Dracaena problems - leaves turn yellow and dry

Well maintained healthy plant A healthy, beautiful plant imperceptibly begins to hurt. The first sign will be a change in the appearance of the leaves. It is necessary to find the reason why the tips of the leaves of the dracaena dry, the leaf completely turns yellow or the tugor is lost. Centuries of development have adapted the plant to the climate of the tropics. At home, improper care is often the root cause of illness.

Signs of Dracaena diseases and their elimination

Physiologically, the lower leaves inevitably die off on a healthy plant. However, the leaf should have already lived for more than a year, the dying off begins from the very tip and continues for a long time. The dying tip must be trimmed so that it does not spoil the appearance of the flower. After the plate is 2/3 dry, it can be removed, but a scar remains on the trunk forever. By the number of stripes on the trunk, you can roughly determine the age of the dracaena.

Dracaena leaves turn yellow

All other signs indicate dracaena disease. First of all, the appearance of the leaves changes. They can:

  • turn yellow completely;
  • dry off the tips:
  • dry out along the edge, with spots along the entire surface;
  • turn yellow and lose tugor.

An attentive owner at the first signs can determine the causes of the disease and eliminate them.

Dracaena leaves turn yellow, what should I do?

The plant turns yellow young foliageThere are many reasons for the yellowing of young greenery. It is necessary to exclude the circumstances preceding the yellowing. It should be taken into account that the plant does not react to an offense immediately. At least two weeks pass between the wrong action and the reaction. Of course, this applies to chronic cases. If the plant is frozen or dried into stone, the reaction will follow quickly.

If watered improperly, the roots can rot and not cope with the nutrition of the plant. If watering into cold soil during the dormant period is carried out without waiting for the clod of earth to dry out and abundantly, it is necessary to urgently inspect the root system, prune the damaged roots and transplant the plant. Overdrying the soil has a similar effect.

Excessive grooming can be one of the causes of yellowing. If dracaena is often bathed in the shower, then it is necessary to dry the leaf axils. Sometimes yellowing starts for this very reason.

The optimum temperature for a flower is 18 - 22 degrees. Prolonged storage in a cool room will impair root function and leaf nutrition.

Dracaena leaves turn yellow in case of colonization of pests - spider mites, scale insects, thrips. Pest control measures - first wash with soapy water and vodka. Later application of insecticides.

What to do if dracaena leaves turn yellow on the crown? Remove the flower from the open window; it stands in a draft. If at the same time the remaining leaves grew dull, the direct rays of the hot sun fell on the crown of the head.

The leaves on the crown of the dracaena roll up into tubesThe leaves begin to curl up into a tube - the plant is frozen, it can be saved by frequent spraying with warm water and transferred to a warm room.

If the yellowing of the leaves occurs in bulk, the color changes slightly, the green color turns pale, remember when you changed the soil, fed the plant. He may lack nitrogen nutrition. But when overfeeding nitrogen the plant loses resistance to fungal diseases. We need a measure.

What to do if dracaena leaves tips dry?

The tips of the leaves dry upThe most common ailment of dracaena and the first signal of danger will be the drying out of the tips of the leaf blades.

Dracaena needs feeding.In the spring summer, nitrogen is needed more, by autumn potassium and phosphorus.

But all fertilizers should be contained in a complex feeding, only the percentage composition should be selected according to the season. In winter, nitrogen must be excluded from the fertilizer.

Often the reason lies in the climatic conditions of detention. The plant of the humid tropics does not tolerate dry air. That is why it is recommended to spray the plant more often, the warmer it is in the room. It is unacceptable to place the plant pot close to the radiator. An aquarium, moss pan or humidifier will save the day. The tips of the leaves must be trimmed, the dead part will not be restored.

Dry spots on the dracaena leafWhy do dracaena leaf tips dry along the long edge and spots appear? Such damage is a sign of diseases associated with rotting, fungal. They are called differently, are treated with fungicidal preparations. The marginal lesions should be removed.

If the spots are weeping, the disease is bactericidal and difficult to cure. It would be better to take the upper part of the plant, disinfect and re-root.

This plant cannot be savedWhen a flower not only turns yellow, but leaves fall off, a tugor is lost, it cannot be saved. Most likely, the root system is completely destroyed by dracaena disease.

In order to prevent the death of the plant, the disease must be eliminated, guided by the first signs. Feeding with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers makes the root system of the flower resistant to diseases.

Video about the treatment of dracaena with drying out leaf tips


