Features of using azofoska for feeding strawberries
When growing strawberries on heavy soil, which poorly permeates water and air and, as a result, unevenly distributes trace elements, one cannot do without the use of special complex preparations. One of these drugs is Azofoska - a mineral fertilizer consisting of the main trace elements necessary for the active development of a plant:
- phosphorus;
- potassium;
- nitrogen;
- small amount of sulfur.
Due to such a balanced composition of trace elements, Azofosk is suitable for use on all types of soil, including clay and sandy soil.
When is it better to fertilize strawberries with Azofoska?
It is necessary to use Azophoska for strawberry fertilization in the spring or summer. The drug should be applied to the heated ground. Nitrates accumulate in cold soil, therefore, Azophosk is not used for autumn feeding.
The maximum effect from the introduction of the drug is achieved by alternating azophoska with organic, and the most appropriate time for feeding is before the beginning of flowering strawberries.
How to fertilize strawberries with Azofoska?
Complex fertilizer can be applied both in pure form into the soil between plantings, and can be used for foliar feeding strawberries... The dosage of the drug depends on the way it is used:
- Scatter the granules in their pure form between the strawberry bushes as close to the roots as possible at the rate of no more than 30 g per 1 sq. M.
- To prepare the working solution, add a full Azofoska matchbox to a bucket of water. Water the plantings at the root.
Fertilizer action
As a result of feeding strawberries with Azofoskaya:
- increased resistance to disease;
- planting is easier to tolerate summer droughts and spring frosts;
- the plant develops more actively;
- more berries are tied;
- the taste characteristics of the crop are improved.
Feeding strawberries with Azofoskaya provides the plant with the necessary nutrition for the entire growing season. At the same time, microelements are practically not washed out of the soil by rains and feed the strawberries for a long time.