An example of a model family - aspidistra
Aspidistra is an unpretentious, hardy and luxuriantly growing flower. It is worth starting it for novice gardeners, as well as busy people. For indoor conditions, a variety of aspidistra is suitable, in rare cases - variegated. The peculiarity of these varieties is that they do not have a stem. Dozens of leaves grow from the rhizome. The bush rarely throws out color. When this happens, the bloom is admired only for a day.
The name translates as "snake pointer". The rhizome is so beautifully and tightly woven that it resembles a cuboid of asps.
Contribution to family health
Each part of the plant contains many beneficial substances. They affect the vital systems of the body:
- genitourinary;
- gastrointestinal;
- immune;
- muscle.
A decoction of the leaves relieves inflammation, cures cramps and diarrhea. Regular use of this infusion helps to remove kidney stones, as well as relieve muscle pain. At the same time, everyone can grow aspidistra. It grows thick even in dark rooms with north-facing windows. Among other things, the leaves of the flower filter the air.
For a variegated variety, more illuminated places should be chosen. They get along well on terraces and balconies.
Simple care rules
In winter, a pot with a flowerpot is stored at a relatively low temperature: from 10 to 12 ° C. In other cases, 20˚C is suitable. There is no need to humidify the air. Many will enjoy the simple plant care:
- Watering. Too dry or waterlogged soil is considered critical. From time to time, it is recommended to wipe the glossy leaves from dust.
- Top dressing. Mineral fertilizers make once every 30 days.
- Transfer. Drops in mid-spring. The container is taken in large sizes, and the land from the garden / vegetable garden. In adult specimens, only the upper layer is changed, without completely covering the roots.
- Reproduction. Better to do it in April or May. By then, the roots have already formed and fill the entire pot. Subsequently, they are pulled out, cut, leaving petioles with 3-5 leaves, and then planted in a new container.
To prevent the root cuts from rotting, they are sprinkled with crushed charcoal. For indoor varieties, ash of birch origin is suitable.
Pests can spoil the entire interior of a home greenhouse. Most often, the scabbard and spider mite settle in the leaves. "Fufanon" and "Karbofas" will help to get rid of it. It is enough to spray the bush in several passes to forget about insects. Some people advise spraying warm water on the leaves every 4-5 hours. As you can see, aspidistra is not whimsical to care for, because it has dense and tightly woven roots.