The use of coriander in the treatment of debilitating diseases

application of coriander One herbaceous plant produces two spices of different taste and consistency. Thus, the use of coriander is becoming more and more popular in the 21st century. It is widely used in cooking, cosmetology, and folk medicine. The reason for this is the amazing composition of cilantro, which includes amino acids, vitamins (especially group C) and 11 types of essential oils.

The spice has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is recommended to chew for diseases of the oral cavity. The components contained in it strengthen the gum bone tissue and help reduce bleeding.

Read also the article: cilantro health benefits and harms!

Applications for coriander

Greens should be consumed by those who suffer from high blood glucose or cholesterol levels. The seasoning serves as an excellent prophylactic agent for atherosclerosis - vascular blockage. It is recommended for anemia as it contains a high percentage of iron. Moreover, cilantro:

  • stimulates digestion, increasing the secretion of mezim, as well as gastric juice;
  • retains specific essential oils in the liver, which allows the organ to function normally;
  • has a diuretic ability, thereby improving kidney function;
  • successful in the fight against impotence and prostate;
  • restores vision (it is often used for conjunctivitis).

The spice relieves nervous tension, mental disorders, and most importantly, the symptoms of depression. Recipe: 100 g of seeds insist a week in 1 liter of red wine (dry), filter and drink ½ tbsp. three times a day.

Due to its effect on the digestive system, the use of coriander has become relevant in the treatment of anorexia. Broths also help in removing edema, since the microelements included in the seeds remove fluid from the body. This amazing spice is subject to skin diseases such as:

  • eczema;
  • all kinds of inflammation on the skin;
  • fungal infections.

During therapy, compresses are made from infusions / decoctions. In addition, it is advised to add cilantro to your diet. Thus, the body will accumulate compounds that will not allow the pathogens of the listed skin diseases to progress.

Before using a spice, you should definitely consult a specialist. After all, each organism has individual characteristics and inclinations. Only after such a consultation can one of the recipes of traditional medicine be applied.

Infusion that relieves pain in any of its manifestations

The prepared potion disinfects and heals both external and internal wounds. In 2 tbsp. boiling water is brewed with 1 tbsp. l. ground seeds. Insist up to 1 hour, then filtered. They drink ¼ glass four times a day. The infusion is effective for:

  • flatulence;
  • nervous excitability;
  • menopause;
  • diseases of the stomach (ulcers);
  • epilepsy;
  • poisoning (vomiting / dysentery).

Among other things, choleretic tea, an anti-odor infusion, and a tincture to relieve nervous tension are prepared from the seeds. Coriander powder is also used to treat intestinal atony.

Spice grains are advised to fry, and then inhale its vapor. This use of coriander helps in the treatment of a cold or in the relief of an asthma attack. Freshly squeezed juice is used as a styptic. However, it should only be used as directed by a doctor.


