Planting and outdoor care for early flowering perennial primrose

primrose in the country One of the first spring plants to bloom in the garden is a gentle primrose, planting and caring for which in the open field does not require too much effort and knowledge. From the Latin language, the name of this charming culture is translated as "first, early." The plant will delight lovers of flowering crops not only with early flowering, unpretentiousness, but also with a variety of bright and delicate colors.

white primrose

It is a perennial plant. Primrose flowers not only look beautiful visually, but also have a pleasant aroma. There are about 500 varietal varieties of the plant, which allows flower growers and landscape designers to choose a suitable and effective variety. At the same time, some varieties of primrose begin to bloom with the first rays of the warm, spring sun, while others - only in the middle of summer.

In the wild, primrose can be found in the forests and mountainous regions of Eurasia and America. Some varieties of the flower are protected by the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Features of planting primrose in open ground

planting primrose rosettesTo the question of novice gardeners "When to plant primrose in the open field?" experienced summer residents unequivocally answer that primroses are planted in open ground both in spring and autumn. If the flower is planted in spring, then it is best to postpone planting until the last days of May.

It is also important to choose the right landing site. Better if it is a shaded area. You can choose a place under the trees or bushes so that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on the flowers. However, in the northern regions, when planting, it is advisable to choose, on the contrary, a sunny area.

primrose in early springThe soil for growing crops must be loose, drained and breathable. Stagnant moisture is dangerous for the plant. Clay soil is also suitable for planting crops. If the soil is too heavy, then it is recommended to add sand, manure to it. Vermiculite or crushed sphagnum moss is also suitable. The reaction of the soil requires slightly acidic or neutral.

Before planting, the soil is recommended to be loosened and cleaned of weeds.

If large varieties are planted, then it is recommended to leave a distance of about 25 cm between them.If compact ones, then at least 15 cm.However, there should be no extra space and gaps between the bushes, primroses prefer thickened plantings.growing primrose from seed

The photo shows a perennial primrose. Planting in the ground is carried out using seedlings of this culture. Growing from seed is a long and difficult process. Usually, seedlings are planted on the garden plot no earlier than two years after the first shoots appear.


Features of primrose care

motley beauty of primrosePrimrose is an unpretentious perennial plant. She is able to withstand both drought and excessive exposure to the rays of the sun, but you should not neglect the rules of planting and care.

When caring for a garden primrose, you need to follow a number of recommendations that will help grow a healthy, abundantly flowering culture:

  1. Watering plants should be regular. Watering is especially important in spring, but it is necessary to prevent moisture retention in the soil, since this is detrimental to the culture. Also, do not allow drops of water to get on the leaves of the plant.
  2. Primrose responds well to top dressing. Best suited as fertilizer manure... Fertilizers are applied during vegetative growth.blooming primrose in a flower bed
  3. In the fall, it is required to add a little soil to the plant bush, and cover it with dry foliage on top. This will protect the plant and its root system from freezing out in winter. Shelter is especially important in the northern regions.
  4. It is important to regularly loosen the soil around the primrose bushes and remove weeds. Weeding keeps crops from disease.

Planting primroses outdoors is possible in Siberia and other regions with harsh climates. Plant care is not much different there. However, it is better to plant the plant in the sun there, and in winter it is necessary to protect the culture from freezing. Dry leaves are suitable for shelter.

Primrose in garden design

primrose in the composition on the flower bedLandscape designers have come to love primrose for its vibrant and showy blooms and excellent compatibility with other flowering crops. When creating landscape compositions, the timing of flowering of plants should be taken into account.

Culture partners can be:

  • daffodils;
  • peonies;
  • periwinkle;
  • astilba;
  • spring navel;
  • host;
  • fern;
  • other.

primrose on an alpine slidePrimroses can be a decoration for garden ponds, where they are in perfect harmony with daylilies, water lilies and swamp forget-me-nots. Also primroses are suitable for creating rockeries and rock gardens. Planting a primrose near low-growing conifers is also an excellent option.

Even planted next to greenery, for example, with sorrel, primrose looks more than impressive due to its bright, variegated flowers.

Primrose is a primrose that attracts the attention of the florist and landscape designer. Planting and caring for primrose will not be difficult, and bright, but at the same time delicate spring flowers will not leave you without a pleasant impression.

Video about planting primrose in open ground


