The reasons for the lack of flowering in badan
Badan is beautiful in itself, its large, bright leaves immediately attract attention to themselves in a common flower bed. And when it blooms, tall and amazingly beautiful flower stalks with a huge number of small bells become the main decoration of the site.
The evergreen perennial is quite unpretentious: it perfectly tolerates drought and low temperatures, is almost undemanding to the soil and is generally able to grow with minimal maintenance. However, sometimes novice growers, especially if they are growing a plant for the first time, face small problems. One of them is the lack of flowering, but not everything is as bad as it seems.
The reasons why badan does not bloom can be very diverse, ranging from the peculiarities of cultivation to small errors in care that are easy to fix.
Why aren't peduncles tied?
Blooming at badanand may be delayed if:
- Flower young... This primarily applies to plants obtained from seeds. This breeding method is characterized by late flowering, usually in the third or even fourth year after planting, so you just need to wait a little.
- The bush has been transplanted recently or frequently... Badan is very difficult to transplant, be it an adult plant or part of the rhizome during reproduction. Subsequently, the flower can adapt to a new place for a long time and even hurt, as a result of which flowering is delayed. A young seedling should be given time to "take root", and it is better not to pull an adult bush once again.
- Not enough lighting... When planted in poorly lit places, the perennial will grow, but it is unlikely to bloom. This situation is especially common when the bergenia grows under old trees with a wide crown. To form the ovary, it needs the sun, but not bright, but partial shade. But under the young trees, the bush will be comfortable. Over time, when they grow up, the flower can be transplanted to another place, at the same time and rejuvenating it.
- Flowers grow densely. This occurs when planting in rows - when the bush is cramped, it is not up to flowering, so plants should be planted.
Badan will also not bloom if it is affected by a fungal disease.
If a flower grows in a swampy area or is constantly flooded, most often it ends with diseases in which not only the leaves, but also the peduncles are affected, and even at the initial stages of formation. You should immediately transplant the bush to a more suitable place or reduce the frequency of watering. In any case, the affected parts of the bush must be removed and treated with Bordeaux mixture.
Influence of dressings on flowering
Unlike most plants, badan is able to actively develop without additional human intervention. It is enough to prepare a nutritious soil for him once (before planting), and he will find everything he needs himself.
Fertilizing the plant is necessary only in such cases:
- before and after flowering by applying complex preparations;
- to restore the bush after an illness, for example, nitrogen fertilizing to build up the lost green mass.
When over-feeding, the plant can delay flowering.