Colorado potato beetle taboo drug: season without striped pests and wireworms

taboo from the Colorado potato beetle Farmers spend most of their time and energy on protecting their lands from pests. Using the Tabu preparation from the Colorado potato beetle and many other harmful insects, you can save the potato crop, including cereal crops. This new generation pesticide is analogous to foreign insecticides. Still, it costs several times cheaper than imported ones.

Chemical characteristics of the drug Tabu

insecticide Taboo

It is mainly used for processing seed material. The period of action of the chemical agent is 40-60 days after spraying. Manufacturers release this drug in the form of a concentrated essence. The active substance in the dressing agent is imidacloprid (500 g / l of the poison). The suspension is packaged in plastic containers of 1 or 5 liters, as well as in ampoules of 10 ml.

The auxiliary components are:

  • antifreeze;
  • adhesive compounds (provide the effect of adhesion of toxins to fruits);
  • thickener;
  • dispersants;
  • dyes (allow you to control the uniformity of spraying);
  • humidifier.

Insecticide Tabu - a remedy for the Colorado potato beetle and wirewormas well as other harmful insects. When processing potatoes, the pesticide envelops the root crop with a thick film that is not damaged.

effective drugThe mechanism of action of the drug is intestinal-systemic. Once in a tuber or seed, the poison gradually moves to the sprouts and shoots. The concentrate can enter the insect's body in 2 ways: through the digestive organs or through the skin. Further, toxic substances begin to affect the nerve endings. This leads to the death of impulses coming from the nervous system. As a result, paralysis occurs with the subsequent death of the parasite.

Powerful power of destruction

dosageUsing the Taboo from the Colorado potato beetle, millions were able to defeat this gluttonous pest. Once in his body, the poison destroys all vital functions within the first 24 hours.

Because of such a strong effect, the insecticide is used to destroy:

  • leafhoppers;
  • fleas (linseed or bread);
  • wireworm;
  • cereal aphid;
  • beetle larvae;
  • flies (Hessian and Swedish);
  • scoops;
  • ground beetles.

Tabu drug in a large packageThe seeds of many agricultural crops are sprayed with a toxic chemical. These include: sunflower, different varieties of wheat, corn, beetas well as barley. Sometimes it is used for planting rapeseed, flax (a type of fiber) and soybeans. The characterization of Taboo as a pesticide is in the process of scientific research. However, many gardeners are already using it in this role.

It should also be borne in mind that this drug is not intended to protect the planting from fungal microorganisms. Therefore, farmers recommend using additional antifungal drugs for this.

Manufacturers advise against mixing Tabu with other pesticidal and fungicidal agents. However, it is important to alternate it with insecticides of a different chemical class.

Taboo from the Colorado potato beetle: technology of use

treatment of potatoes with TabuFirst, good roots are selected for planting. They are laid out on a tarpaulin or directly in the hole / furrow. Then they begin to prepare the working solution. First of all, thoroughly shake the ampoule or canister with the concentrate.Depending on how you plan to use Taboo for processing potatoes, the concentrate consumption rate is selected. To spray the seed material, just before planting, take 8 ml of the product per liter of water. The substance is dissolved in 200 ml of liquid, and then brought to the required volume - 1 liter. This amount of aqueous solution will be enough for dressing 100 kg of root crops.potato planting processing

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • first moisten one side of the potato;
  • wait for the emulsion to dry;
  • turn the tubers;
  • repeat spraying.

It is recommended to use the working solution of the Tabu drug immediately after preparation. Upon contact with air molecules, as well as when exposed to sunlight, the quality of the pesticide deteriorates sharply.

dosage must be observedTo process the furrows with potatoes during planting, use a different dosage - 4 ml / 10 l. The resulting volume of working fluid is calculated for 1 hundred square meters. For each tuber spend up to 30-35 ml of suspension. At the same time, periodically shake the canister to stir the contents. For spraying tops, the drug is used extremely rarely.

We take precautions

packing of the drug TabuIt is necessary to work with the solution only in protective equipment: glasses, rubber gloves, a respirator, and also clothes made of dense fabric. The remaining working fluid is disposed of. In some cases, it is dug up along with the earth on its site. According to the instructions, the Tabu treater is stored in a hermetically sealed container. The plastic canister is placed in a storage room that is empty of food, animal feed or medicine. Temperature range for storage of pesticide: -10 ... + 40˚С.

Insecticide Use Taboo from Colorado potato beetle and the wireworm is gaining popularity. It contains a poisonous substance to which the pests have not yet had time to develop immunity. Therefore, in the next season, you must definitely apply this tool.

How to prepare a working solution - video


