When and how to prevent diseases in turkeys

turkey chicks in brooder Turkeys are fundamental birds. They need to be grown for at least six months. It is better to purchase daily turkey poults and feed them from the first days of life.

Like any other bird, turkeys are not immune to viral diseases. For the prevention of these diseases, turkey poults from six days to forty-five days of age must be drunk with medications. Consider in detail the plan for drinking turkey poults.

Prevention of intestinal diseases

For the prevention of intestinal diseases, young animals should be given the drug "Furazolidone" from 6 to 10 days. You can buy it at a regular pharmacy. This medication is given to turkeys once a day as a solution. Dissolve the medicine in a proportion of 2 tablets per half liter of water.

If turkey poultry black diarrhea has begun, exclude the drug "Chiktonik" from the drink. It is a German vitamin preparation with a very short shelf life. It is usually sold already diluted. When the Chiktonik solution was prepared, it is impossible to check, so you may be sold an expired drug. If turkey poults are given an expired medication, the chicks will consistently lose weight throughout the course of the medication. Therefore, "Chictonik" must be found in powder form or completely exclude its use.

Prevention of coccidiosis

Coccidiosis - a disease caused by bacteria - coccids, which can live in a turkey house for several years. They infect new batches of chicks. There are two types of coccidiosis: intestinal and hepatic. The intestinal variety of this disease is rapid, but it can be cured by drinking the turkey poults with plenty of antibiotics. It is necessary to slaughter an adult bird that has had intestinal coccidiosis two months after recovery, so that all antibiotics are released from its body. Hepatic coccidiosis is not amenable to treatment, so it must be prevented.

For prevention, you need to use two types of drugs, for example, "Baycox" and "Tolucox". Coccids gradually develop immunity to coccidiostatics, so the drugs must be alternated annually.

Drinking for 20-25 days of maintenance

From the 20th to the 25th day of keeping turkey poults it is necessary to drink the preparation "ASD 2". This antiseptic increases the immunity of young turkey poults, which is very important before transferring them from cage to open-air cages.

Prevention of histomonosis

From the 40th to the 45th day of maintenance, you must drink the turkeys with the drug "Metronidazole". This drug will prevent your chicks from developing histomoniasis. It is a disease that is fatal to birds and poisoning in humans. If prevention is not carried out in time, the entire population of turkeys will die in a matter of days.


