necessary amount of water and air, and over time the flower may even completely die.

Anthurium soil should:

  • be light and loose;
  • it is good to pass water and moisture;
  • dry quickly;
  • do not thicken after drying;
  • have a weak acidity.

Shop ready substrates

store substrates

Sometimes a balanced anthurium substrate can be found in flower shops. He contains peat, bark, sand, charcoal and other components and is the best option for growing a flower. The following substrates have proven themselves quite well:

  • Polessky;
  • Forpro;
  • Aurica Gardens sets.

Anthurium also grows well in orchid substrate, provided that universal soil is added to it in a 1: 1 ratio.

We prepare the substrate ourselves

home substrate

If it was not possible to find a suitable soil for anthurium, it is quite possible to prepare it at home. This will require a base and additional "ingredients" that will help improve the quality of the mixture, giving it the necessary looseness and enriching the composition.

As a basis for a home substrate, you can take an equal mixture of bark and universal store soil consisting of peat.

The following components are suitable as additives:

  • coarse sand;
  • perlite;
  • coconut fiber;
  • a little sphagnum;
  • charcoal.

The permissible proportion of additives from the total volume of the main mixture is up to 15%.

Transplanting anthurium into soil, prepared by yourself - video


