Ways to make and consume ginger tea
Branched like horned roots of ginger are rich in vitamins, essential oils and other substances that have a positive effect on the body. A decoction from the roots of a plant or ginger tea has deserved recognition all over the world.
Fresh ginger can be easily found on store shelves in vegetable rows. If not long ago its appearance caused bewilderment among both culinary connoisseurs and plant growing enthusiasts, today the tropical culture has reliably taken root in the kitchens of Russians, in pots on window sills and even in personal plots.
Read also the article: useful properties of ginger!
The benefits and harms of ginger tea
The popularity of ginger tea is due to the traditional medicine of the peoples of the East, where the plant can be found in nature, and its beneficial properties have been known for more than a thousand years.
Official medicine also recognizes the right to be called a medicinal raw material for the “horned” root. But at the same time, doctors tirelessly remind that the benefits of tea with ginger and the harm of the drink are close neighbors. One has only to get carried away with a bioactive drink or forget about the existing contraindications, and there is a risk of becoming closely acquainted with the side effects of taking a folk remedy.
Excessive consumption of ginger tea threatens with bouts of vomiting, fever and blood pressure, indigestion and allergic reactions to the active components of the plant. The most serious consequences of their recklessness can be felt by people who suffer:
- chronic diseases of the gallbladder;
- peptic ulcer or gastritis in the acute stage;
- arrhythmia;
- hypertension;
- diabetes mellitus.
Without the permission of the doctor, expectant mothers and women who are breastfeeding should not get carried away with tea with ginger.
During pregnancy, ginger tea brings real benefits, strengthening the immune system, fighting constipation and care, removing toxins from the body and helping to cope with toxicosis. But in later stages, it sometimes turns into a threat to the health of the mother and child, causing an increase in the tone of the uterus, provoking an increase in body temperature and increasing the risk of bleeding.
And yet, the benefits of a ginger drink are significantly greater than the potential harm. In terms of the strength of its effect on the body, ginger root can only be compared with such medicinal plants as garlic or ginseng. True, with ginger broth, the range of problems covered is much wider.
Ginger tea has an excellent anti-cold effect. It fights against harmful microflora, disinfects mucous membranes, makes breathing easier and, by increasing sweating, forces toxins to leave the body.
Hot - it is an excellent prophylaxis against respiratory and viral diseases, infections of the oral cavity, respiratory organs and nasopharynx.
Ginger tea prepared according to any of the numerous recipes prevents the development of varicose veins, prevents blood clots, stimulates digestion and speeds up metabolism. Like garlic, this drink can also be used for antiparasitic purposes.
How to make ginger tea?
Today there are many interesting recipes for ginger tea at the disposal of people who want to improve their health, and lovers of bright exotic cuisine. The invigorating spicy taste of ginger goes well with black and green tea, lemon and other citrus fruits, spices and honey, with herbs and berries.
But before making ginger tea, juicy, elastic rhizomes are thoroughly washed and cleaned of light skin, crushed with a knife or a coarse grater.
In order for the most complete bouquet of nutrients to pass into a drink from ginger, you should choose young smooth rhizomes with a surface pierced by nails and a small number of hardened areas. If the purchased ginger wilted a little during storage, a night spent in warm water will help to restore its juiciness.
How to make ginger tea? The composition of the infusion can include a variety of ingredients. Their selection depends on what result a person wants to achieve, as well as his taste preferences. But the base of the tea is ground fresh ginger.
In the simplest case, take a teaspoon of burning pulp in a glass of boiling water. The drink is infused for 5 to 10 minutes, and then drunk cold or hot. To help suppress appetite and stimulate digestion, ginger tea is best consumed in between meals. It is better to refrain from such a drink before going to bed. An invigorating infusion can give a gourmet a sleepless night or postpone a night's rest for several hours.
The recipe for ginger tea with lemon and honey is one of the most popular and famous. In addition to chopped ginger root, a spoonful of bee honey and a slice of lemon provide the taste of the drink. Lemon before sending to the infusion, be sure to wash under running hot water.
Sometimes, trying to get as much benefit from the drink as possible, adherents of a healthy lifestyle do not put a thin slice of lemon in their tea, but squeeze the juice out of almost the whole fruit. This is not worth doing. Overly acidic ginger tea is not as tasty, and the increased acidity can be harmful, causing an attack of heartburn.
Lemon and honey are added to an already prepared infusion, just before use. The high temperature of boiling water destroys vitamins and changes the properties of honey, which is completely undesirable when it comes to a drink for health.
Ice tea with ginger, fresh mint and a pinch of nutmeg is tasty and healthy. Such a drink will perfectly quench your thirst, but, besides this, it will help to calm down, give strength and promote the elimination of toxins.
In this case, crushed ginger is infused with mint and crushed nutmeg taken at the tip of a knife. After half an hour, the liquid is filtered and cooled. When served, fresh juice of grapefruit, orange or lemon is added to the tea to taste.
If you have a cough, you can use the recipe for ginger tea, according to which, along with the crushed root, anise seeds are infused in boiling water. Dried fruits, to enhance the extraction, are ground before placing in boiling water. A glass of water requires a teaspoon of seeds and a third of a spoonful of ginger mass. After 10 minutes of infusion, the drink is filtered and drunk warm several times a day.
During pregnancy, ginger tea helps relieve morning sickness, swelling, and sluggish digestion. A drink based on a sweet decoction of ginger and mineral water without gas will help relieve malaise. A glass of water will require a third of a glass of ginger roots cut into pieces and a tablespoon of sugar. The ingredients are heated and allowed to boil for at least 5 minutes.To make the drink transparent, it is useful to remove the foam that forms when heated. Then the ginger syrup is removed from the heat and cooled. Before use, lemon juice and mineral water are added to the syrup to taste.
Spicy scalding tea with cinnamon and cloves will quickly warm you up and prevent you from getting sick on the coldest day. How to make spiced ginger tea? In a glass of boiling water, take a teaspoon of grated ginger root, several cloves, a cinnamon stick and the zest of one lemon or orange. Pour spices and pieces of ginger with water, bring the mixture to a boil and leave on low heat for no more than 5 minutes. Then the liquid is filtered, poured into circles and drunk warm.