We strengthen seedlings with the help of the "Athlete" preparation

athlete drug Growing high-quality seedlings is one of the biggest difficulties that summer residents lie in wait for on the way to a big harvest. Dry air and heat from a radiator, lack of sunlight and short daylight hours lead to the fact that the sprouts are stretched out, look frail and pale. The drug "Athlete" will come to the rescue. After treatments with this miracle remedy, you simply do not recognize your seedlings - strong, stocky seedlings with a well-developed root system will delight the eye and take root well in the garden.

Fertilizer composition and features

features of the drug athlete

The instructions for the "Athlete" preparation indicate that the active ingredient in it is chlormequat chloride in an amount of 600 g / l. It is a white crystalline substance that quickly absorbs moisture. Well soluble in water and alcohol. Opened in the 50s of the last century in the USA. Experimentally, scientists have found that wheat treated with chlormequat chloride slows down growth and thickens the stem. It turns out that the substance stimulates the production of gibberellins, which are phytohormones of growth.

In agriculture, Atlet growth regulator and its analogs are used as retardants. Plant treatments with these agents lead to the following results:

  • wheat and forage grasses stop lodging at high humidity;
  • apple trees and pears begin to bear fruit earlier;
  • strawberry bears fruit more abundantly by limiting the growth of the mustache.

In general, crops after application of the "Athlete" preparation bear fruit better and are more resistant to drought and low temperatures.

In vegetable growing and greenhouse farms, this pesticide is used to improve seed germination and the survival rate of seedlings after transplanting, strengthen the root system of young plants, and increase yields.

How to use the drug "Athlete" correctly on vegetable and ornamental crops

athlete preparation for seedlingsSeedlings of vegetables and flowers do not always need treatment with growth regulators.

The use of the "Athlete" preparation is justified in cases where the seedlings:

  • outgrows, but the weather does not allow to land on a permanent place;
  • insufficiently lit and stretched;
  • has a weak root system;
  • prone to root rot and black leg.

Garden and indoor flowers are processed to obtain a strong, squat bush that holds flower stalks well, and the development of a powerful root system. Developed roots better nourish plants, hold the bushes more confidently during strong winds and quickly absorb moisture and nutrients from the soil.

plant treatmentBut "Athlete" for plants cannot be used as a micronutrient fertilizer, simply watering or sprinkling seedlings with it from time to time. This pesticide has a very specific effect. It slows down the growth of the aerial part, shortens internodes, and increases the flowering period. Even a slight overdose or a slight increase in the frequency of treatments can lead to a negative result.

Seedlings overfed with the "Athlete" preparation can slow down for a long time in growth, and then bloom for a long time without setting fruits.

According to the observations of gardeners, tomato seedlings after an overdose of the growth regulator slowed down their growth to a complete stop, released leaves of variegated color, irregular shape, pale green or with yellowness. In the future, such bushes lagged behind plants that were not cultivated at all.

Means for seedlings "Athlete" must be used strictly according to the instructions.Exceeding the dose leads to a delay in growth and development.

The drug is available in ampoules of 1.5 g. The contents are diluted with distilled or filtered water according to the instructions and used immediately. The shelf life of the diluted "Athlete" is zero - unused leftovers are disposed of as household waste.

Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants

seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and eggplantsTomato seedlings are treated with the "Athlete" three times, the first time in the phase of 3-4 true leaves. For spraying, the pesticide is dissolved in 1.5 liters of water. The tool is used very sparingly - for 10 sq. m. there is no more than 300-500 ml. The procedure is repeated a week later. For watering, 1.5 ml of "Athlete" is diluted in 1 liter of water. For each plant spend from 30 to 50 ml of the finished solution. To achieve the desired effect, a single watering is enough.

Seedlings of peppers and eggplants are treated according to the same scheme, but the three-time spraying is replaced with a single one.


cabbage seedlingsSeedlings of white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and other types of cabbage are not sprayed, only watered three times, with a weekly interval, starting with the cotyledon leaf phase. The ampoule is diluted in 0.5 l of water. Water at the rate of 1 liter of solution per 1 sq. m. landings.

Indoor flowers

seedlings of indoor plantsPotted plants are also not sprayed. Dissolve 1.5 ml of the preparation in 150-300 ml of water and water the plants under the root. For each pot, about 50 ml is consumed. The first treatment is carried out at the beginning of blooming buds. The second - after 5-6 months.

Ornamental shrubs

seedlings of ornamental shrubsPopular and beloved by everyone chubushnik, budley, tree peonies, rhododendrons, broom, jasmine, viburnum, euonymus, cotoneaster, vesicle, euonymus, barberry and other garden decorations to increase decorativeness and prolong flowering are sprayed with the "Athlete" solution, diluting an ampoule for 1 liter of water. The first treatment is carried out during budding, the second (and final!) - in 5-7 days. For each bush, 100-300 ml of the finished solution are consumed.


safety measures when working with the solutionThe product is classified as hazard class 3. To work with it, you must use rubber gloves and a respirator. If spraying of plantings in protected ground is to be done, it is advisable to wear closed work clothes, which are then washed. At the end of all actions, wash your face and hands with hot water and soap, rinse the spray.

The "Athlete" preparation is an excellent tool for preventing overgrowth and stretching of seedlings of vegetable and ornamental crops. When used strictly according to the instructions, the result will delight any gardener - strong healthy seedlings will perfectly take root in the garden and bring a rich harvest.

We use the drug "Athlete" when pulling seedlings - video


