Datura herb use
Since the 18th century, this poisonous plant has been used as an analgesic, narcotic and antispasmodic agent. The use of dope herb is fraught with dangers. The plant helps in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system, cough and gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, it helps with whooping cough, neuralgia, epilepsy, and tetanus. Before considering the recipes for the preparation of medicinal drugs, you should familiarize yourself with the medicinal properties of the thymus.
Decoctions and infusions are prepared on the basis of "mad potion", which serve as impregnation for compresses. Lotions are advised to apply to bruises or stretch marks. Also, such procedures relieve pain in rheumatism.
Medicinal properties of dope herb: cough and neurosis go away in English
The leaves, flowers, stems and seeds of the culture contain about 0.25-0.37% alkaloid compounds. These indicators largely depend on the characteristics of cultivation and stages of development of Solanaceae. However, it is these organic substances that determine the degree of the narcotic effect of the Datura plant and its medicinal properties.
Usually green mass is rich in 3 alkaloids:
- atropine;
- scopolamine;
- goscyanin.
Most of them accumulate in leaves (0.37%), roots (0.27%), and then seeds (0.22%). The listed substances ensure the full functioning of the muscular system, protecting the fibers from the destructive effects of cholinergic receptors. Goscyamine, which is part of the culture, helps to reduce the secretion of several types of glands: sweat, saliva and gastrointestinal. The miracle potion serves as an excellent antispasmodic for severe coughing attacks, as well as convulsions.
Datura herb has found a special application in complex treatment:
- bradycardia;
- constipation (in particular, spastic);
- colitis;
- neuralgia;
- hemorrhoids;
- ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
- rheumatism.
Among other things, patients need to know what are the benefits and harms of dope seeds, since they contain up to 17-25% fatty oils. Overloading the body with saturated esters can cause an allergic reaction.
Also, the chemical composition of dope leaves includes many other components:
- oleic acid (40%);
- steroids;
- tannins;
- organic acid glycerides;
- carotene.
Thanks to this complex, the plant is an auxiliary agent in the treatment of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, asthma and whooping cough), the nervous system and diseases of the muscular system.
Recent studies have shown that in a company with adonis Datura herb has unique properties. This plant “duet” destroys and blocks the growth of malignant cells that form in the stomach.
A medicine based on the leaves and seeds of the plant is used for nervous and mental disorders. Self-medication in this case is very dangerous, since the representative of the Solanaceae is an unusually poisonous culture.
Latent danger - contraindications to dope
The lethal substance is found in small doses in every part of the plant. Therefore, it is not necessary to abuse the thigh. A long course of treatment or overdose causes severe poisoning. It is accompanied by hallucinations, vomiting, dilated pupils, great agitation, thirst and hoarseness.
Although the use of dope ordinary in folk medicine is very successful, it still cannot be used:
- during pregnancy and lactation;
- with glaucoma;
- if there is an individual intolerance to the components of the culture.
In cases of poisoning, it is necessary to urgently rinse the stomach and call a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the patient a course of adsorbing drugs, as well as drugs with cholinomimetic and anticholinesterase effects.
Taking into account this information, you need to scrupulously treat the dosage of folk remedies. The experts determined that the daily allowance for an adult should be no more than 0.6 g of pure concentrate, and a single dose should be 0.2 g. For this reason, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of preparing medicinal drugs, as well as their use.
Home hair removal. Datura oil is rubbed in 3-4 drops, preferably after taking a shower. The oily mixture penetrates open pores better. If irritation and rash appear, the procedure is stopped.
Subtleties of harvesting dope
To prepare valuable raw materials, you need to know how the individual parts of the plant look. This will help you collect the necessary ingredients for your potion. And when buying herbs in the market, a woman will protect herself from fraud.
You can find out dope herb by the following characteristics:
- The stem is divided into several branches.
- On each of them large leaves with denticles and deep grooves are planted. By themselves, they emit a heady aroma.
- The white, funnel-shaped flowers resemble miniature gramophones that bloom only in the evening.
- The fruits are balls with many thorns.
- In the middle, they are filled with small black seeds.
- Datura root consists of a dense shaft with fine branches.
Leaves are picked during the flowering period of datura, from June to October, until the first frost. Seeds are harvested only after they are fully ripe. Raw materials are dried under a canopy or on attic... Store dried herbs in sealed containers, separately from other crops and for 2 years.
Pharmaceutical companies produce Datura oil extract. If you rub oil into your skin in the evening (once a day), you can get rid of unwanted hair forever. At first, the hairs become smaller, and over time, they completely stop growing.
Datura herb: use in traditional medicine
After harvesting valuable material, you can begin to study the recipes for preparing valuable potions. Datura tincture and its purpose are of great interest to many. In most cases, it is used for a convulsive cough.
To prepare it:
- grind the seeds;
- dilute the powder with alcohol (70%) in a ratio of 1: 5;
- insist 2 weeks.
They take the medicine according to the scheme: 1 tbsp. l. only 2 drops of the mixture are added. They drink the drug 30 minutes before meals 4-5 times a day.
For hemorrhoids, sitz baths are recommended. Dried leaves (20 g) pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and insist for 60 minutes. Then add about 7-10 liters of warm liquid and leave in a warm place (so that the liquid does not cool down) for 1 hour.
Neuralgia, seizures, cramps, whooping cough (other types of cough), or asthma are treated with medicated infusions. For 250 ml of boiling water, you will need 2 tbsp. l. dried leaves. The resulting mixture is simmered in a water bath for about 5 minutes. Then its vapors are inhaled for 15-20 minutes.
Datura seed treatment is gaining more and more popularity. Chopped grains (1 tsp) pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for about 30 minutes. Take this medicine in a teaspoon 2-3 times a day.
The proposed therapy is relevant for:
- mental disorders;
- epileptic seizures;
- stomach cancer (to relieve pain);
- convulsions.
Mastitis and tumors are treated topically with lotions. Tincture of thistle seeds (1 tbsp. L) is diluted with 100 ml of liquid. Compresses are applied to the skin for 30 minutes or 2-3 hours.
Pure juice from freshly squeezed green mass is used for severe forms of depression, epilepsy or nymphomania. Only 1 drop of the concentrate is diluted in a tablespoon of water. They drink fragrant fresh every 8 hours. It should be noted that only the correct use of the Datura herb will ensure a successful outcome of the therapy.And for this you need to know how to use it in each individual case. And you can't do without consulting a doctor.