Application of Crystalon Green will help accelerate the development of crops

Tell me, what is the use of Crystal Green? I asked my husband to buy fertilizer for tomatoes, since our soil is not very rich. He brought this drug and said that it should be added to the water when watering. I started looking for information about Crystalon and realized that it has several types. How to use Green Fertilizer correctly?

application of crystal green Nowadays, almost all gardeners use fertilizers, especially mineral complexes. One of the best of its kind is Kristalon - a whole range of drugs, each of which has its own special composition. So, the use of Kristalon Zeleny allows at the beginning of the growing season to "give impetus" for the active development of crops. What are the features of this drug?

Fertilizer characteristic

crystalon special

Kristalon is the general name for more than a dozen mineral fertilizers. Each drug has its own purpose and differs in the percentage of fertilizers and microelements. For ease of use, the complexes are divided into groups, which are assigned their own "color". It is spelled out in the name, in addition, the packaging has the appropriate color. So, Kristalon Green is produced in bags or plastic containers of white-green color.

The drug has a universal, equal, ratio of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus - 18% each. For this fertilizer is also known as Kristalon Universal, Special or Special.

In addition, the fertilizer contains the following components:

  • 3% magnesium;
  • 5% sulfur;
  • 0.025% boron;
  • 0.01% copper;
  • 0.07% iron;
  • 0.04% manganese;
  • 0.004% molybdenum;
  • 0.025% zinc.

In terms of nitrogen content, Special Crystal takes second place after blue. Yellow crystal has more phosphorus (twice), but green fertilizer contains less potassium than other species.

Application of crystal green

crystalon specialThe fertilizer is intended for spring root and foliar feeding of all types of plants. Due to the chelated form, the powder or gel is completely dissolved in water when preparing the working solution. This ensures complete absorption of nutrients by plants. The consumption rate is from 10 to 20 g of fertilizer per bucket of water.

Green Crystal is indicated for use in such cases:

  1. Adding to the substrate for sowing seeds for seedlings.
  2. Top dressing (watering) of celery, turnips, beets and carrots when the seedlings reach a height of 12 cm (20 g per 10 l of water).
  3. Foliar feeding of onions, starting from 4 weeks after the appearance of the feather. The solution should be used less concentrated (instead of 20 g - 10 g per bucket of water). The last application of the drug should be one month before harvest.
  4. Water the legumes when they begin to form pods.
  5. Foliar dressing of fruit and berry crops after the onset and end of flowering (10 g).
  6. Application for grain crops at the beginning of tillering and at the stage of milk ripeness (up to 2 kg per 1 ha).
  7. Top dressing of sugar beet seedlings (1 kg / ha).
  8. Fertilization of corn crops, when 5 leaves are formed on them (2 kg / ha).

What gives the use of fertilizer Kristalon - video


