Application of the drug Actellik - a universal remedy for the garden, vegetable garden and home

Please tell us what is the use of Actellik? Last year, I sprayed them with a raspberry tree, which was attacked by leaf rollers. It worked great and the harvest was saved. Where else is it used and can it be used to process indoor flowers? Recently, aphids have chosen pelargonium. Will Actellic fit?

use of the drug actellic One of the most effective insecticides is Actellic due to its wide range of uses and fast action. The use of Actellik really has almost no boundaries. In the garden, in garden beds or flower beds, and even in a room flower collection, it destroys many pests. At the same time, the insecticide is compatible with fungicides, allowing plants to heal and rid them of insects in one treatment.

Characteristics of the drug


The main advantage of Actellic is that it has no systemic effect, that is, it does not penetrate into plant tissues. It "works" only through intestinal contact, acting on pests from the inside. Once in their body, the agent begins to destroy it, poisoning insects (even those that live on the back of the leaves). Death occurs within a quarter of an hour, maximum - after 2 hours. In this case, the protective effect lasts from 2 weeks (for plants) to 8 months (for treated premises).

Actellic is an insectoacaricide, since it destroys, among other things, ticks.

The drug is produced in the form of a concentrated yellowish oily emulsion. It can be in cans or ampoules, which is very convenient for a small private household.

The insecticide is quite toxic to humans, fish and bees. Processing must be carried out with gloves and a mask away from the habitats of the latter. Another drawback is a rather unpleasant pungent smell.

Application of the drug Actellik

spraying with actellikThe effectiveness of the insecticide is due to the fact that it is able to destroy most of the pests known to us, namely:

  1. In the garden, it will save trees and shrubs from leaf rollers, scale insects, sawflies, ticks, moths, beetles.
  2. In the beds with tomatoes, eggplants and cucumbers, it will kill thrips, mining flies, aphids, whiteflies. It will save beets from weevils and dead eaters, and potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle. On carrots and cabbage, it will destroy white beetles, leaf beetles, flea beetles and flies.
  3. It will help to get rid of such insects in the apartment: ants, bugs, fleas, cockroaches, bugs. Also protects barns and other granaries.
  4. On indoor flowers it will destroy scale insects, ticks, mealybugs and thrips.

If necessary, it is allowed to combine the insecticide with fungicide... The exception is drugs that contain copper or have an alkaline reaction.

Treatment with Aktellik is carried out in the form of spraying with a working solution. To do this, dilute 2 ml of the drug in 2 liters of water. With severe damage, you can reduce the amount of fluid by half. The maximum number of treatments is 2, with a weekly break. From the last spraying of horticultural crops to harvest, at least 3 weeks should pass. The solution cannot be stored.

Where and how Actellic is used, how it differs from other drugs - video


