Causes of leaf fall in wet vanka (balsam) and ways to solve the problem
Probably, there is not a single grower who does not like the delicate, handsome balsam. A lush bush with rich green foliage and in itself is amazingly beautiful, but when delicate inflorescences begin to open on it every day, and this continues for quite a long time, you simply cannot take your eyes off the flower. But it is not for nothing that they believe that balsam has a temper, to put it mildly, hot-tempered. I almost forgot to water the plant, and now the crown has disintegrated, the leaves have sagged with rags, or even "leaf fall" has completely begun. Why does this happen and how not to lose your pet?
There may be several reasons why the leaves of a wet vanka fall off:
- changing conditions of detention;
- disease;
- damage by pests.
Care problems
A wet vanka begins to lose leaves as a result:
- Freezing... In winter, window sills are often cold. Therefore, it is better to substitute foam plastic under the pot. Do not keep the sissy in a cool room.
- Lack of light... If the flower does not have enough sun, first its branches are pulled out, and then the balsam discards the foliage. We urgently need to move the pot to a lighter window.
- Underfilling... The plant is called “wet” for a reason, because its attitude to water is the most demanding. The substrate should not be allowed to dry out completely, otherwise the bush will disappear. For quick resuscitation of dried balsam, it is better to put it in a bowl of water, and then drain the rest from the tray.
Balsam's viral scourge
In general, a wet Vanka does not get sick very often, but there is one virus that "loves" him very much - this is gray rot. Where there is a lot of water, there are always good conditions for the development of rot, and a vanka cannot live without water. But this does not mean that you need to breed a swamp in a pot. If the soil is not allowed to dry out slightly, the roots of the plant begin to rot, the leaves wither and crumble, which leads to the complete death of the flower.
Sick balsam needs urgent help, namely:
- complete replacement soil to fresh;
- treatment of the root system with fungicides.
It is necessary to water the flower only after the top layer of the earth dries out.
Pest attack
If balsam begins to fall of leaves, and yellow dots appear on the leaves, growing into large dry spots - look spider mite under them. The high temperature and dry air in the room contribute to the appearance of this insect.
To prevent the appearance of ticks, the bush should be regularly sprayed.
To get rid of the pest, all the "marked" leaves must be cut off, and the rest treated with Fitoverm. This drug is also suitable for the destruction of multi-claw mites and thrips - also frequent guests on balsam.