Stimul drug - one name for two different formulations
The drug Stimul for plants of two types is on sale. One remedy is a domestic organic mineral fertilizer from peat. The second remedy is a Spanish plant growth stimulant containing trace elements and having antibacterial and fungicidal properties.
There is also a drug Stimul for use in veterinary medicine. Please read the label carefully when purchasing.
Stimul drug - complex organomineral fertilizer
The advantage of this type of fertilizer is that it improves the quality of the soil, and it is difficult to overfeed the plants. The composition includes humic acids, the preparations dissolve well in water (mineral phosphoric and potassium are not diluted well). The fertilizer is suitable for growing seedlings, since it can also be used for foliar feeding.
Composition and packing
Organomineral fertilizer Stimulus contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in different proportions, depending on the manufacturer. The composition must include humic acids, there are trace elements boron, manganese, iron, molybdenum, zinc, magnesium and copper. Packaged in plastic bottles with a capacity of 0.5 l, 1 l, 1.5 l, 2 l, 5 l.
Stimul drug - universal feeding
Complex water-soluble fertilizer is used in the form root (watering) and foliar (spraying) feeding, in any phase of development plants. It is used when growing seedlings, all types of plants in the open and indoor, flowers in pots. Root feeding - dilute with 10 ml of fertilizer for 1 l water, foliar - 5 ml per 1 liter. Solution consumption - 10 liters per 10 sq.m. Apply 2-3 times a month.
Benefits and Stimulus disadvantages before mineral fertilizers
- The structure improves and the soil fertility increases. Soil microorganisms are activated.
- Due to the humic acids contained in the fertilizer, plants produce more amino acids, and the quality of the crop improves.
- Microelements strengthen plants, increase their resistance to diseases and pests.
- The stimulus is more environmentally friendly - it will not harm the soil or plants.
One - it is noticeably more expensive than mineral fertilizers when application on a plot of several acres. When used for feeding seedlings, plants in a greenhouse or at home, in pots, the difference is almost imperceptible.
Stimul drug - growth stimulator, fertilizer and fungicide in one bottle
Complex drug Stimul is developed and produced in Spain. Stimulates plant growth, contains trace elements boron, zinc and manganese, amino acids, inhibits the development of bacterial and fungal infections.
Forms of release and composition
Growth stimulant Stimul is sold in 2 and 10 ml plastic ampoules, 50 and 500 ml vials.
Preparations with the name "Stimul" in a different packaging have a different composition, are used only as fertilizers (packaging of 0.5 l, 1 l, 1.5 l, 2 l, 5 l) or are used in veterinary medicine.
Growth stimulant Stimul - concentrated suspension or suspension of live bacteria Pseudomonas fluorensens, and their products life activity. The products of their metabolism are amino acids necessary for plant development. The drug contains trace elements boron, zinc and manganese.
Growth stimulant
Long-term studies have proven the positive effect of the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorensens on plant growth, which is very important in the following cases:
- Plant transplant.
- Seed germination.
- In the event of stressful situations for plants: hypothermia, drought, pest damage, pruning.
Trace elements boron, manganese and zinc, amino acids contained in the Stimulus, are essential for the good development of plants.
Boron - increases the rate of cell reproduction at points of growth: tips of roots, stems and leaves. Facilitates the absorption of calcium by the plant. Increases the rate of transfer of sugars to fruits. Affects the formation of buds and fetuses.
Manganese - essential for the production of chlorophyll and sugars, stimulates plants to increase the number of ovaries.
Zinc is involved in the synthesis of proteins, sugars and starch, increases drought resistance and cold resistance.
The nutrients obtained from the soil are used by plants to synthesize amino acids, from which proteins and hormones are formed. When using Stimulus, plants do not waste time synthesizing amino acids - they get them ready-made.
Protection against fungal and bacterial infections
The bacteria Pseudomonas fluorensens inhibit the development of fungal and bacterial infections. After treatment with Stimulus, the mycelium of fungi is not is developing. The use of the drug will reduce the number of treatments chemical pesticides or cancel them.
Stimulus is used to soak seeds before sowing, when transplanting, during germination, when planting seedlings in the ground, pruning, damage by pests and diseases, preparing for winter, during the growing season. Watering is alternated with spraying. For processing, dilute 2 ml of the drug in 200 ml of water. Soak the seeds (cucumbers, tomato) within 48 hours, the drug is diluted in a 1: 1 ratio.
Growth stimulator Stimul is a modern eco-friendly product with a wide spectrum of action that can be used in an apartment and in a greenhouse. Accelerates plant growth, helps with germination and transplantation, in stressful situations for plants, improves product quality, protects against fungal and bacterial infections.