Take note of progressive pig farming practices
Pig breeding is a profitable but time consuming business. For pigs to be healthy, you need to constantly keep the pigsty clean and keep the temperature at least 20ABOUTC. In the usual way of raising piglets, the pigsty is cleaned every three days. Because of the strong and unpleasant smell, many summer residents are afraid to have pigs. To get rid of the characteristic odor, you need to use modern growing technology. For this technology, it is necessary to build a special production facility or prepare an old pigsty.Vietnamese pigs - breeding, care and nutrition!
Preparing the finished pigsty
It is necessary to provide access to sunlight in the pigsty. For this, the width of the window must be at least 40-50 cm, the height - 20 cm. In stalls it will be possible to keep 5-7 individuals.
If in your pigsty concrete floor, then pour a layer of soil 10-20 cm on it. Be sure to ensure contact of the litter with the ground. Pour sawdust on the ground in a layer of 50 cm. It is necessary to colonize bacteria for cesspools on them. You can also use special bacteria for keeping poultry and large animals. The composition of a special preparation for the processing of animal feces also includes bacteria that destroy the causative agents of certain viral diseases. After settling beneficial bacteria in the sawdust, they need to be sprinkled with another layer of sawdust. The layer should be approximately 20 cm thick.
Building a pigsty from scratch
If you are planning to build a pigsty from scratch, you need to dig a 50 cm hole on the construction site in order to reduce the temperature there. The walls of the production room must be made of cinder block. The height of the walls is from 1.8 m to 2.1 m. At a height of 1.2 - 1.5 m there will be windows 50 cm wide. The stall can be made of any material. Piglets should be kept on a special sawdust bedding, the manufacturing technology of which was described above.
Advantages of growing with modern technology
The pigs will loosen the top layer of the litter and stimulate bacteria by providing air. The bacteria will process the pig feces, so you don't have to clean up the pigsty and there won't be any unpleasant odors. During the processing of faeces, a huge amount of heat energy and steam is released. This eliminates the need for electric heaters in the pigsty.
It gets too hot in the warm litter during the summer, so open the windows.
Every 4 years the layer of processing bacteria is renewed. Used sawdust is an excellent fertilizer for garden plants.