The use of the drug Lozeval in the treatment of animals
Lozeval is a universal remedy for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases in animals, birds, and also bees. The use of the drug Lozeval involves internal and external use. The medicine is actively used in the form of an aerosol. The medicine is used in veterinary medicine also in the presence of fungal and bacterial pathologies.
Description of the tool
The preparation is based on such components as polyethylene glycol-9, ammonium dichloride, polylylene oxide, morpholonium 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazoline-5-thioacetate and water. The drug has a persistent effect and acts at temperatures from -10 ° to + 50 ° C. The drug is converted into a viscous emulsion when the storage temperature is less than + 10 ° C. shape.
Application of the drug Lozeval
Specialists prescribe a medicine in veterinary medicine in the presence of such pathologies:
- Conjunctivitis. During therapy, the medicine is instilled into the animal's eye area. A 30% solution of the drug and saline are used, the course of treatment lasts no more than 5 days.
- Viral diseases. With smallpox, the preparation lozeval for poultry is ideal. The medicine helps fight enteroviruses, herpes and microviruses.
- Bronchopneumonia. Aerosol treatment helps to improve the condition of the animal. In neglected forms, a solution is prescribed.
- Skin diseases. Lozeval is effective for burns, stomatitis, eczema, skin dermatitis, and also helps to speed up the healing of the cover for wounds and pus. Treatment involves the topical application of medication to the problem area.
- Infectious diseases. The agent is prescribed for chlamydia, pasteurellosis, mycoplasmosis, infectious laryngotracheitis.
- Diseases of Newcastle and Marek. The veterinarian may prescribe the use of an aerosol method or taking a solution with the drug.
- Aspergillosis and candidiasis. The drug is effective for the treatment of birds. It is prescribed as an aerosol.
Use Lozeval is effective in treating diseases of various etymologies both in the early stages and in the acute period of infection. In each case, the dosage and dosage regimen will be different.
For bees
The most effective will be the use of lozeval according to the instructions for bees, if you first familiarize yourself with the cases in which the drug is suitable.
| Features: |
Colibacillosis and paratyphoid
| These are bacterial pathologies that are detected in the form of diarrhea in the spring. |
Rotten pathology
| Pathogenic organisms negatively affect the brood |
Baggy brood
| A viral disease that provokes the death of insect larvae |
Acute paralysis
| Under unfavorable conditions of keeping bees, the hive dies out. Such a viral infection provokes paralysis of the wings or their underdevelopment. |
In the process of using the drug Lozeval, it is possible to improve the condition of the hive. The medicine is diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:50. 15 ml is used per honeycomb, the inner walls of the hive are sprayed with a solution. Lozeval is convenient to give to bees and in the form sugar syrup - 5 ml of solution per 1 liter of syrup.Thanks to the tool, it is possible to increase the activity of bees by 15%.
For cats and dogs
When an animal is sick with "feline distemper" (panleukopenia), the drug will help to quickly cope with the virus. Lozeval for cats in this case is irreplaceable, as it allows you to more effectively get rid of fever and general intoxication of the body. The medicine is administered internally with the feed or poured in liquid form. The treatment lasts for 5 days, and then, if necessary, is duplicated. For viral diseases of cats and dogs, the solution is prescribed in a dosage of 1-2 ml per 1 kg of body weight. It is important to take the drug 1-2 r per day.
Having studied the instructions for use of Lozeval for dogs, it will be easier to understand in which cases the medicine is effective. It is important to use the solution in the presence of enteritis, when inflammatory processes occur in the intestines. The treatment regimen is the same as for feline panleukopenia.
For respiratory diseases, the solution is used externally. Lozeval is diluted with glucose (5%) at a dosage of 1: 1. In this case, the nasal passage is lubricated or buried.
Thanks to the drug, it will be possible to cope with otitis media in dogs and cats. In the course of treatment, the lozeval is buried in the ears of the pet, 2-3 drops. The medicine can also be diluted with alcohol at a dosage of 1: 1.
Lozeval is used externally for castration of cats and dogs. It is recommended to process the problem area 2-3 r per day. Use the drug topically until the wound heals.
Rabbit treatment
A medicine is used to treat skin diseases, as well as viral infections. After reading the instructions for using the lozeval for rabbits, it will be easier to give the animal first aid. To give the drug is topical to the pet along with food or dilute with water. If you rub the product into the problem area, it will be possible to speed up the recovery of the rabbit with skin ailments faster.
Veterinarians prescribe Lozeval to the animal for such pathologies:
- burns, eczema and dermatitis;
- pasteurellosis;
- mastitis;
- salmonellosis;
- colibacillosis;
- in the presence of inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract;
- during recovery from operations.
During the treatment of rabbits, the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 2 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Before breeding Lozeval for rabbits in water, it is important to prepare a fresh drinker. Even if a sick animal does not want to eat food, it will definitely drink water with medicine.
For birds
Lozeval is actively used during the treatment of colds, fungal and infectious diseases in birds. Ideal for chickens, turkeys, ducks, pigeons and geese. Instructions for using Lozeval for pigeons are no different from the treatment regimen for other birds. The medicine is given in a dosage of 1-2 ml per 10 kg of bird weight. One medium-sized bird takes 5-6 drops. It is convenient to add the agent to water or feed.
The drug is used for prophylactic purposes during the peak of infectious and viral infections. If you treat the room where the bird is located with a solution, then you will be able to avoid mass infection. To do this, you need to take the medicine at a dosage of 1.5-2 ml per 1000 ml of water. The duration of the treatment of the room should be from 30 to 50 minutes to obtain the maximum effect.
It is important to use the drug Lozeval as a therapeutic therapy for staphylococcus, respiratory mycoplasmosis, smallpox virus, salmonellosis, candidiasis. In the process of treating paratyphoid fever, which causes paralysis of the paws and wings of a bird, the medicine is also effective. For preventive purposes, the solution is recommended to be added to the feed for the birds. With its help, it will be possible to avoid adenovirus infections, plague of carnivores and parvovirus enteritis.