Reasons for the lack of flowering in wet vanka (balsam)

Last year they gave me a gorgeous balsam blooming with pink inflorescences for my birthday. There were a lot of buds, and for a long time I admired the terry roses, but this year I did not see a single one. Tell me why the wet vanka does not bloom? She looked after him, as usual, did not rearrange.

balsam does not bloom Growers call balsam among themselves a wet Vanka for his love of water. Despite the demanding nature, many amateurs grow their entire collections from different varieties of this indoor plant, not only on the windowsills, but also on the flower beds around the house. It is not surprising, because the main advantage of balsam is its abundant and very long-lasting flowering: a lush bush with green tender leaves is able to open buds one after another for more than six months.

Related article: proper care of garden balsam.

However, despite the inherent ability of the rapid formation of buds inherent in nature, it also happens that, in addition to the deciduous cap, the balsam is no longer happy with anything. There may be several reasons why a wet vanka does not bloom:

  • too spacious a pot;
  • lack of lighting;
  • imbalance of nutrients;

Incorrectly selected potbalsams in pots

Feature of balsam is that he doesn't like big flowerpots. Even if the bush has grown to a decent size, you should not plant it in a bucket - there the plant will throw all its strength into building up roots.

Wet Vanka blooms only in tight pots after it fills the entire space with roots.

Poor lightingbalsam on the window

Good lighting plays a leading role not only for the flowering of the balsam, but also for its overall development. A flower standing in the shade quickly begins to stretch, losing its compact shape, and the leaves turn pale. In such conditions, it is no longer up to flowering and the plant simply seeks to survive.

It should be borne in mind that direct sunlight leaves burns on delicate leaves. Diffused lighting is the most optimal option for keeping a wet vanka.

Influence of dressings on floweringfertilizer for balsam

Like all indoor plants, a wet vanka needs regular feeding. As you know, potassium and phosphorus are needed for flowering, therefore it is important to add complex mineral preparations with a predominance of these elements at least 2 times a month.

Nitrogen fertilizers are needed in the spring, when the bush is actively increasing its green mass. The rest of the time, an excess of nitrogen only provokes the growth of foliage, but the buds are not laid, or there are very few of them.

Video about the features of growing balsam


