Description of the drug Actellik and instructions for its use
Actellic is a chemical preparation for plant pest control. It is used in agricultural and ornamental crops. It is an insectoacaricide effective against insects and mites. It not only kills pests, but also creates a prolonged protection against their appearance in the future.
Actellic against pests
Actellic is not addictive in insects and ticks. But with a strong infection, it is recommended to use it in combination with other insecticides and acaricides to improve the result. It can be combined with all plant treatments, except for Borodos liquid.
By the nature of the interaction with pests, Actellik is a non-systemic contact-intestinal agent. For the death of insects and ticks, it must fall on their body. Insectoacaricide penetrates the body through the skin and digestive tract, and then stops the nervous system.
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Positive qualities of Actellik:
- Fast action. The death of pests occurs in a few minutes or a couple of hours - this is influenced by the type of insect, as well as climatic conditions.
- Long-term protection. When processing ornamental and vegetable crops with Aktellik, it lasts 2 weeks.
- Versatility: effective against aphids, scale insects, ticks, from whiteflies and etc.
- Does not harm plants and human health when used correctly.
The tool is produced in the form of a powder or ampoules for preparing a working solution, less often as an emulsion.
Mode of application
The drug is applied by spraying or wiping off plant leaves. To do this, use a spray bottle or a regular sponge. It will not be superfluous to shed soil - insects often hide in it.
The product is toxic to humans, and the procedure must be carried out outdoors. Actellic is often used for indoor plants: in this case, it is necessary to take the pots outside so that the room is not filled with chemical fumes.
The effectiveness of Actellik increases at an air temperature of 23-25 ° C, therefore, it is recommended to process it on warm days, if possible. Air humidity from 60% has a positive effect.
The best time for processing is morning and evening, when there are no strong rays of the sun and wind. It is better to choose cloudy weather, but no rain - the drug works for 4-6 hours, and precipitation during this period can lead to a decrease in the effect.
Solution preparation
All the necessary and important information for reading is in the instructions for Actellik. The most common forms of the drug used in gardening and floriculture are ampoules and wettable powder in sachets. The volume of the drug in them is 2 ml. They must be thoroughly mixed in 2 liters of water.
If the pest infestation is extensive, then the concentration of the solution can be doubled: 2 ml per 1 liter of water.
The application rates depend on two factors: the culture and the growing conditions of the plants (figures are given for 10 m2):
- berry crops cultivated from aphids, weevils, moths and others - 1.5 liters;
- cucumbers, vegetables from the Solanaceae family (eggplant, sweet peppers, tomatoes) - 2 liters for open ground and 1 liter for indoor;
- ornamental plants - 2 liters for open ground and 1 liter for indoor cultivation;
- cabbage, carrots - 1 l;
- peach, irga, honeysuckle - from 2 to 5 liters per tree or bush.
Only a freshly prepared solution can be used for processing plants. When using it on vegetable, berry and fruit crops, it should be remembered: there must be another 1 month before the harvest, otherwise there is a high probability that vegetables and fruits will be toxic and can cause poisoning. For the same reason, the drug is used no more than 2 times in 1 year. The optimal time between treatments is 2 weeks. During this time, new individuals will have time to appear from the eggs laid by pests.
Security measures
The instructions for use of Actellik indicate that its active ingredient belongs to the second hazard class. This means that when it enters the human body, it has a toxic effect.
Therefore, when using the drug, it is necessary to observe safety measures: wear rubber gloves, and preferably a respirator and goggles. It is not allowed to spray the solution against the wind: this way it gets into the respiratory system. For the treatment of domestic plants, it is recommended to replace Actellik with analogs with less toxicity: for example, Fitoverm.
The product is stored at temperatures from -10 ° C to 35 ° C. It should be located in a place that is hard to reach for children and animals, as well as away from sources of fire.
Actellic is an effective insecticide that kills most types of insect pests and ticks. In order for the product to work and not harm your health, you must adhere to the instructions for use.