Biological preparation Trichoderma Veride - a unique means of protecting garden plants

Trichoderma Veride drug Understanding that the ecology of the land is constantly deteriorating, agronomists have to take care of the successful development of garden crops. Special assistance is provided by the unique drug Trichoderma Veride, which is intended not only for the treatment of plants, but also for the prevention of various infectious diseases. The substance is created on the basis of fungi of the septophyte class. They easily take root on the root system of horticultural crops, creating reliable protection for them. Growing successfully in a new environment, fungi destroy parasites that cause various diseases.

General description of the biological product

biological product Trichoderma Veride

Biological preparation Trichoderma Veride is a unique powder containing many microscopic fungi. When they get into warm soil, they immediately germinate and multiply quickly.

In the process of development, fungi secrete a number of trace elements (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen), which have a beneficial effect on the growth of the culture.

In addition, Trichoderma Veride contains useful vitamins. They perform mainly a supporting role in the fight against pathogenic microbes. The grain substrate is the basis of the substance. It is in it that spores of active fungi live.

The substance is used to treat the following diseases:

  • bacteriosis;bacteriosis
  • phytosporosis;
  • seed mold;
  • powdery mildew;powdery mildew
  • root rot;
  • scab of fruit trees;
  • bacterial cancer;bacterial cancer
  • gray rot;
  • coccomycosis.

In fact, there are many more of them. These are just the most popular plant diseases.

The medicine is released in the form of a liquid concentrate or dry powder. The shelf life should not exceed 3 years, based on the date indicated on the package.

How does the drug Trichoderma Veride affect plants

unique composition of the drug Trichoderma Veride

Due to its unique composition, the substance is widely used in the following areas:

  • prevention of infectious diseases;
  • complex treatment of affected cultures;
  • soil preparation for spring sowing;
  • seed treatment;
  • disinfection of the rhizomes of young seedlings by soaking;
  • pest control of horticultural and fruit crops.

The principle of action of the drug Trichoderma Veride is quite simple. Upon contact with the soil, fungi immediately begin to actively multiply. Over time, they displace pathogenic microorganisms that remain without food and die.

It is advisable to spend the opened sachet of the substance at a time. Without a suitable microclimate, fungi quickly lose their ability to multiply.

The substance is used to treat fruit trees... Pathogenic fungi settle on the shoots or leaf plates of plants, so they begin to hurt. With the help of a biological product, gardeners eliminate pests, providing crops with a comfortable development.

processing strawberries before plantingIn addition, Trichoderma Veride is used to treat strawberries before planting.

Young bushes are soaked in a mixture consisting of the following components:

  • settled water (5 l);
  • soil from the garden (2 glasses);
  • humus (2 glasses);
  • Trichoderma Veride powder (5 g).

First, the substance is dissolved in pure water. Then add soil and humus there. Mix thoroughly and leave to ripen for 60 minutes. The roots of strawberries are dipped into the solution, after which they are planted in the beds. Thanks to this, the culture takes root wonderfully and practically does not get sick.

Instructions for using the drug Trichoderma Veride

beneficial fungusIn most cases, gardeners use different doses of the medicine to treat the plants. Prepare the mixture immediately before starting the procedure. The specified amount of the drug is diluted in a small amount of water, mixing it thoroughly. Then a liquid is added to the resulting mixture to make 10 liters of a working solution.

According to the instructions for use of the drug Trichoderma Veride for treating seeds or seedlings, perform the following actions:

  • the seeds are placed in a medicinal solution for 5 minutes, and then sown on the site;
  • before planting in open ground, the roots of the seedlings are dipped in a solution that consists of earth, humus and a biological product;
  • the medicinal solution or powder is applied directly to the wells immediately before sowing the plants.

plant protection agent against diseasesTo prevent harmful phytopathogens from developing on plants, they are treated with Trichoderma Veride every 3 weeks. Spraying begins when the first 2 true leaves appear. The procedure is done in dry calm weather in the early morning or late evening. To increase yields, crops are also watered with a solution prepared on the basis of the drug (for 15 liters of pure water, 30 g of powder).

Practice has shown that Trichoderma Veride has a number of advantages. First of all, the substance stimulates the growth and development of plants. It is safe for humans, insects and pets. And, of course, it protects garden crops from infectious diseases.

Biological fungicide Trichoderma Veride - video


