The best remedy for the heart and nerves - motherwort herb, benefits and harms
This plant is not for nothing called the core, because motherwort is an herb, the benefits and harms of which are widely known, mainly affects the cardiovascular system. It not only soothes, but also stabilizes the heart, and also has many useful properties in the field of cosmetology. Even doctors recognize the healing effect of motherwort, including it in comprehensive programs for the treatment of gynecological and other diseases.
Motherwort herb - benefits and harms
Motherwort blooms in summer with small pink-lilac flowers, but it is better to harvest it for medicinal purposes before this moment. With the onset of flowering, some of the nutrients pass into the buds. Accordingly, the leaves with shoots, namely from which medicinal preparations are prepared, lose some of them. The aboveground part of the motherwort contains essential oils, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, vitamins A and E.
Medicine uses two types of motherwort - five-lobed and cardiac. They contain the most useful substances.
The medicinal properties of motherwort
The main effect of the herb is sedative, like that of valerian, only it starts to work faster. Motherwort is used to make tinctures, infusions, extracts, tablets and teas, which:
- relieve tension of the nervous system;
- lower blood pressure and cholesterol;
- restore intestinal flora;
- destroy infections and eliminate inflammation;
- normalize the menstrual cycle in women;
- strengthen the walls of blood vessels, heart muscle, immunity;
- remove phlegm from the bronchi;
- have a diuretic effect.
Contraindications to motherwort treatment
The components that make up the plant can cause allergies, so those who are predisposed to it cannot take motherwort.
In addition, you cannot use tinctures and other remedies based on this herb if you have:
- bradycardia;
- asthenia;
- tendency to frequent bleeding;
- acute heart failure;
- thrombophlebitis and thrombosis.
It should be borne in mind that motherwort reduces concentration and causes drowsiness. Therefore, it is not recommended for drivers and other people with work requiring behavior control.