This is important and needs to be known to everyone - checking honey for naturalness at home
Many of us buy honey not just as a delicious treat, but also for medicinal purposes for colds and similar situations. But only a natural beekeeping product will be really useful, tasty and medicinal. Directly when buying, it is not always possible to determine the naturalness, but checking the honey at home will make sure of its quality, or vice versa. For this, you do not need any special equipment or specific tools. You can also check purchased honey using ordinary products that are in every kitchen, or simple household items.
Signs of quality honey
- Fragrant. The smell depends on the pollen of which plant the bees collected, but it is always there. Whereas a fake product almost does not smell.
- Thick, especially in winter. Only fresh honey is liquid, in a couple of months it thickens and becomes sugar-coated.
- Sweet, with a slight burning sensation after taste. Fake honey often tastes overly sweet with a caramel aftertaste.
- Homogeneous delicate consistency, without grains.
The most common counterfeits are when honey is diluted with water or sweet syrup. And in order to make it thick, starch and other thickeners are added. And one more interesting fact. The weight of a liter jar with honey should be at least 1400 g. If it turns out less, this is obviously low-quality diluted honey.
Checking honey at home - effective ways
Only beekeepers can have no doubts about the quality of their honey. It remains for us either to take their word for it, or to carry out, so to speak, a check after the fact, bringing a jar of honey home.
So, to determine the naturalness of honey will help:
- Bread. In honey diluted with water, it will become sour, and in natural honey it will simply swell, absorbing it.
- Paper napkin. A drop of honey will not spread on it, while a diluted fake will blur and wet the entire napkin.
- Wire, but not simple, but hot. Dipped in fake honey, it will make it burn. The mass from contact with hot will turn black and a characteristic burnt smell will appear. Natural honey will not burn, but simply melt and become liquid.
- Iodine. If you dissolve honey in water and drop iodine, then nothing happens. But fakes with starch will turn blue.
- Ammonia... A similar experiment with natural honey diluted with water will not give results. But if the solution darkens, this is a poor-quality product with starch as a thickener.