Elderberry root use: where and how is the healing tincture used

Where is the use of elderberry root shown? Our grandmother always had bunches of dried berries and flowers at home. She added them to tea and always gave them when we had a cold. Now I am a grandmother myself, and with age, not only grandchildren, but also sores appeared. Sugar has also increased recently. A friend advised me to drink a decoction of elderberry roots. He says he helps with many diseases. What else can be treated with such a remedy?

elderberry root application Bunches of black berries on sprawling shrubs can often be found both along roads and in private areas. Black elderberry has long been used in folk medicine, take at least the use of elderberry root. The dense dark roots contain many useful substances. It is thanks to them that the plant can help with various diseases, including chronically severe ones. What is the healing power of the roots, and in what cases can they be used?

Composition and useful properties of roots

elderberry root

The elder will not only decorate the garden with snow-white flowering, but also act as a "green healer". Everything in it is useful: roots and twigs, berries and inflorescences, and even leaves. But it is in the roots that tannins, resins, saponins and other useful components are contained.

The rich composition contributes to the fact that root-based products have a positive effect on the body, namely:

  • reduce blood glucose;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • liquefy phlegm and promote its discharge;
  • have a diuretic effect;
  • tone up the body;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • help in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Applying elderberry root

dried rootTinctures and decoctions of roots will help in such cases:

  1. Skin problems (for wiping problem areas).
  2. Atherosclerosis.
  3. Diabetes (you can take a decoction and baths with elderberry).
  4. Diseases of the urinary system.
  5. Diarrhea and other bowel disorders.
  6. Colpitis and other inflammatory processes of the reproductive system (in the form of douching).
  7. Gout and rheumatism (baths with the addition of infusion of roots and leaves).

Do not take a decoction of the roots at the same time as drugs that reduce sugar and diuretic drugs. Also, elderberry treatment is not indicated for chronic gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers, Crohn's disease, for children, pregnant and lactating women.

To prepare a decoction for drinking, it is necessary to simmer dry roots for 30 minutes in a water bath (2 tablespoons per 1 glass of water). Then insist them for 15-20 minutes and add water to get the original amount of liquid. Drink a day, divided into 3 doses in equal portions.

For taking baths with elderberry an equal amount of crushed roots and leaves (10 g each) should be poured with boiling water and insisted for 2 hours. Add the resulting infusion to the water during the evening bathing procedure.

For douching, you need to insist 30 g of roots in 0.5 liters of water. The procedures should be done twice a day for a week.

When and how to harvest roots

elderberry blackYou can start collecting roots at the end of the growing season, when more nutrients have accumulated in them. This is usually late October - early November. To prepare the decoctions, the roots must first be dried and then crushed to make a powder. You can store such a powder for up to 5 years in a glass container under a lid.

Medicinal properties of elderberry - video


