Rules for the use of the drug Callisto when growing corn

callisto drug Callisto is an effective post-emergence herbicide designed to control weeds in corn and poppy crops. Due to its effective effect on annual and some perennial dicotyledonous weeds, this drug is widely used both in private farms and in large farming and agro-industrial enterprises.

Composition and mechanism of action

mechanism of action

Callisto herbicide is available in the form of a liquid suspension concentrate, packaged in 5 liter plastic cans. The main active ingredient in Callisto's preparation is Mesotrion. This is an artificially created analogue of a natural herbicide, which is obtained from an ornamental shrub of the genus Callistemon citrunus.

Callisto is a broad spectrum herbicide. It is highly effective against most of the known annual and perennial dicotyledonous weeds growing in corn and poppy fields.

The drug destroys the most persistent weeds, including sow thistles and black nightshade. Callisto also has a depressing effect on cereal weeds, suppressing their re-growth for 45-60 days.

The herbicide is intended for the treatment of corn and poppy plantings. Already in the first 24 hours after treatment, the 85% solution penetrates the stems, foliage and roots of the plant, providing a quick effect:

  • the aerial part of the weed plant turns white;
  • weed tissues at growth points are discolored;
  • tissue begins to gradually die off.

field after processing and without processingThese are the first signs of Callisto's action, which appear in the first 1-2 days after treatment. The complete death of weeds occurs in 7-10 days.

Callisto's effectiveness

Callisto has several advantages over other herbicides. It does not induce resistance of weeds, preventing their re-germination on crops of corn or poppy.

The action of Callisto even extends to weeds that are resistant to other herbicides:

  • sow thistle;
  • black nightshade;
  • ambrosia;
  • bindweed;
  • cable car.

With a large amount of weeds, Callisto is used in combination with other herbicides - the combination with Milagro solution is considered the most successful. It quickly destroys up to 96% of weeds in corn or poppy fields.

Callisto drug: instructions for use

instructions for use of the drug callistoThe herbicide instruction Callisto recommends treating corn crops once per growing season, preferably in the eighth leaf phase. Poppy spraying is carried out in the phase of 2-4 leaves.

The consumption rate of the herbicide is 0.2-0.25 l / ha. Before processing, the developmental phase of the weed must also be taken into account. The best option is 3-5 leaves for annuals and a 6-9 cm rosette for perennials.

To obtain the fastest possible result when preparing Callisto's solution, it is imperative to use "sticky" surfactants - for example, Corvette J (1 liter per 200 liters of Callisto). Such "adhesives" guarantee uniform application of the prepared solution and rapid absorption by plants.

Solution preparation:

  • the tank must be half filled with clean water;
  • turn on the stirrer;
  • pour in the required amount of herbicide;
  • add water to the tank to the very top.

All components must be thoroughly mixed.The solution is used immediately after preparation, since Calisto loses its properties during storage.herbicide treatment

Processing is carried out in dry, warm and calm weather, when there are no drops of rain or dew on the plants. Weeds should be abundantly sprayed with working solution, being careful not to get on the corn or poppy plantings.

Features of the use of the herbicide

mechanized field cultivationCallisto is a long-acting herbicide that lasts up to 45-60 days. The result of the treatment is influenced by several factors - the type and growth phase of the weed plant, the used concentration of the working solution.

With a small amount of weeds, a standard dosage of Callisto herbicide of 0.2 l / ha is used. The maximum concentration is used only in case of severe debris of fields or adverse weather conditions.

If it starts to rain within the first hour after treatment with herbicide, it must be repeated. Precipitation that begins one hour after spraying has no effect on Callisto's effectiveness.

Safety measures when working with the drug

Callisto belongs to class 3 herbicides of toxicity - that is, low-toxic drugs. When used correctly, it does not cause any harm to people, animals, beneficial insects and fertile soil.

Plantings cannot be treated with a solution of Callisto herbicide. corn and poppy, located near fishery reservoirs. Also, this product is not suitable for aerial spraying.

After processing, mechanized work in the fields is allowed no earlier than 3 days later.

Callisto in combination with other herbicides

Callisto is combined with Milagro herbicideCallisto can be used in combination with other herbicides. When used in tank mixes, its efficiency is significantly increased and the spectrum of action is expanded. Most often it is combined with Milagro or Banvel preparations. Such combinations are most effective against grasses and perennial weeds.

Thiocarbonates, as well as preparations containing compounds of the organophosphorus type, cannot be used simultaneously with Callisto. In this case, the interval between treatments should be at least 7 days.

open fieldCallisto is a highly effective broad spectrum herbicide used to kill weeds in corn and poppy fields. The drug is fast acting, safe for crops and fertile soil. Callisto can be combined with other herbicides for maximum results.

Callisto's drug for corn protection - video


